Global Innovation + Training
Global Innovation + Training

“Out of your YL Area?”

6 minute read

What is the appropriate amount of time out of the area and how do we have a discussion about it? How much time are staff actually out of the area? While we will not be able to be exhaustive here, hopefully we can help to direct the conversation and put some better definition on “time out of the area.”
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Is Closer Than It Appears.

4 Minute Read

What if I told you that these people are “closer than they appear,” and there is a committee role that can help you find them while also helping your committee operate like a great Young Life team?
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A 1% Adjustment Makes a Big Difference

 4 minute read

Over time, 1 percent can make a big difference. The question is: WHAT 1 percent are you going to focus on? What small thing could make a big difference for your area, committee or club next year? What would produce the greatest impact if you focused your energies on a few critical small changes, and didn’t get distracted by the hundred loose ends tugging on you daily?
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One Word,  2 Letters,
Changes Everything....GO!!

5 minute read

It’s been said that the worst thing that can happen to a church youth minister is that you give them an office. I wonder if the same is true for a Young Life staff person. In our high tech, social media, instant-access world, it can be easy to fool ourselves into thinking we are “in a world of kids” when actually we never step foot in it.
[Free Book Giveway Inside!]
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The Roots & Fruits of Disciple Making

7 Minute Read
One of the most commonly mentioned things in the Bible is also one of its most powerful theological metaphors — trees.  As part of the Deeper initiative, we’ve created a visual metaphor of discipleship intended to foster deep dialogue and encourage focused intentionality. 
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Fill out this survey and be entered to win a Patagonia duffle bag!!  What's Your Favorite Method of Contact Work?

One Question Survey

Urban Youth Workers Conference

What will this next generation tell the world about God? We know you are out there day in and day out battling for the souls of young people. The legacy you leave will mark this emerging generation with stories of God’s transforming power in their lives. Our voices are more powerful when we declare God’s works together. We are calling together the family of Urban Leaders to the 2019 National Conference to connect, learn, grow and lead. DON’T LEAVE THE GAME, LEAVE A LEGACY!

Upcoming Trainings

  • New Staff and Winter Training courses - Oct. 13 (registrations now accepted on a space-available basis, late registration fee may be assessed.)
  • Live Webinar -  Developing a Camp Sign-Up Plan and Early Commitment Incentive - Oct 31,2018 10:00 AM Central Time (Register in advance for this webinar HERE)
  • Academic Courses (Old Testament and Christology) – November 1
  • Area Director School - November 1
  • Practical Courses (intensives in February) - December 1
  • December 6-9 - Small Town Summit
  • Sundance Film Festival: January 27- February 3 -  Waitlist

    *ATTENTION all Supervisors: New Staff training for 2020 will have a new location and new time: Washington Family Ranch, August 21-29, 2019. Look for more information coming soon!

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**Note:  This email was sent to all YL staff and committee chairs.
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