Information on student events for the month of October.
Information on student events for the month of October.

What's New in November 

Katya Armistead, Ed.D.

Assistant Vice Chancellor & Dean of Student Life 
We made it successfully through Halloween weekend – thank you all for looking out for each other. 
The Dean of Students webpage just launched featuring my social media feeds and what’s happening on campus. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter to learn more about Student Life, what I do, and opportunities on our campus!
This is also the start of my monthly "A Chance to Chat" program. Email for a chance to be chosen for a free lunch with me. I love to get to know students and hopefully you want to share your thoughts!
Twitter Instagram
Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions or comments. Happy November!

Updates and News

Resources for Food Security

Click the image above to explore all the resources available on campus to improve food security. We're proud to announce the newest addition to food security efforts on campus, the Miramar Food Pantry!
The Miramar Food Pantry provides free healthy food to all qualified* UCSB students to ensure Gauchos are food secure! Students can visit the pantry each day it is open.
Click Here Food Pantry Website

Event Information

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November 1st: Dia De Los Muertos SRB Forum, 4pm - 7pm
November 2nd: Multicultural Mixer SRB Forum, 5pm - 7pm
November 2nd: Red Temple ft. Graves The HUB, 8:30pm
November 3rd: Black Family Weekend various times and locations, see below for details
November 3rd: Celebración de la Familia  Hatlen Theatre 2pm - 5pm
November 7th: Undocu-Ally Training Career Services
2pm - 4pm
November 7th: Courageous Moves: Transformative Solidarity Practices to Uproot Anti-Blackness MCC Lounge, 6pm
November 8th: Virtues of Marial Arts Lotte Lehman Concert Hall 12pm - 1pm
November 8th: First-Gen Fall Social SRB
5pm - 6pm
November 9th: Associated Students, UC Immigrant Legal Services Center Open House AS Annex 12pm - 1pm
Updates, News & More
  • Online map of gender-inclusive restrooms
  • New website for food security resources
  • Participate in surveys for research
The RCSGD brings you the first online map of all-gender restrooms on campus!
Click image to use. 


LGBTQ+ Housing Survey
To create a master list of LGBTQ+ friendly housing in Santa Barbara and to expand housing options for LGBTQ+ students, we are looking for student testimonials about their living experiences in both on and off campus housing. Contact Dwayne Mosbey
Power, Justice, and the Environment
We are creating a study on the socialization of space for a class in the Environmental Studies Department. We are focused on redefining and reconstructing the idea of the spaces that we all currently inhabit. 
Survivors of Sexual Assault
The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of the resiliency of survivors of adult sexual assault, and to improve therapeutic treatment for survivors.  If you would like to participate, please complete the brief, anonymous, online questionnaire (approx. 20 minutes). This project is approved by UCSB’s Institutional Review Board 38-17-0985;
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