Keep your septic running strong with these tips.
Keep your septic running strong with these tips.

Getting Acquainted with your Septic System

Like a newborn baby, understanding what your septic system needs means you can do a better job of caring and maintaining its good health.  All it takes is a little education about how a septic tank works, what it requires, and how you can stay on top of its performance year after year.
This month we're getting acquainted with our septic and knowing how to get a good, long life out of it -- without having to spend a lot of money.  
Learn more about a healthy septic tank
Considering Tankless?

How to tell if it's time for a new water heater

  1. If your unit is more than 10 years old 
  2. If hot water appears rusty, this could indicate rust inside the unit
  3. The most common sign of a failing water heater is lack of hot water! Does your shower run cold fairly quickly? If so, it might be time to consider a new one.
  4. Do you notice banging or rumbling noises from your unit? Sediment may be hardening inside the unit, making your unit work harder to heat the water.

    This will help to reduce your electric bills, save energy, reduce your water bill and more!

June is National Safety Month

Did you know that falls account for nearly one-third of all non-fatal injuries in the US?* Because  aging can affect vision, strength and balance, adults 65+ are at a higher risk for falls.  The good news is that falls can be prevented!
  • Choose proper footwear depending on the conditions (the weather, the terrain, etc.).
  • Keep an eye out! Don't walk and text, keep your focus forward.
  • Stay fit and healthy -- balance and flexibility degrade as we age, so it's important to maintain strength through exercise.

Summer is a busy time on the Outer Banks.  Be safe and watch your step!

*According to Injury Facts, the source for statistical data on unintentional injuries created by the National Safety Council.
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