March 23, 2021 | Volume 109 | No. 35
March 23, 2021 | Volume 109 | No. 35
Rotary Club of Oklahoma City

OKC Rotary News

March 23,  2021 |  Volume 109| No. 35
In-Person and Live Streamed from Christian Life Center - St. Luke's United Methodist Church |11:55a
Club 29 Breakfast - March 25 - RSVP           

RSVP to attend IN-person at St Luke's 

RSVP Required - Maximum Capacity 75


 Live at 11:55

If any need technology help accessing the live stream, reach out to the office for assistance.
Rotary Club of Oklahoma City Covid-19 Preparedness Plan     
Please remember to register your attendance, and make your meal credit choice in the form
during the livestream. The form is located in the action tab.   

Arts Council Oklahoma 

featuring musical artists Francisco and Elizabeth Venegas,
and visual artists Jasmine Jones and Virginia Sitzes

 Peter Dolese,  the Dean A. McGee 2019 Stanley Draper Award honoree, has a vision to connect people downtown with the arts on a daily basis. In 2011, he launched “Art Moves” to showcase artists in downtown venues each weekday during lunch for 50 weeks of each year. As executive director of the Arts Council of Oklahoma City since 2008, he has seen this role as an opportunity to help revitalize downtown through art. Dolese has been involved with the popular Festival of the Arts from its beginning in 1967 and has helped grow the annual event to an average of 750,000 attendees. Dolese has served as a board member and president of the deadCENTER Film Festival and is very involved in supporting other downtown arts organizations, such as IAO and the Oklahoma City Ballet.
 John Semtner
Patrick Raglow

Brittany Attaway
Ann Ackerman
Lana Ivy
Meatloaf; Mashed Potatoes; Green Beans; Roll; Cookies       

In the News

If you have good news - honors, awards, new achievements - to share with the club, please let us know!


Teaching the Kids to Weather the Storm

 by Dave Rhea
It has been a long year! I suppose what we could think of as the new New Year falls in mid-March. I remember my last full day in my office prior to the COVID shutdown was in March of 2020 – Friday the 13th to be exact. Now, barely over a year later, it seems there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Most of the people I know have already had their first dose of the vaccine, and our new President is not only doing the things necessary to beat this scourge virus, but also talking about the prospect of finally getting beyond it. 

I have two children – two boys, aged 12 and 16. I talk to them fairly often about the state of the world, and I inquire about how they feel and what they have experienced. I feel incredibly grateful that they don’t report fear, agony, depression, or anything of the sort. They seem to have weathered the past year – and in fact, the general state of divisiveness in the nation over the past four years – pretty well. Still, I wonder – it’s hard to know for sure, because anyone with teen children knows they are not always so forthcoming with their feelings. 

When talking with them, I tend to steer the conversation toward hopefulness. I say things like, “You may not have experienced it lately, but life is really good. This country is truly a good place...


Club 29 Breakfast meetings resume March 25

Quail Creek Country Club | 7:00am
Maximum capacity - 20 persons
RSVP Required - Deadline  Today!  March 22

world community service report

Club 29 Joins in Worldwide Rotary Partnership with ShelterBox to Deliver Disaster Relief
by Matt Bown
  Club 29 recently joined over 500 Rotary Clubs worldwide to support the disaster relief mission of ShelterBox.  ShelterBox is a relief organization started by a Rotary Club in Cornwall, England in 2000 and in 2012, Rotary International adopted ShelterBox as its first Project Partner and remains its only disaster relief charity partner.

Club 29 recently joined over 500 Rotary Clubs worldwide to support the disaster relief mission of ShelterBox.  ShelterBox is a relief organization started by a Rotary Club in Cornwall, England in 2000 and in 2012, Rotary International adopted ShelterBox as its first Project Partner and remains its only disaster relief charity partner.

Facts about ShelterBox:
• Rapid response to disasters on a worldwide basis
• In 2020, aid was provided in 13 countries impacting over 200,000 people
• For over 20 years, aid has been provided in more than 100 countries impacting over 1.7 million people
• Aid is provided for individuals impacted by natural disasters as well as conflict

What ShelterBox Does:

• Delivers essential aid in the aftermath of a disaster
• ShelterBoxes contain family sized tents and necessary survival supplies tailored to local conditions
• ShelterKits contain essential tools needed to start repairing and rebuilding homes


Don't Wait to Nominate.. The Time is NOW!

Membership is the life blood of Rotary Club 29.  The membership recruitment committee, co-chaired by Jane Jenkins and Janet Vernon, are giving all Club 29 Rotarians an incentive to nominate new members!  Starting February 8, 2021 for every nomination that converts into membership with entrance fee and dues paid, the lead sponsor will receive a $100 gift card from either a Good Egg or Hal Smith restaurant.  
The nomination form can be found in the "members" section of the website  Requirements for membership and nomination form can be found =>
Online Nomination Form

Rotary Peace Fellowship Application

Rotarians, by coming together in service, work towards a better world. Local and global service to fight disease, expand education, grow local economies, and protect the environment provide immediate benefits for many. Together these actions contribute to Rotary’s highest calling of laying the foundations for peace in our communities.
Rotary supports peacebuilding efforts directly through awarding up to 130 fellowships each year to community leaders from around the world. The Fellows pursue a master’s degree or professional certification at one of five Rotary Peace Centers. The fellowship covers all tuition and fees, room and board, transportation, and study related expenses.

Amazon Smile

Amazon will donate .5% of qualified purcheses to the Rotary 29 Foundation.  No fees, no extra cost! Sign up both personal AND business accounts TODAY!

Rotary Club 29 Foundation Amazon Smile   OR - Search for Rotary Club 29 Foundation

Or Scan in the QR Code in the photo 

New Address for the Rotary Office!!

Please update your records, forward to Accounts Payable, or please update your online bank payment service.
Rotary Club of Oklahoma City
625 N.W. 13th St.  Ste 105
Oklahoma City, OK 73103

Contact email:
Executive Director Megan Law -
Membership Services  Cheryl Byrd -

Address Changes

Please report any changes in business or home here.

Rotary Club 29 Online DIrectory

Rotary Club 29 has an online membership directory which contains current content information for all club members. The link to access the Club 29 directory can be found at the top of  the home page of or by clicking  here.

OKC Rotary has provided this tool as a convenience  to help members stay in touch with one another. The online directory,  just like the printed roster, should only be used for Rotary purposes.  If you need help in accessing the directory,
please email the office.  


March 30, 2021-  Attorney General Mike Hunter - McGirt V. Oklahoma
Chair of the Day -  Chip Carter

April 6, 2021 Erika Lucas, Brian Byrnes - Collaborative Community
Chair of the Day - Gail Huneryager


March 16, 2021  - Online and In-Person - 109
Total Present and Makeup:  No attendance requirement

March  18, 2021 -  559

Celebrating Years of Service in Rotary Club 29

These Rotarians have been members of Club 29 from 40 years to 1 year.     


Happy birthday to those Rotarians born in March!

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Joe McKenzie
Tim Berney
Email Us         405.235.5100
625 NW 13th Street, Ste 105, Oklahoma City, OK 73103
625 NW 13th Street Ste 105 | Oklahoma City, OK 73103 US
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