Mortons Establish New Scholarship
Mortons Establish New Scholarship
January 2020
Ryan Burgher, Director of AGAITAS  

AGAITAS - Love, Truth, and Sports

In 2012, AGAITAS (Ah-gah-tas) was formed and hosted its first free soccer camp for 37 kids in Kosciusko County. Almost 8 years later, AGAITAS has experienced exceptional growth with the help of grants and community support. As a local youth-servings nonprofit organization, AGAITAS has been a popular grantee for numerous donors who have Donor Advised Funds at the Community Foundation.
Read more here.

Vicki & Bill Morton

Mortons Support Youth, Now and Forever

As long-time volunteers of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kosciusko County, Bill and Vicki Morton are passionate about helping kids achieve higher aspirations, greater confidence, better relationships, and better educational success. This passion has led the Mortons to establish the Big Brothers Big Sisters Scholarship Fund, which will impact the lives of students, forever. Click here to read more about the Big Brothers Big Sisters Scholarship Fund.
Help Us Celebrate Suzie

Our long-time CEO, Suzie Light, recently announced her plan to retire, effective June 30, 2020. In appreciation for Suzie's excellent leadership and service over the last 27 years, the Community Foundation will host a retirement reception in her honor on June 25, 2020. We hope you can join us and wish Suzie well on her next adventure!

Suzie's Retirement Reception
June 25, 2020
Winona Heritage Room
4:30-7:00 pm, Open House Style
RSVP Required, More Information to Come
Congratulations Lilly Scholars!
Lauryn Rhodes Kirstin Yoder
Lauryn Rhoades, left center, and Kirstyn Yoder, right center, were selected to receive the prestigious Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship for 2020. Lauryn is a Warsaw Community High School Senior. Kirstyn is a Tippecanoe High School Senior. Each student will receive a four-year, full-tuition scholarship to the Indiana college or university of their choice. Read More
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Kosciusko County Community Foundation
Kosciusko County Community Foundation, Inc.
102 E. Market St., Warsaw, IN 46580
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