Oasis has a new look!
Oasis has a new look!

Listening to African Voices
Newsletter - June 2020

To highlight our commitment to publishing African voices, we have also renamed our newsletter - Listening to African Voices.

We are excited to share about what some Oasis authors are doing to have their messages impact the local and global church; our new-look websites; support to our partners in Africa, who are experiencing challenges brought about by COVID19; as well as our latest devotionals.


Oasis authors, Dr Phil Morrison, who has years of experience with Africa Inland Mission, and Pastor Hankuri Gaya, Area Director and Strategic Plan Officer of Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students, will dialogue in an upcoming webinar about their forthcoming Oasis book, Influence: Leading Without Position.

Join us via Zoom on Thursday, June 18 at 10:00am Central US (-5:00 GMT)! Register in advance for this webinar.

Another Oasis Author, Dr. Ron Misiko and his wife Carol had the opportunity to share principles and practices, in the Locked in Love webinar, to help couples succeed in these difficult times.
This webinar, organised by Kileleshwa Covenant Community Church, Nairobi, had over 3,000 people join the live stream. Click here to watch  the webinar and be sure to share it with other couples that may need encouragement in this difficult season.


We are excited to announce the launch of our new websites:
oasisinternational.com is our corporate site with information about who we are and the work we are doing to ensure that Africa is equipping its own leaders to impact the global Church.
Our ministry focus has also evolved into growing discipleship through African voices.
oasisinternationalpublishing.com focuses on our publishing program which discovers, develops, and distributes books by authors who speak clearly to African contexts. On this site, you will find our new-look catalogue of Bibles and books, as well as information on how Oasis coaches authors from concept to published book.
godswordforafrica.com offers information about the opportunities available to supporters and donors to provide Africa Study Bibles to equip and train ministry leaders in Africa. Learn more about Oasis projects and how your giving impacts Bible students and rural pastors in their teaching and ministries on this site.


In an amazingly short amount of time we have raised almost $5,000 towards our goal of raising funds to provide essential needs for our partners in Africa. A number of you responded almost immediately to our request.
Bongani, single dad of Lethabo and Tsepo, is among the workers who have written to express their thanks for your generosity. Here are a few of the thanks we have received that are meant for you!
As a single parent and provider, I can never emphasize enough how much your financial assistance has enabled us to put food on the table and meet our basic obligations. (Bongani, OPA)
Your care and help are proof of how the Lord takes care of his children. It is such a priviledge to know that we are part of a much bigger picture and much bigger team (Marlene, Wordspread). 
Wow! Wow! Wow! I really lack words to express my gratitude for this wonderful offer. We pray that God will bless you abundantly. (Victory, ODL)
The funding helped me stay afloat, head above water, to cover my living needs for this month. The astonishment is just so big that it does leave one speechless. (Zandré, Wordspread)
Learn how just $225 provides for a family!

Thank you!

We echo the thanks of our partners for those of you whose courageous generosity in this uncertain time have brought us over 2/3 of the way to our goal of $6,750 to help our partners in Africa. They are eager to get back to the work of selling Bibles and discipleship resources to equip the Church. And we are eager for them because the work of Oasis is contingent on their partnership. Aid has been sent to Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa, and we anticipate reaching partners in more countries as funds are provided.
In other good news, we're delighted that Brilliant Printers, our printer in India, is back to work at a limited capacity. This gives us a glimpse of light at the end of the COVID19 tunnel and hope to be sharing more good news soon.


Sign up for our latest devotionals that offer encouraging biblical examples for us, especially in these current troubling times.
You can sign up on YouVersion: Live Fear-Free and Trusting God in Times of Crisis or you can also click the following links to sign up for daily emails of the devotionals: Live Fear-Free daily email and Trusting God in Times of Crisis daily email
Be sure to share these useful resources with friends and family to encourage them as well.
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