Paid Contact Tracer PositionsInterested in a part-time position to help “bend the COVID curve” here in Utah? In response to the global pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, the University of Utah is working with the Utah Department of Health (UDOH) to recruit individuals with a public health background and interested students to be a part of “bending the curve” in Utah.
The Division of Public Health has multiple paid positions available for contract tracers who will play an essential role in the COVID-19 pandemic response. Those selected for these roles will be trained by the University of Utah and follow current UDOH processes to trace and interview people infected with or exposed to SARS-CoV-2.
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Stress Reduction StrategiesDifficulty with time management has been one of the most common sources of stress during the pandemic. Many people are finding that doing more activities online and having less structure are making it difficult to stay on top of school and work demands.
Here are some tips:
- Create a daily schedule that includes classes, but also study sessions, meals, exercise, and sleep.
- Set short- and long-term goals and make a prioritized list of tasks.
- Manage procrastination. Start early on assignments, break activities into smaller parts, and reward yourself for progress.
- Avoid multitasking. Try to focus on the task at hand by turning off phone and computer notifications. Create a workspace that is uncluttered, quiet, and private. Ask roommates or family members to help you avoid distraction.
- Take scheduled breaks. This is more important than ever to manage “Zoom fatigue” and days with less structure. Take a short walk, do some stretching, or get a snack to maintain energy.
Want to learn more about your time management tendencies? Take an online quiz here!
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Student Ambassadors WantedLooking for more than just a job?
Love the University of Utah?
Share your story and apply for the University of Utah Ambassadors in the Office of Admissions!
Applications open January 2021!
Check out @uofuambassadors on Instagram for more updates!
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Campus and Community Mental Health Resources
2020 has been a challenging year! Learn more about available campus and community mental health resources available here!
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FCS 3510: Tax Preparation Certification and Community EngagementWant to give service, build your resume with an IRS certification, learn about your community, and become and advocate to influence political, economic, and social systems, all while building your personal network?
This class is an official Community-Engaged-Learning (CEL) course giving students the opportunity to help individuals and families prepare their income taxes. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) allows students to devote the first weeks in the semester to gaining knowledge and skills necessary for IRS certification.
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University of Utah Food DriveOctober 12- November 25
The annual University food drive is here! You can drop off food donations at the College of Social and Behavioral Science Dean's Office (Gardner Commons Suite 3725) or at the Feed U Pantry, which is located in the basement level of the Union building. Monetary donations can be made by visiting the UGive Food Pantry Donations Page.
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Gender-Based Violence StudyResearchers in the College of Social Work are launching a new study to investigate how gender-based violence impacts the lives of people at the U who identify as women. Click here to take an anonymous online survey and enter for an opportunity to win 1 of 10 $50 gift cards to the University of Utah campus store!
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2021 CSBS Undergraduate Scholarships; Graduate Fellowships & ScholarshipsAre you a CSBS Undergraduate student? You can complete just ONE application per major and apply for multiple scholarships!
Many scholarships require a high GPA, but not all!
Application opens November 1, 2020 and closes February 1, 2021.
Are you a CSBS Graduate student? Complete your CSBS Fellowship Application to be considered for many CSBS Fellowships!
Application opens December 1, 2020 and closes April 1, 2021.
Don’t forget to reach out to CSBS departments for individual Fellowship opportunities.
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FCS 5730: Community and Environmental Change
Learn how to make lasting positive change in your community! In this class, students will analyze the sociopolitical context in which change operates, the impact of environmental and social changes, major models and methods of practice, and tools to promote public participation.
This course provides a theoretical foundation and hands-on experience
developing and evaluating community interventions. Special emphasis will be placed on collaborative and participatory planning.
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Get a Degree in Economics!Economics studies how we organize our societies, and how we make a living. It investigates all the big questions of today, from globalization, inequality, and sustainability to the future of jobs.
In the process, economics students hone skills in critical and analytical thinking and writing. The major in economics provides a deep and rich foundation that will propel your career in any direction you want to take.
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CSBS Student Success Center Beacons of Excellence AwardThe CSBS Student Success Center has been recognized as a 2020 recipient for the University of Utah Beacons of Excellence Award. This well-deserved recognition is bestowed due to the nominations received from several students who described the CSBS Student Success Center as providing “an absolutely transformative educational experience.”
This year’s nominations celebrate people, programs, or projects that have positively influenced students’ learning experiences and the campus during COVID-19.
Check out the virtual awards ceremony as well as more about the 2020 award recipients below!
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How You Can Prevent CancerEnvironmental factors can sometimes be out of an individual's control, while other times they are able to be influenced or changed by the individual. Check out Meg Grimshaw's article about highlighting the ways we as individuals can affect these environmental factors, through personal choice & action or asking our government to change their actions.
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Resources for your End-of-Semester Projects and Papers
Psst–did you know that there are multiple resources you can access –even from home –that will help you complete your final projects and papers?
Marriott Library has a resource page dedicated to online students, which is your direct link to the library and its resources to support your online coursework. Don’t keep these research assets a secret. Check out the Online Library Help page now, see what the Marriott Library can do for you, and spread the word to your online classmates!
Finally, students who are taking a stats course that uses STATA, SPSS, or SAS, can reach out to Vai Suliafufor assistance with these programs. Assistance is available via appointment by emailing mlib-statistics@lists.utah.edu
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Upcoming Deadlines
Friday, November 27
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