#UPWeek Nov 14-19
#UPWeek Nov 14-19
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University of Wisconsin Press - Publishing for Wisconsin, Publishing for the World since 1936
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The 80th birthday of the University of Wisconsin Press was April 13, 2016. 
We're blogging once a month from April 2016 to April 2017 about UW Press history. So far, we've written about highlights of eight decades, UWP's connection to the Wisconsin Idea, publishing politics, UWP and John Muir, Margaret H’Doubler and UWP dance publishing, and editor Livia Appel, the first hire when the Press was founded in the 1930s.
Coming on Nov 16: a blog post about our connections to the vibrant tradition of fine art printmaking at the University of Wisconsin and the Madison region.
15 Nov  REASON AFTER ITS ECLIPSE  Historian Martin Jay at the Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York NY. Event details
16 Nov  DEATH IN COLD WATER Mystery writer Patricia Skalka at Boswell Books, Milwaukee WI. Event details
17 Nov  JOHN BASCOM AND THE ORIGINS OF THE WISCONSIN IDEA  Historian David Hoeveler at WisPolitics luncheon, Madison WI.  Event details
17 Nov  THE PHANTOM OF THOMAS HARDY  Novelist Floyd Skloot at Annie Bloom's Books, Portland OR.
Event details
17 Nov  LITHIUM JESUS: A MEMOIR OF MANIA  Charles Monroe-Kane at Boswell Books, Milwaukee WI. Event details
18 Nov  A THIN BRIGHT LINE  Novelist Lucy Jane Bledsoe at Books Inc., Berkeley CA. Event details
See our entire event calendar here.
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