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October 22, 2015
Archbishop Oshagan and Bishop Anoushavan will join the pastor and parishioners of St. Sarkis Church in Douglaston, New York, this Sunday for the Divine Liturgy and the Requiem Service on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the passing of Mrs. Suzanne (Shoushig) Hagopian, a major benefactor to the Eastern Prelacy and St. Sarkis Church.

Suzanne was born on December 25, 1914, the daughter of Takvor and Banzali Ajemian. Her maternal grandfather was Rev. Fr. Krikor Papazian and her maternal uncle was one of the great clergymen of the turn-of-the-20th century, Bishop Sumpad Saadetian, who was martyred in 1915 in Erzeroum. Following the genocide her family relocated to Marseille, France. During World War II, she moved to Paris where she was married to Hovsep Hagopian. In 1949 they moved to the United States and continued the successful business that they started in France, “Suzanne’s Parisian Furs,” which they maintained until their retirement.

The institution that was closest to Shoushig’s heart was the Armenian Church. She was a founding member of the Prelacy Ladies Guild and a dedicated supporter of the Prelacy, St. Sarkis Church, and St. Sarkis’s Armenian school that was later named the “Hovsep and Suzanne Hagopian School.” She and her husband were the benefactors that enabled the establishment of the St. Nerses Shnorhali Library at the Prelacy headquarters in New York.

Suzanne was a dedicated supporter of the Catholicate of the Great House of Cilicia and the Seminary and was a major donor for the construction of the new St. Sarkis Church in Douglaston. In recognition of her outstanding service to the Armenian Church, His Holiness Karekin II of the Cilician See, honored her with the Catholicate’s highest civilian award, Princess of Cilicia, in 1987.

Her sweet memory continues to inspire us. Asdvatz Hokin Lousavoreh.
Suzanne Hagopian with His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, who in 1987 presented the Princess of Cilicia award to her in recognition of her service to the Armenian Church.
Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Vicar General of the Prelacy, introduced Very Rev. Fr. Ghevont Pentezian to the parishioners of All Saints Church in Glenview, Illinois, on Sunday, October 11. Hayr Ghevont celebrated the Divine Liturgy beginning his service as the new pastor, following the retirement of Archpriest Fr. Zareh Sahakian, after many years of service.

Very Rev. Ghevont was born in 1986 in Kessab, Syria, where he received his primary education. In 1998 he was accepted into the Theological Seminary of the Holy See of the Great House of Cilicia where he successfully completed the nine-year course of study. He was ordained a celibate priest on June 10, 2007. In December 2010 he received the rank of vartabed after successfully presenting his thesis, “The Saints in the Armenian Liturgical Calendar.”

Hayr Ghevont has served in a number of positions at the Catholicosate in Antelias including: Teacher at the Seminary; Sexton of the Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator; Director of Christian Education; Director of the Sunday Schools; and pastoral advisor to the Armenian University Students Union.

We extend our best wishes and congratulations to the parishioners of All Saints Church and to Hayr Ghevont, as they continue to build on their past accomplishments with new initiatives in service to our Lord.
Very Rev. Ghevont Pentezian celebrates the Divine Liturgy at All Saints Church in Glenview, Illinois.
Archbishop Oshagan hosted a dinner reception for the Pillars of the Prelacy from the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area, last Saturday evening at St. Illuminator’s Cathedral in New York.

John Pashalian Hall was transformed into an intimate and charming setting for an evening of fellowship and a delicious dinner shared by the area Pillars who are sustaining donors to the Prelacy.

In his comments to the gathering, Archbishop Oshagan, noted that this gathering was the first of many that will take place in different areas within the Eastern Prelacy’s jurisdiction. “It is not always possible to gather all of the Pillars in one location, so we decided to have small gatherings in various areas. This evening is our way of extending to you the recognition and thanks you so richly deserve. We thank you for your trust and for joining the Prelacy in its journey into a future filled with noble purpose, on a path where all things are possible through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” the Archbishop said. The Prelate also spoke about the plans for a new Prelacy building to be built at its current location that will be able to provide for future needs.

The Pillars of the Prelacy was established by the Prelate and Executive Council in 2003 as an annual giving program to provide a sustained source of income to meet the Prelacy’s budgetary needs for its multi-faceted programs.
Archbishop Oshagan speaks to the Pillars from the New York and New Jersey area at a dinner reception last Saturday.
Bishop Anoushavan will represent the Prelacy at a concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Genocide this Saturday evening, starring the popular singers Nune Yesayan and Sibil, organized by Hamazkayin of New Jersey, at the Bergen Performing Arts Center (Bergen PAC) in Englewood, New Jersey.
Bible readings for Sunday, October 25, Seventh Sunday of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Discovery of the Holy Cross, are: Wisdom 14:1-8; Isaiah 33:22-34; 1 Corinthians 1:18-24; Matthew 24:27-36.

For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.

“Immediately after the suffering of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken.

“Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see ‘the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven’ with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

“From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. But about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”

For a listing of the coming week’s Bible readings click here.
On Saturday, October 24, the Armenian Church remembers the Twelve Holy Teachers (Doctors) of the Church, namely: Hierotheus of Athens, Dionysius the Areopagite, Sylvester of Rome, Athanasius of Alexandria, Cyril of Jerusalem, Ephrem the Syrian, Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory the Theologian, Epiphanius of Cyprus, John Chrysostom, and Cyril of Alexandria.

“Discovery of the True Cross” by Agnolo Gaddi, ca 1380, fresco, Santa Croce, Florence, Italy
This Sunday, October 25, the Armenian Church celebrates the Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross (Giut Khatchi). Empress Helena, mother of Constantine and a devout Christian, wanted to visit the Holy Land and explore the sites Christ had walked centuries ago. She went to Golgotha (Calvary), which had become an obscure and neglected place. According to some chronicles, it was an informed Jew named Juda who pointed out the location. At her instruction, workers excavated the site and three wooden crosses were found. Which one was the True Cross? The three crosses were successively placed on the body of a youth who had just died. When one of the crosses was placed on him, the young man came back to life. This was determined to be the True Cross. The commemoration of this event takes place on the Sunday closest to October 26, and can vary from October 23 to 29.

The cross is a great source of pride for Armenians and they have created beautiful works of art using the cross. What once was a means of punishment and death became a symbol of salvation and victory.

“After the marvelous vision which the empress had, she began to search in Jerusalem for the precious wood of the cross on which the Messiah had been crucified. At her awesome command the Jews assembled and pointed out to her the precious wood of the cross which the Creator of creatures had ascended. The discovery of the holy cross in the holy place was accompanied by the spread of fragrance and the universe was filled with great gifts.”
(From the Canon for the Discovery of the Holy Cross, according to the Liturgical Canons of the Armenian Church)

Armenian language classes began last Sunday at St. Illuminator’s Cathedral in New York. The program is led by Mary Gulumian, a devoted parishioner, with the support of the parish’s pastor, Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian. In his opening remarks, Der Mesrob said, “October is known as Armenian Cultural Month and the celebration of the Feast of the Holy Translators. Starting this program in October is symbolic and a wonderful gift to the Armenian heritage.” Der Hayr thanked Ms. Gulumian for her dedication and willingness to volunteer her time for this important program. Those interested in joining the Armenian language classes should contact the Cathedral office, 212-689-5880.
Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian and Ms. Mary Gulumian with the participants in the Armenian language class that began last week.
Professor Siobhan Nash-Marshall, Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Manhattanville College, will lecture on Thursday, November 5, at 7:30 pm sharp at the Prelacy, 138 E. 39th Street, New York City. The title of her lecture is “Homeland and Genocide.” A reception will follow the lecture.

Siobhan Nash-Marshall is Professor and chair of the Philosophy Department, and holder of the Mary T. Clark Chair of Christian Philosophy at Manhattanville College in Purchase, New York. She has completed two Ph.D. programs in Philosophy from Fordham University (Metaphysics) and Universita Cattolica di Milano (Epistemology). She has done extensive research and produced numerous books, journal articles, and delivered lectures in her various fields of expertise. She has also lectured and written about Ethics, Evil, and Genocide, and has been the organizer of the Annual Armenian Conferences at the University of Saint Thomas.

Manhattanville College will host a conference, organized by the College of Arts and Sciences and the Philosophy Department, dedicated to Armenia, on October 30 and 31. The public is invited to attend.

The conference will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and celebrate Armenian culture. The students and faculty of Manhattanville College will be joined by prominent guests including Antonia Arslan, Henry Theriault, representatives of Artsakh, His Grace Bishop Anoushavan Tanlielian, and the Antranig Dance Ensemble.

The Conference will begin on Friday, October 30 at 5:00 p.m. in the West Room of Reid Castle at Manhattanville College’s Purchase Campus. After introductions by Lisa Dolling, the Provost of the College, Lisa Boehm, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and lectures by Artak Grigoryan from Nagorno-Karabakh and Paul Kucharski from Manhattanville College’s Philosophy Department, students have organized a candlelight vigil in honor of the Armenian Martyrs of 1915. There will be a reception following the vigil. 

On Saturday October 31, the conference will recommence at 11:00 a.m. and will include lectures by Antonia Arslan, the award winning author of the international best-selling novel The Skylark Farm (La Masseria delle Allodole); Shant Mardirossian, chairman of the Near East Foundation; Siobhan Nash-Marshall, the Mary T. Clark Chair of Christian Philosophy and Chair of the Philosophy Department; and the conference’s keynote speaker, Henry Theriault, professor in and chair of the Philosophy Department at Worcester State College; and Manhattanville College students. 

The conference will include a silent auction whose proceeds will fund Manhattanville College’s internship program in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. The internship program will be illustrated by Molly O’Lena, the philosophy major who inaugurated it in the summer of 2015 teaching English to hundreds of Armenian children of Diramayr Hayastani Ketron in Tashir.
The Prelacy is pleased to present a presentation of the newly published book Goodbye, Antoura, a memoir of the Armenian Genocide by Karnig Panian, on Sunday, November  22, at 2 pm at St. Sarkis Church, 38-65 234th Street, Douglaston, New York.

“The Antoura orphanage was another project of the Armenian genocide; its administrators, some benign and some cruel, sought to transform the children into Turks by changing their Armenian names, forcing them to speak Turkish, and erasing their history.” (From the publisher’s website)

The book will be presented by Dr. Herand Markarian. Mrs. Houry Boyamian, daughter of the author, will provide insight about her father’s memoir. Originally written and published in Armenian, this newly published English translation has garnered much critical acclaim. The Saint Sarkis Ladies Guild will host a reception. 

St. Gregory Church, North Andover, Massachusetts, presented its Annual Fair last Saturday. Preparing some scrumptious entrees were Rita Sarkisian, left, and Annie Apovian. (Photo by Violet Dagdigian)
Prepared by the Armenian National Education Committee (ANEC)
Terrorist attack on the National Assembly of Armenia
(October 27, 1999)
The election of Karekin II as Catholicos of All Armenians had just been held on October 27, 1999 in the afternoon when the news of a terrorist attack on the building of the National Assembly in Yerevan came to Holy Echmiadzin.
At around 5:15 p.m., five men led by journalist Nairi Hunanyan, armed with AK-47 assault rifles hidden under long coats, stormed into the building while the government was holding a question-and-answer session. The group included Hunanyan’s brother Karen and uncle Vram, as well as Derenik Bejanyan and Eduard Grigoryan.

The main target was Prime Minister Vazgen Sargsyan (1959-1999). According to reporters who witnessed the shooting, the men went up to Sargsyan and said, "Enough of drinking our blood," to which he calmly responded, "Everything is being done for you and the future of your children." The Prime Minister was shot point blank several times. Seven other people were also shot dead. The list included National Assembly Speaker Karen Demirchyan and two Deputy Speakers, Yuri Bakhsyan and Ruben Miroyan; Minister of Emergency Affairs Leonard Petrosyan, and MPs Henrik Abrahamyan, Armenak Armenakyan, and Mikayel Kostanyan. Some 30 people were injured.

The group claimed they were carrying out a coup d'état in a "patriotic" act. They claimed that Armenia was in a "catastrophic situation" and that "corrupt officials" were not doing anything to find a way out. The gunmen held around 50 hostages inside the building, surrounded by policemen and army forces personnel positioned on Baghramyan Avenue. After overnight negotiations with President Robert Kocharian, the gunmen released the hostages and, after a standoff that lasted 17-18 hours, they gave themselves up on the morning of October 28. 

President Kocharian declared a three-day mourning period.  The state funeral ceremony for the victims of the parliament shooting took place from 30-31 October 1999. Their bodies were placed inside the Yerevan Opera Theater, with high-ranking officials from some 30 countries attending the funeral.

According to a poll carried out by the Center for Sociological Studies of the National Academy of Sciences on October 30-31, 56.9% of respondents said that the October 27 events were a crime against statehood and the country's authorities, and 63.4% believed that the terrorist group consisted of assassins–traitors and enemies.

Armenian American journalist Garin Hovannisian described the aftermath of the attack in the following terms: “For weeks the Armenians mourned in silence, but from their grief a startling theory began to evolve. The assassinations had been pinned on the terrorist leader, an ex-journalist named Nairi Hunanyan, but the public was not satisfied. The fact was that Prime Minister Sargsyan and Speaker Demirchyan had recently created in parliament an alliance for democratic reform, and they were the only men who commanded the resources and popularity to challenge the president one day. Of course, there was no actual evidence that Robert Kocharyan was complicit in this monstrous crime against the Armenian people, but it was clear that he emerged from the bloodbath with absolute power.” 
A stamp commemorating the victims of the terrorist attack on the Armenian Parliament on October 27, 1999 issued by the Republic of Armenia in 2000.
From early June to late October 1999, the Unity alliance forged by Demirchan and Sargsyan, which controlled the military and the legislative and executive branches, had become the pillar of the political system in Armenia. Their murder disrupted the balance of power and the political arena was left in disarray for months. The assassination hit Armenia's international reputation and resulted in a decline in foreign investment. Political power was transferred to President Kocharyan.

The motives behind the attack were never fully explained. While the gunmen claimed to have acted on their own initiative, no convincing evidence was disclosed to suggest that any political leader or party was behind the attack, although abundant conspiracy theories flourished to prove that there had been a sabotage of a Karabagh peace deal. Aram Sargsyan, who briefly succeeded his elder brother Vazgen as Prime Minister from 1999-2000, stated in March 2013 that, "I have never accused this or the former authorities in being responsible for October 27. I have accused them in not fully disclosing October 27." 

The five men were charged with terrorism aimed at undermining authority on October 29. The investigation was led by Chief Military Prosecutor Gagik Jhangiryan. At its end, the case was sent to court on July 12, 2000. The trial began on February 15, 2001, in Yerevan's Kentron and Nork-Marash District Court. The judicial case was transferred to the jurisdiction of Prosecutor General Aghvan Hovsepyan and his office, which finally closed the case for lack of evidence. Nairi Hunanyan and his co-conspirators were sentenced to life in prison on December 2, 2003.

Previous entries in “This Week in Armenian History” are on the Prelacy’s web site (
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Please keep this community in your prayers, your hearts, and your pocketbooks.


Armenian Prelacy
138 E. 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Checks payable to: Armenian Apostolic Church of America
(Memo: Syrian Armenian Relief)

Thank you for your help
(Pastor of St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York)

This week’s podcast features:
• Remembering Suzanne Hagopian
• “Aram Learns Armenian”

Click on the image above to link to the Podcast
SIAMANTO ACADEMY—Meets every second Saturday of the month at the Hovnanian School, 817 River Road, New Milford, New Jersey. For information: or 212-689-7810.

October 22—Discover Armenia Series, West Hartford (Connecticut) Public Library, 20 South Main Street, Main Library Meeting Room A, 7 to 8:30 pm; Gold and Glory: Manuscript Illuminations in Medieval Armenia.

October 24—Annual Bazaar, St. Gregory Church hall, 135 Goodwin Street, Indian Orchard, Massachusetts, 10 am to 7 pm. Enjoy many favorite Armenian dinners including shish kebab and rice pilaf. Both traditional Armenian and American baked goods will be featured, such as paklava and spinach-cheese pie. Raffle prizes include: oriental rug, ladies’ watch, Armenian coin, handmade clock, megabucks tickets. Free admission and parking. For information or take-out orders contact the church office at 413-543-4763.

October 24—Concert dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide featuring singers Nune Yesayan and Sibil, with participation of the Hamazkayin NJ Nayiri Dance Ensemble and Arekag Chorus, 7:30 pm at BergenPac, 30 North Van Brunt Street, Englewood, New Jersey. Tickets: $85, $65. $45. For information: Ani Mouradian 973-224-2741.

October 24—Armenian Friends of America presents “Hye Kef 5,” a 5-hour dinner-dance (7 pm to midnight), DiBurro’s Function Hall, 887 Boston Road, Ward Hill (Haverhill), Massachusetts. Dinner served promptly at 7:30 pm. Music by Mal Barsamian/Johnny Berberian Ensemble. Tickets $50, by reservation only. Contact: Proceeds to benefit area Armenian churches. Contact: John Arzigian (603) 560-3826; Lucy Sirmaian (978) 683-9121; Sandy Boroyan (978) 251-8687, or Peter Guzelian (978) 375-1616. Proceeds to benefit area Armenian churches.

October 25—Breakfast in the church hall ($10) after the Liturgy, St. Stephen’s Church, New Britain, Connecticut, sponsored by the Ladies Guild.

October 25—ARMENIAFEST Breakfast, after church services. Scrambled eggs, pancakes, blueberry muffins, sausage, and more! Donation: $10. Sponsored by the Ladies Guild of St. Stephen’s Church, 167 Tremont Street, New Britain, Connecticut.

October 28—Near East Foundation’s Centennial Gala Celebration, 6:30 pm, Cipriani, 25 Broadway, New York. Save the date.

October 31—100th anniversary of Hudson County (NJ) Shakeh Chapter of Armenian Relief Society, under auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan, Chart House Restaurant, 1700 Harbor Boulevard, Weehawken, New Jersey at 7:30 pm. Sponsored by Dr. Kourkin and Talene Tchorbajian. Featuring Elie Berberian from Canada. Donation $100. For reservations: Knar Kiledjian (201)943-4056; Silva Takvorian (201)779-6744; Marina Yacoubian (201)978-8926.

November 1—Arminstring Ensemble, St. Illuminator Cathedral’s John Pashalian Hall.

November 5—Lecture (“Homeland and Genocide”) by Prof. Siobhan Nash-Marshall, Professor of Philosophy and the Mary T. Clark chair of Christian Philosophy at Manhattanville College, at the Armenian Prelacy, 138 East 39th Street, New York City, at 7:30 pm.

November 5—Avak luncheon at noon, St. Gregory Church, 158 Main Street, North Andover, Massachusetts. Speaker: Ruth Thomasian, executive director, Project SAVE Photographic Archives, “Forty Years of Preserving Armenian History through Photographs."

November 6 & 7—59th Annual Bazaar, St. Stephen Church, Watertown, Massachusetts, 11 am to 9 pm at Armenian Cultural & Educational Center, 47 Nichols Avenue, Watertown, Massachusetts. Meals served from 11:30 am to 8:30 pm (take-out available). Delicious meals including chicken, beef, and losh kebobs, kufteh, and kheyma dinners, Armenian pastries, Gourmet, Gift Shoppe, handmade arts and crafts, Raffles, Attic Treasures. Live auction Friday and Saturday at 7 pm. For information: 617-924-7562.

November 6, 7 & 8—Annual Bazaar and Food Festival of Sts. Vartanantz Church, 461 Bergen Boulevard, Ridgefield, New Jersey. Live entertainment Friday and Saturday; Children’s activities; vendors; homemade Manti, Kufte, Sou Buereg, Choreg, and more. Traditional Khavourma dinner on Sunday. Extensive Mezze and desert menu for your Thanksgiving table available for take-out.

November 8—ARS Mayr Chapter of New York, Benefit Luncheon for the rebuilding of the ARS "Soseh" Kindergarten in Stepanakert, 1p.m. at Almayass Restaurant, 24 E. 21st Street, New York, NY.  Donation (includes full lunch, wine, and soft drinks): $75 (adults); $20 children under 12. For reservations: Anais at 718-392-6982 or Anahid at 917-751-4916.

November 8—The Armenian Museum of America; The National Association for Armenian Studies and Research; PEN New England present “Hearing the Lost Voices: Armenian Writers and the Legacy of the Genocide,” featuring Herand Markarian (Rupen Sevag); Danila Terpanjian and Judy Saryan (Zabel Yessayan); Mariam Mesrobian MacCurdy (Zabel Yessayan); Jirair Libaridian (Daniel Varoujan); Eric Bogosian (Siamanto); and James R. Russell (Misak Medzarents). Introduction by Marc A. Mamigoian. Armenian Museum of America, 65 Main Street, Watertown, Massachusetts, at 8 pm. For information: 617-926-2562.

November 12—An evening with Project SAVE Armenian Photograph Archives, Inc., Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library (previously National Heritage Museum), 33 Marrett Road, Lexington, Massachusetts, celebrating 40 years and beyond. Reservations and information: or (617) 923-4542.

November 13-14—Fall Food Fest at Holy Trinity Church, 635 Grove Street, Worcester, Massachusetts, Friday open at 4 pm with dinner served from 5 pm to 8 pm and Saturday open at 10 am with dinner served from noon to 4 pm. Join us for kheyma, shish kebab, losh kebab, or chicken kebab dinners or try our new vegetarian meal. Visit our Country Store and Bake Table. Stock up on choreg, katah, choreg, porov kufta, simit, baklava, yanlanchi, toorshi, and much more. Free admission and free parking. For information: 508-852-2414.

November 14—Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair, 10 am to 4 pm, at Jaffarian Hall, St. Gregory Church, 158 Main Street, North Andover, Massachusetts. Handcrafted items by local crafters & artisans. Light lunch served. For information: Dorothy 978-686-7769 or Rose 978-256-0594.

November 14—9th Annual ANCA-ER Banquet, Westin Book Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, Michigan. Silent auction and cocktail hour, 6 pm; Dinner and Award Ceremony, 7:30 pm.

November 15—“Remembering the Past, Embracing the Future, 1925-2015,” St. Stephen’s Church, New Britain, Connecticut, 90th Anniversary celebration. His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan, Prelate, will celebrate the Divine Liturgy and preside over the banquet at Farmington Club, 162 Town Farm Road, Farmington, Connecticut. Details to follow.

November 14 & 15—Armenian Fest, hosted by Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, Rhode Island, at Rhodes-On-The-Pawtuxet (1 Rhodes Place, off Broad Street) in Cranston. The largest indoor festival, serving delicious shish and losh kebob, chicken and kufta dinners and Armenian pastries. Live dance music. Armenian dance group performance on Saturday and Sunday at 5 pm. 50/50 main raffle prizes, hourly raffles, silent auction, country store, gift baskets, flea-market, arts and crafts. For more information:

November 19—“Four Authors in Search of a Past: History, Community, Inspiration,” poetry readings by Nancy Agabian, Haig Chahinian, Lola Koundakjian, and Veronica Pamoukaghlian, 7 pm at St. Illuminator’s Cathedral, 221 East 27th Street, New York City.

November 22—Presentation of Goodbye, Antoura: A Memoir of the Armenian Genocide by Karnig Panian, organized by Prelacy will take place at St Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York. The book will be presented by Dr. Herand Markarian; Mrs. Houry Boyamian, daughter of the author, will provide insight about her father’s memoir that was just recently translated into English. For information: 212-689-7810.

November 29—ARS Havadk Chapter’s annual Holiday Dinner, at St. Stephen’s Church Hall, 167 Tremont Street, New Britain, Connecticut following church services. Ham with all the trimmings. $13 adult; $8 children under 16.

November 30—Get Classical presents: “With You Armenia,” in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, 7 pm at (Le) Poisson Rouge, 158 Bleeker Street, New York City. Features cellist, Mischa Maisky, pianist Lily Maisky, pianist Elena Lisitsian, and violinist Alissa Margulis. Tickets ($30-$40) may be purchased at . “As musicians we would like to bring attention to some of the much under-appreciated Armenian Classical works by composers such as Arno Babadjanian and Komitas Vartabed. We will also present works by Sergey Rachmaninov and Dmitry Shostakovish. We feel very strongly about our responsibility to never forget and bring others to do so as well, through one of the most direct forms of communication and commemoration, music.” (Lily Maisky)

December 5—Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church Annual Bazaar in Whitinsville will be held at the Pleasant Street Christian Reform Church Hall, 25 Cross Street, Whitinsville, Massachusetts, 10:00-4:30, dinners served at 11:30.

December 20—“Soup, Sandwiches, and Bingo,” St. Stephen’s Church Hall, New Britain, Connecticut, following church services, sponsored by Ladies Guild.
Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy’s web site.
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138 East 39th Street | New York, NY 10016 US