The Division of Student Affairs is sharing campus resources that students have said would be helpful to reiterate during this highly volatile moment with horrific violence in Israel and the Gaza Strip:
  • First, our campus rules and expectations.
  • Second, campus safety and support resources.
We understand that some of the rhetoric being used, online and in person, is causing fear and concern among members of our community. While we are not aware of any credible threats in our area at this time, we will continue to be vigilant and encourage you to report threats, doxing, harassment or safety concerns (resources below).

1. Campus Conduct Expectations
Disagreement and differing perspectives are allowed, often even encouraged, in a public University setting. The expressions of these differing views can be deeply painful and downright offensive. During these very difficult times, we encourage everyone not to lose touch with compassion and empathy. Our UCSB Principles of Community call us to act with the “highest standards of civility, respect, and decency in all of our interactions” and we denounce all acts of bigotry, harassment, or other harm to any individual or group. 
Reporting a Bias Incident
If you believe you have experienced or observed an incident of bias, we encourage you to submit a report via the Bias Incident Report webpage which also includes a list of frequently asked questions. Reports can be submitted anonymously if desired, and you can indicate whether you would like to be contacted regarding your report.
Please note that incidents of bias are not always considered law or policy violations. These incidents are approached from an educational and restorative perspective, and we will often engage in educational discussions with the parties who committed the act of bias. When appropriate and requested, we will involve the impacted party or community to help repair and restore a sense of community. Additionally, bias reporting helps us ensure affected people and communities receive timely connections with support resources.
Coping with Online Harassment
Highly charged events can sometimes result in doxing, the practice of broadcasting private or identifiable information about an individual or organization in order to harass and traumatize. If you choose to engage in online dialogue, we recommend reviewing UCSB’s Doxing Guide to protect yourself and others from harassment. 

Beyond these ideals, there are very specific rules that limit our behavior on campus. Students are prohibited from harassment, intimidation, threats of violence, and physical assault. We continue to work with UCPD and other campus officials to monitor local reports and to support public safety, which we take seriously. In case you experience or witness prohibited behavior, several resources for reporting and support are provided below.
Reporting Harassment and Intimidation
The safety and well-being of students is our top priority. Behavioral misconduct by students can be reported to the Office of Student Conduct. Students found responsible for harassment, intimidation, and other policy violations will be held accountable.
Reporting Threats of Violence, Physical Assault, or Other Emergencies
We are not aware of any credible threats in our area at this time. You should contact law enforcement if you experience a direct threat, physical harm, or an emergency situation.
In an emergency situation, always dial 911.
For on-campus non-emergencies, visit UCPD or call 805-893-3446. For non-emergencies in IV, visit the Isla Vista Foot Patrol or call 805-683-2724.
Posting Regulations – Information Only
Please note that posters and flyers are subject to Posting Regulations on campus and local laws and ordinances off-campus. On campus, flyers must include an organization name and be placed in approved areas. Posting directly onto buildings, sidewalks, trees, windows, signs, lamp poles, etc., is prohibited in order to maintain our facilities and minimize burdens on groundskeeping staff. Flyers posted on campus that are not compliant with these guidelines are regularly removed, regardless of content. 

2. Campus Support Resources
As is always the case, if you are in need of support or know someone who is, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are here for all students in need of solace and offer support without judgment. offers a comprehensive list of resources here to support you. Please also remember that Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is available to you at no cost, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 805-893-4411 (press 2 to speak with a clinician).
Student Mental Health Coordination Services offers help to students seeking to get connected with services and students wanting to help other students get connected to services. Simply submit a referral and the student will receive outreach from one of the caring and knowledgeable coordinators.

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