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News from the Northeast
September 4, 2018
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Message from Paulette Black
Vice President, Area Management, WRJ Northeast District
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As you read this, you may be preparing for your Rosh Hashanah dinners, getting ready to savor our Jewish tradition through family recipes of brisket, kugel, tzimmes, honey cake, matzoh balls, round challahs, apples and honey, and more. Preparing for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur also includes spiritual preparation, focusing on two important themes – t’shuvah (return) and cheshbon hanefesh (accounting of the soul). These two themes provide a wonderful opportunity for us to reflect on the past year, determine how we can improve ourselves, and plan for the upcoming year.
I am reflecting on the upcoming celebration of our WRJ Northeast District at our convention in Framingham, MA, October 25-28, “Ten Years Together – Growing Our Community.” I remember becoming involved in WRJ District 1 (New England) over twenty years ago, when we were a small and close district, held meetings at each other’s homes, and established wonderful, warm friendships. It was difficult, in 2008, to learn that we would be merging with District 3 (New York and Eastern Canada) – a large, well organized, and mighty district. We first came together in 2008 in Springfield, MA, bringing together our cultures, distinct personalities, and leaders – like an arranged marriage! There were challenging times during the first few years; we needed to listen, learn, connect, and compromise. But with the leadership of our district presidents – Michele Levy, Abby Fisher, Robin Sobol, Denise Levine, and Vivian Blumstein – we became even stronger. Each president brought her own special blend of leadership, love of Judaism and WRJ to make us a successful, forward-thinking district. Now, as we thank Vivian for her great contributions, we are thrilled to install Trina Novak as our next president.
I am proud to have served as an area director and vice president for our district during our ten years together. Aside from learning to organize area events, kallahs, and social events, chant Torah, write articles, fundraise for the YES Fund, compromise, and collaborate, I have fallen in love with my sisters. I have met the greatest group of women who are my lifelong friends. While working together for WRJ, we have developed wonderful bonds of true friendship – and that is why WRJ matters.
I encourage any of you who have not yet registered for our upcoming Convention to REGISTER TODAY – early bird registration ends on September 16. Join us, learn why WRJ matters, and begin your journey with us.
Please share CONVENTION INFORMATION with your sisterhood. Please highlight this special weekend that will include singing, worshipping, and learning together along with exciting guests – “Food Flirts” Marilynn and Sheila Brass, Judith Rosenbaum of Jewish Women's Archive, song leader Sue Horowitz – and much more.
Wishing you and your families a sweet, healthy, meaningful, peaceful, and wonderful 5779!
L’shanah Tovah,
Paulette Black
Beth El Temple Center, Belmont, MA
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Convention is... NEXT MONTH!
We are all excited! Convention starts on October 25 and you won’t want to be left out. Have you registered yet? Early bird registration ends on September 16. Register HERE.
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Have you made your hotel reservations? Sheraton Framingham Hotel & Conference Center
(508) 879-7200 The deadline for making a hotel reservation at the discounted rate is September 30 at 5:00 p.m.
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Rabbi Allison Berry – one of our featured guests – was profiled last week in JewishBoston – along with Co-Senior Rabbi Laura Abrasley of Temple Shalom. Together they are the first women in the world to be co-senior rabbis. Rabbi Berry has had many roles in various settings. “Every year here my role has been different,” she told JewishBoston. Come to convention to worship and study with this versatile rabbi!
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Important Convention Dates:
September 9 Scholarship application deadline
September 16 Early bird registration deadline
September 28 Sponsorship deadline
September 30 Last day for group hotel rate ends at 5:00 p.m. (pending room availability)
October 3 Regular registration deadline
See the convention webpage for more details.
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Sisterhood News and Events
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Beth El Temple Center
2 Concord Ave, Belmont, MA
Contact Paulette Black for additional information on these exciting events.
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B'nai Israel Southbury Sisterhood Southbury, CT Join our visit to Mayyim Hayyim in Newton, MA, on October 17.
Mayyim Hayyim is a 21st century creation, a mikveh rooted in ancient tradition, reinvented to serve the Jewish community of today. For additional information, click HERE, or contact Peggy Klein.
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Holy Blossom Temple to Host Area Day1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Canada
Sunday, October 14, 2018. The theme is Kol Isha – The Voices of Women for Social Justice. Speakers will include Vivian Blumstein, WRJ Northeast District President, Eva Karpati, President of National Council of Jewish Women of Canada, Barbara Weinstein, Associate Director of the Religious Action Center (RAC), Fran Isaacs and Helen Poizner – speaking about the Canadian Brit Olam and a representative from the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA).
The day will begin at 9:00 a.m. and includes lunch. This promises to be a fascinating program. Come and bring your friends. This day is open to any woman who is interested. For more information contact Ruthe Schipper. Click HERE for details and to register.
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WRJ Board ApplicationsWomen of Reform Judaism is pleased to announce the opening of applications for the WRJ Board. If you are passionate about sisterhood, this may be an opportunity for you to make a difference at the North American level. Applications are due October 29, 2018 at 5 p.m. GET THE DETAILS.
If you have any questions, please contact WRJ Manager of Operations Robin Cohen ( or 212-650-4056) or WRJ Nominations Chair Robin Sobel ( or 518-229-5559). WRJ looks forward to welcoming a new group of talented women to its board of directors!
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Jew V'Nation FellowshipThe Union for Reform Judaism is accepting applications for the next Jew V'Nation Fellowship cohort, focusing on Jews of the LGBTQIA+ community. The 2018-2019 Jew V’Nation LGBTQIA+ Leadership Cohort is a nine-month fellowship that will support up to 16 Jewish LGBTQIA+ leaders, age 18 to 118, through professional development, networking opportunities, and project incubation to build the field of Jewish LGBTQIA+ leaders in the Reform Movement and beyond. Applications are due October 4, 2018. LEARN MORE.
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Now is the time to make sure that you are registered to vote. If you are already registered, then it is time to commit to voting in the upcoming elections to make sure your voice is heard in government. And make sure to encourage your friends and family to be sure to vote too. Together, we can help make our voices heard!
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Dates of remaining primaries, by state:
MA - September 4 (today!), NH - September 11, NY - September 13, RI - September 12
Voter registration deadlines for the November election:
CT - November 1, MA - October 19, ME - October 18*, NH - October 29*, NY - October 14, RI - October 9, VT - November 2
*in person until November 6
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Join PJ Library and for an engaging new fall holiday learning opportunity for people with young children in their lives, on September 13 at 9 p.m. ET during a one-hour webinar. Learn more and register to attend here.
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Outreach GrantsWRJ is once again offering Outreach Grants of up to $1,000 to WRJ sisterhoods to fund programs in their communities that reach out to interfaith families and non-Jews. To learn more about grants and how to apply, click HERE. Deadline for submissions is June 15, 2019.
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Calendar September 3 – Labor Day September 10-11 – Rosh Hashanah September 19 – Yom Kippur September 24-30 – Sukkot October 1 – Sh’mini Atzeret-Simchat Torah October 14 – Toronto Area Day
October 29 – WRJ Board Applications Due
Convention 2018 October 25–28, 2018
WRJ Northeast District Convention
Framingham, MA
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Your sisterhood is entitled to a District Speaker once every two years, without expense to your sisterhood.
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| Northeast District Photos You can see photos from past WRJ events on our District Facebook page and on YouTube, currently featuring:
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Are you on Yammer? Then join the "WRJ Northeast District" group, where you can ask questions, learn what's happening, and reconnect with friends in the district. Not on Yammer yet? Then contact Heather Lorgeree in the WRJ office at 212-650-4063, or email her at, to request an invitation to Yammer.
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| W E L C O M E New Sisterhood Presidents and Leaders - Email or call 212.650.4050 to request Yammer invitations for your new leaders.
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Did You Know... ...about an etrog The etrog is the citron fruit used as a component in the arba minim, the four species. Along with the lulav (palm) branches, hadass (myrtle), and aravah (willow), these represent the agricultural aspect of Sukkot. Great care is given to selecting a blemish-free etrog and caring for it during Sukkot. An etrog cannot be used if the top tip (pitam) is broken off. After Sukkot, you can pierce your etrog with cloves and use for havdalah. The pleasant aroma will last for weeks. The etrog can also be used to make jam and marmalades.
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Share this newsletter by using one of the "Share this" icons at the top of the newsletter. The next eblast will be sent on October 2, 2018.
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| | Women of Reform Judaism | 633 Third Avenue | New York, NY 10017-6778 US
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