Columbian College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Getting Press
September 2017

Among the Columbian College faculty getting press during August are the following individuals:


American Studies

Vanessa Northington Gamble was quoted by The Associated Press in the article “In dispute over statues, where do you draw the line?


Andrew Barr was quoted by International Business Times in the article “Scientist Says Human Evolution Was Random Chance, Not Climate Change” and by The Hindu in the article “14isbs human evolution.”



Carmel Chiswick was quoted by The Washington Times in the article “India anti-conversion laws are outrageous.”

Diana Furchtgott-Roth authored the article “Workable Balanced Budget Amendment” for Investor’s Business Daily.

Tara Sinclair was quoted by PolitiFact in the article “Greg Abbott says more Texans have jobs than ever before.”



Katie Wells spoke to WTTG-Fox 5’s Morning News and to NPR’s Here and Now about Uber and its relationship with its drivers. 


Tyler Anbinder spoke to Connecticut Public Radio about the Know-Nothing Party and immigration in the 1850s.

Edward Berkowitz was quoted by The Las Vegas Review-Journal in the article “How Medicaid, and its costs, grew in Nevada.”

Media and Public Affairs

P.J. Crowley authored the op-ed “Nation-building is the only way out of Afghanistan” in The Washington Post.

Robert Griffin was quoted by The Hill in the article “How the Midwest slipped away from Dems.”

David Karpf spoke to Scripps Broadcasting about President Trump’s retweets. 

Steven Livingston spoke to KJZZ-FM, Phoenix, for the segment “What Is Trump Administration's Media-Relations Strategy?” He was quoted in The Hill article “Trump, media escalate feud’’ and in the Newsmax article “Trump Keeps Attacking Press as Feud With Media Intensifies.”

Patricia Phalen was quoted by Sinclair Broadcast Group in the article “Expert: ESPN's Robert Lee troubles point to deeper cultural issues.”

Ethan Porter was quoted by The Associated Press in the article “No lie, says Sanders: Trump got praise from Mexico, Scouts.”

Nina Seavey was interviewed by for the video “The Fight over the FBI's Ugly History of Surveilling and Infiltrating Dissent.”

Frank Sesno spoke to BBC World News America about how the White House can get back on message. He appeared on CNN in the New Day segment “Does Trump Need a Communications Director?” and the Smerconish segment “News Not Lost In The Storm.” He was quoted by The Baltimore Sun in the article “Andrew D. 'Andy' Dumaine, advertising executive, dies” and by The Washington Examiner in “Trump's Afghanistan plan: What's new, what's not, what's next.” 

Nikki Usher was quoted by Sinclair Broadcast Group (online) in the article “Media coverage, counter-protests risk amplifying hate groups' messages.”

William Youmans spoke to WNYC-FM’s The Leonard Lopate Show in the segment “Al Jazeera's Gamble To Break Into America's Media World.”


Kip Lornell was mentioned by WAMU-FM (online) in the article “3 Stories About The Godfather Of Go-Go For The 3rd Annual Chuck Brown Day.”

Organizational Sciences and Administration

David Costanza was quoted by Bloomberg in the article “Stop Talking About Your Generation.” He was featured in The Charleston Gazette-Mail article “Justin Fox: Age, not generation, the reason for personality differences.”


Larry Medsker was quoted by WTOP-FM (online) in the article “GW University launches new program to train STEM teachers.”

Political Science

Nathan J. Brown authored the article “Saudi Arabia is moving to rein in its religious police. Sort of” for The Washington Post

Henry Farrell authored the article “North Korea just called Trump’s bluff. So what happens now?” for The Washington Post

Henry Hale was quoted by Voice of America in the article “Trump Signs Sanctions Bill, Calls It 'Significantly Flawed'.”

James Lebovic was quoted by WMAR-ABC2, Baltimore (online), in the article “The North Korean Standoff Is (And Isn't) Like The Cuban Missile Crisis.”

Harris Mylonas was quoted by The Los Angeles Times in the article “No nation-building in Afghanistan? Easier said than done, experts say.”

Elizabeth Saunders was quoted by Vox in the article “America is flying blind on North Korea.”

John Sides authored the article “How many votes could Hurricane Harvey cost Trump in Texas?” for The Washington Post. He was quoted by Financial Times in the article “Trump fails to harness the powers of the presidency” and by The Washington Post in the article “The immigrant hordes are already here! Or not.”

Public Policy and Public Administration

Andrew Reamer was quoted by Federal News Radio (online) in the article “Watchdogs worry Census 2020 headed for inaccurate results, higher price tag.”

Jonathan Rothwell was quoted by Vox in the article “Steve Bannon’s “economic nationalism” is total nonsense.”

Regulatory Studies Center

Susan Dudley authored the article “Experts' Roadmap To Understanding Regulations' Impacts” for Forbes. She was quoted by E&E News in the article “Trump has no science adviser. Will that politicize climate?

Romance, German and Slavic Languages and Literatures 


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