Oasis June Update: Satisfying Africa's thirst for God's Word
Oasis June Update: Satisfying Africa's thirst for God's Word
Dear Oasis Friend, 
Thanks to your support, thousands across Africa now have access to God's Word. Our accomplishments include expanding Oasis's inventory, supporting new pastor training programs, and reaching 26 countries. Your generosity declares the name of Jesus everywhere, to all nations.
"Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does." Psalm 96:3 NLT

  Making an impact in French-speaking Africa!

Praise God for the BEPA
Click on the video to see how the Bible d'étude perspectives africaines (BEPA) is making an impact!
Earlier this month, the launch and training team of La Bible d’étude: perspectives africaines (BEPA) conducted a week-long training for over 200 participants, on the use of BEPA, in Bangui, Central African Republic.

Augustin Ahoga, Former Francophone Africa Director of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, shared, "When we look at the study Bible's notes on Christian history, we see that there were Africans among the earliest theologians who greatly contributed to the development of Christianity."
 "We live within our African experience and the study Bible Works to always create a link between our realities and the context of the Bible." 
–Genevieve Guei, West Africa Regional Coordinator for the BEPA Training Team
We are grateful for your support in helping equip the French-speaking church in Africa with vital Bibles and discipleship resources. To learn more about BEPA, click here.
Get your copy of this French study Bible here!

Hope for Congo

Hope for Congo, an Oasis partner, met with Pastor Jeremy outside the capital city. Around ten years ago, the young pastor was on his way to evangelize in another city when he felt called by God to establish a church in Maluku. Tragically, he recently lost his wife and newborn and is now a widower with five children. Hope for Congo provided him with a study Bible to support his ministry. Pastor Jeremy is just one of thousands benefiting from our French Biblical resources.

Shaping their faith in partnership with Teen Missions International
Oasis International distributed 2,500 NLT Text Bibles for new believers and 750 Africa Study Bibles for young leaders, including 18-year-old Mabel from Uganda. She said, “I was so happy when I received my Bible. I had been praying for one for a long time but never thought it would happen. Now, I read my Bible daily, which has changed my life. I am learning more about God and feel closer to Him.”
This summer, Oasis hopes to raise funds to supply 100,000 school Bibles, with Teen Missions International looking forward to receiving 10,000 copies.
Click here to help place more Bibles in the hands of children
Good News Global, Nigeria
Nigerian Youth Service Corps
Good News Global is dedicated to transforming prisoners into disciples of Christ. The ministry has baptized hundreds of new believers in Nigerian jails and, in collaboration with Oasis International, has distributed thousands of Bibles and discipleship book sets to inmates and parolees. A recent highlight for the ministry was the baptism of new believers at the Ikot Abasi Prison by their International Director in April.
Baptism at the Prison
The partnership also collaborates with the Nigerian Youth Service Corps, a mandatory one-year program for university graduates before they embark on their careers. These young individuals are provided with Bibles and receive training as youth chaplains to serve in the prisons. Thank you for your support in transforming the next generation to live and serve the Lord faithfully!
Donate here to help equip more leaders and pastors

The Holy Spirit, Our Perfect Helper

Feeling overwhelmed by life? Are you looking for someone to help you through tough times? Find encouragement in this devotional as it directs you to the helper that Jesus Christ promised to send us—the Holy Spirit. Join over 200,000 others who have found support through this devotional.

We invite you to sign up for this devotional drawn from the book The Holy Spirt, Our Perfect Helper, by Richard J. Gehman.
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Satisfying Africa's Thirst for God's Word

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