As I write in the midst of a January chill, looking ahead to summer can be a very pleasant thought. Speaking of looking ahead to summer, it is now time to propose any Summer Institutes you would like to offer! As you may know, Evergreen summer institutes are opportunities to connect with other faculty and staff to learn and build community, over the course of a half-day up to a week, typically exploring some topic related to teaching and learning at Evergreen.
Each year there are several sponsored institutes, such as the “Designing Learning Experiences that Matter” institute, to be offered at the beginning and end of this coming summer. But the bulk of the institutes offered are selected from ideas contributed by our community. As the proposal process begins, I’d like to say a few words about the process itself.
As the Washington Center has taken more responsibility for the summer institutes, the selection process has become more formal in recent years. The Commons Advisory Council (CAC) serves to vet proposals against clearly stated criteria and brings the voice of teaching faculty into decisions about how to prioritize institute proposals given funding limits.
With the tumult of COVID affecting the needs of the college, some very worthy ideas may have fallen by the wayside. As we return to something approaching pre-pandemic conditions, some of those proposals may now be more viable. As someone who has convened institutes both before and after the current vetting process, I fully appreciate that the proposal form can be a bit daunting, and it may feel like more than you want to take on during the typically difficult month of February! To support you in this process, the CAC will be offering an Evergreen Summer Institutes Workshop on Feb 27, 2023 at 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM. This will offer you both an opportunity to work on your proposal in a structured setting with colleagues and a one-week extension in the deadline for your proposal. The registration link for this workshop is here.
Bottom line: the CAC are your colleagues working to build a slate of well-planned institutes that energize us all in our educational work. While not every proposal can run as an institute, we are thrilled to hear and support your ideas, knowing that buy-in on the part of the community is the essential ingredient in making the Summer Institutes worthwhile. Please do engage us with your ideas!
| Now Accepting 2023 Summer Institute Proposals
The ReGathering: Reconsidering Purpose and Meeting with Intention
Submit proposals using the online form no later than March 10th
In addition to inviting your creative proposals, we are excited to announce several sponsored summer institutes:
Designing Learning Experiences that Matter (offered in June and September) -- sponsored by the Learning and Teaching Commons
Educating Educators on the Neurodiverse-Friendly College (TBD) -- sponsored by the Washington Center, Access Services, and TRIO
Equity Action Plans (TBD) -- sponsored by IESS
Skill Building for Teaching Adult Learners (TBD) -- sponsored by Academics
Opportunities and Support for Experiential Learning (TBD) - sponsored by Academics
Washington Center Collaborative Workshop
Seeking Student Engagement in Assessment
facilitated by Jaime O'Connor, The Evergreen State College Wednesday, Feb 8, 2023 | 9:00 - 10:30 am PT
Zoom-Registration Required
The Washington Center Collaborative is a space for higher education faculty, scholars, practitioners, and administrators to discuss emergent issues with colleagues at other campuses.
| "Teaching @ Evergreen" Workshop Series
Virtual | Difficult Dialogues in the Classroom (and Beyond!) Feb 06, 2023 at 3:15 PM - 5:00 PM
Click here for details
Do you have a teaching puzzle? The Learning and Teaching Commons offers individual and small group remote teaching consultations.
2024-2025 Study Abroad Program Proposals Due February 10
All programs interested in offering study abroad in the 2024-25 academic year (fall, winter, spring) need to complete a form for consideration. Learn more →
Undergraduate Scholarships Due March 1st
Please remind your undergrad students to investigate all scholarships available to them. Learn more →
Spring Quarter Materials list due March 6 |
Getting your orders for books, films, and other materials in as early as possible gives the library, bookstore, and other areas on campus ample time to prepare and make their order.
We have a small amount of workshop passes free on a first-come, first-served basis while they last. Learn more →
Because of Dr. Mimms, there is an Evergreen-Tacoma. As Dr. Mimms explains in the article, students often come to Evergreen feeling unworthy, and leave knowing they are worthy. Evergreen-Tacoma alumni are well known for becoming role models in their community. Read the Seattle Times article →
These individuals and offices are eager to support students. Keep this list handy when advising students or reach out to schedule a visit to your program or course.
The Greener Hub connects students in touch with the people, offices, and services they need.
- Visit the Daniel J. Evans Library page to learn about student access to electronic and print materials.
- Refer students to the Writing Center and the Quantitative & Symbolic Reasoning Center for tutoring support.
TRiO provides wraparound services to first-generation, low income, and disabled students.
Media Services offers equipment, instruction, and production services in audio, video, animation, film, and photography for students, faculty, and staff.
The Title IX office is available to support us in our responsibilities as mandatory reporters. Review the Guide for Responsible Employees for more information.
Connect your students with Advising and Career Services for support with academic planning and career exploration.
Access Services for Students with Disabilities works with admitted Evergreen students to ensure equal access to academic programs and services.
Submit your student concerns to the Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation (CARE) Team. This cross-divisional team directs students towards supportive campus resources.
The basic needs center provides resources for a variety of student needs.
The Learning and Teaching Commons celebrates notable faculty accomplishments through Faculty Notes. Each year we collect notable publications, presentations, appearances, recognitions, awards, exhibits, performances, research, or other accomplishments to celebrate the incredibly talented faculty at Evergreen.
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