Congratulations on finishing Week 7 of the semester! I hope you are enjoying a Spring Break filled with relaxation and time to recharge. We're heading into the second half of the semester, which can be both exciting and challenging. Be sure to take advantage of all the resources on campus. We are here to support you every step of the way.
Stay focused and keep pushing through!
Pirate Tip of the Week: Midterms Made Manageable
Midterms can feel overwhelming, but with a proactive and structured approach, you can tackle them with confidence.
- Don't wait until the last minute. Begin reviewing lecture notes, textbooks, and key materials at least 1–2 weeks before exams.
- Break down study material into smaller, manageable sections, and review a little each day. This prevents cramming and improves retention.
com is an on-demand online tutoring platform available 365/24/7 on Canvas. Log in today to get help with specific subject areas, study skills, life skills, MCAT prep, and more!
- Actively test your knowledge to pinpoint areas needing improvement.
- Create your own quizzes or ask a friend to quiz you on difficult topics. This strengthens recall and boosts confidence.
- Map out a study schedule by assigning specific topics to specific days. For example, dedicate one day to reviewing chapters, another to practicing problem sets, and another to summarizing key concepts.
- Include breaks and review sessions to reinforce learning.
Pro Tip:
Pair studying with self-care. Get plenty of sleep, stay hydrated, and take breaks to keep your mind fresh and focused.
Remember that we are stronger together. Please take care of yourself and each other.
Monica Burnette, Ph.D.
Vice President of Student Services
| Karen Van Norman
Associate Vice President and Dean of Students
- Embrace discomfort as a path to growth.
College is all about new experiences, meeting diverse people, and stepping outside your comfort zone. While it can feel intimidating or stressful, it's also where the most personal growth happens. Challenge yourself to try something new each week—join a club, start a conversation with someone new, or explore a new activity. You'll discover opportunities, passions, and friendships you didn't know existed.
Practice gratitude and express it.
Think of someone who has positively impacted your life—a teacher who believed in you, a friend who supported you during tough times, or a neighbor who always brightens your day. Take a moment to call, write, or thank them in person. Expressing gratitude not only strengthens your relationships but also leaves both you and the recipient feeling uplifted.
Spread kindness and pay it forward.
Small acts of kindness can create ripples of positivity. Compliment a classmate, treat someone behind you in line at Starbucks, or choose not to post a snarky comment on Fizz. Instead of participating in gossip, stay neutral or say something kind. These simple choices make a big difference—not just for others but also for your own sense of fulfillment and peace at the end of the day.
The Dean of Students Office advocates for students and their success throughout their academic careers. Led by the principles of collaboration, communication, and coordination, the office provides services and opportunities that empower students in their personal and professional growth.
"The Dean of Students Office has been my safe space throughout my college experience. They are always there to listen and help along the way." - Seton Hall Student
Speak up and use your voice!
Take 15 minutes to share your thoughts.
Senior and First-Year students, Seton Hall wants to improve your educational experience and you can help by completing the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). NSSE helps us understand how students are spending time in and out of the classroom, which guides decisions that will benefit current and future Pirates.
Did you receive a NSSE email survey invitation? Check your email for the opportunity to complete NSSE or follow the directions below to take the survey:
Go to
- Click on “Don’t know your login ID”.
- Enter your Seton Hall email address to verify you are one of the First-Year or Senior students selected to participate.
Complete the easy, one-step verification process to log in.
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In appreciation for participating, students who complete the survey will be automatically entered in a random drawing to win 1 of 4 rewards of $50 Pirate's Gold. Your chances of winning depend on how many complete the survey; 2813 students were invited to participate.
Don’t miss out on an opportunity to help improve our campus today!
The updated site introduces a variety of resources aimed at helping students navigate mental health challenges. Highlights include:
A student-created video on How to Help a Friend, offering peer-driven guidance on providing support.
- Clear explanations distinguishing sadness vs. depression and stress vs. anxiety, helping students recognize when to seek help.
- The Well Toolkit, a comprehensive online collection of self-help tools designed to promote emotional wellness and resilience.
New Program Alert in the Career Center! Pirate Partner Program
We are excited to announce the new Pirate Partner Program, a fantastic opportunity for first-year students at Seton Hall University to gain valuable work experience through unpaid internships. This program provides financial assistance to help remove barriers to career exploration and ensure all students can access these opportunities.
Be a first-year student enrolled at Seton Hall University.
- First-year students can begin securing unpaid internships for the spring semester and beyond after completing a total of 30 credits toward their degree.
- Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.
| SAB Presents: Open Mic Night
Date: Wednesday, March 12
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: University Center, Event Lounge
We're LUCKY for Open Mic Nights! Join SAB and sing an original song, play a musical instrument, or rock out karaoke style!
| SAB Travel: SMASH on Broadway
Date: Saturday, March 22
Time: 2 p.m.
Location: Imperial Theater, New York City
Spend an afternoon on Broadway with SAB! Come see the new-to-Broadway musical SMASH! Tickets go on sale March 10 at 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. More information can be found here.
| Pet Therapy with Dare to Care
Date: Monday, March 10
Time: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Location: University Center, Event Lounge
Join the Peer Educators and their furry friends at the Dare to Care Mini-Fair for pet therapy and learn more about the Dare to Care program and mental health resources on campus.
| Seton Hall University Polish Club Presents: Górale
Date: Tuesday, March 11
Time: 7 - 9 p.m.
Location: University Center, Event Lounge
Join us for an unforgettable evening celebrating the rich cultural heritage of the Górale, the highlanders from the Tatra Mountains of southern Poland. This unique event will immerse you in the vibrant traditions of Górale folk dancing, music, and cuisine. Góralski dance, discover the fascinating traditions of the Górale people, and enjoy delicious pierogi, the classic Polish dumplings filled with a variety of savory and sweet ingredients.
| Exploring Pathways: Opportunities in Communications, Humanities & Government Expo
Date: Tuesday, March 11
Time: 4 - 6 p.m.
Location: Bethany Hall
Our annual Spring Industry-Specific Career Expos for all Seton Hall University students and alumni. Join us at the Exploring Pathways: Opportunities in Communications, Humanities & Government Expo on Tuesday, March 11 from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. All current Seton Hall undergraduate and graduate students and alumni are welcome!
| Graduate Admissions Presents: Drop-in Sessions
Date: Wednesday, March 12
Time: 8 - 9 p.m.
Location: Virtual
Join the Director of Graduate Admissions to learn more about the Stillman School of Business graduate program offerings.
During these weekly virtual drop-in sessions, Director of Graduate Admissions Greg Davis is available to speak with you about the Stillman School of Business graduate program offerings, application requirements, and tell you what a Seton Hall graduate education can do for you.
| Muslim Student Association Presents: Ramadan Iftar
Date: Thursday, March 13
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Location: Jubilee 430 - Atrium
Community members gather for Iftar, breaking their fast with a shared meal. Followed by an Islamic lecture, concluding with congregational Maghrib prayer.
Personal Finance Essentials
Session Dates: March 12, 19 and 26, 2025, 7 to 9 p.m.
Are you ready to take control of your financial future? This no-cost three-session course will equip you with the foundational knowledge, skills, and habits needed to define and reach your financial goals with confidence.
The 29th Petersheim Academic Exposition, "Share, Honor, Unite,"
The exposition will take place from Tuesday, April 22 – Saturday, April 26, 2025. Throughout the week, students and faculty from various disciplines will present their work and celebrate the community's scholastic accomplishments. Abstract submission is now open through Friday, March 14. Learn how to submit your abstract and additional details on the Expo on the Petersheim website.
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To ensure the safety and well-being of our campus community, this is a reminder about the importance of updating your emergency contact information in your student account.
Updating your emergency contact information is quick and easy. Here's how:
- Log into PirateNet.
- Search for and click on the Self-Service Banner app (SSB).
- Click in the Student Dashboard.
- Click the link to View/Update Emergency Contact Information.
For additional information on how to update your information, visit this How-to article.
SHU Blue Fridays
(University Center Information Desk)
Show your Pirate Pride! We welcome anyone wearing SHU blue or SHU apparel on Fridays to say hello, take a photo, and pick up a piece of candy from the University Center Information Desk. SHU Blue Fridays will take place on all Fridays when the University is open. Be sure to rep your blue. GO PIRATES!
| Campus at Your Fingertips: Seton Hall's New Mobile App
Seton Hall University has launched its new mobile app, designed to enrich the campus experience for current students. This innovative app is now available for download on both Apple and Android devices, providing a seamless and interactive platform to access a wide range of university services and resources. Once downloaded, students, faculty, and staff can get started by selecting their default user experience and signing in with their PirateNet credentials. Check out more here!
| MCR Housing
We are excited to announce that Residence Life has a new housing software called MCR Housing, which has replaced eRezlife. This transition will provide an improved, streamlined experience for managing housing assignments and related services. You can access MCR Housing through the app on your Okta portal; eRezlife will no longer be available. For any questions, please contact
Your pet is an extension of you! If you have a pet in Pirate apparel, send us the picture to Your pet could be featured on our #PiratePet wall of the University Center.
Please help us populate our Pirate Playlist with your favorite fun, upbeat, and positive songs. You might hear your song played in Pirates Plaza (outside of the University Center). Please send your [clean] song requests to our Student Services Suggestion Box.
At Seton Hall, we are committed to being a safe, supportive, and inclusive living and learning environment that fosters academic, spiritual and personal growth. Your health, safety and success are paramount in all we do.
Please take time to review our campus resources and ask for help if needed:
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