Friday, March 22, 2024
I Love to Tell the Story (ELW 661)
"I love to tell the story, because I know it's true; it satisfies my longings as nothing else would do." v1
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AJ Olson
I grew up in northeast Iowa, home of the Decorah Eagles. Each spring, thousands of people from all over the world tune into the livestream of a Bald Eagle sitting on her in eggs in a nest, high in the bluffs along the river.
Day after day, year after year, people are on Eagle Watch. What day will they hatch? How many eggs will survive? Where on earth did that mama eagle get a snake that big?!
What compels us to watch this unfold every year? We know what will happen. The eggs will crack, the fluffy little babies will emerge, and their parents will teach them how to be eagles. Then they'll fly away one day and the parents will begin the cycle again.
Faith. We watch because we know what will happen. We have faith that the cycle of waiting, watching and hatching will continue over and over again.
In the same way, we observe the Triduum each year, because we know the story. We know the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ- the ending is sure.
But this doesn't lessen our joy on Easter morning when we join with Christians around the world in celebration of Christ's victory over death. In fact, knowing the story deepens our joy and compels us to share the Good News with all of God's creation.
During this coming Holy Week, while you preach, teach, serve or hear the story, let your faith be like that of the eagles, full of expectant joy.
God of Resurrection, we give you thanks that we know the story. Give us faith and courage to proclaim the Good News so that all may hear and know the story, too. Amen.
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