Grow Green Volunteer Training
Volunteers may remember participating in VIP (Volunteers in Preparation) as part of the volunteer authorization process. We are now shifting to a new version of orientation called “Grow Green.” This is a new, interactive orientation that is available online or available in a paper format to be read offline. It is designed to be taken whenever convenient for new volunteers. If you took VIP, you do not need to take Grow Green although you are welcome to take it if you would like to do so.
A little bit more about Grow Green:
+ Offered online. Click on the button below. Then ckick on the green “Start the Training” button to begin
+ Two short, interactive modules – one module is an introduction to volunteering in Extension and Wisconsin 4-H, and a second module that is geared towards a specific volunteer role. Combined, this orientation should take around 45 minutes to complete
+ Lots of practical tips – in the training modules, new volunteers will learn about some of the 4-H guiding principles (Essential Elements, Life Skills Development, Ages & Stages of Youth) and gain some really practical tips to use as a volunteer.
+ Start and stop at your leisure – if you start the training and need to step away, you can come back to the website using the same device you started with and it will pick up where you left off (for up to two weeks).
Thank you to our volunteers for mentoring and supporting the youth in 4-H!