Dear Evergreen Colleagues,
Over the last two years, I’ve repeatedly turned to this year's common read, Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Shaping Worlds, as a guide for navigating the chaos of what feels like living through a slow moving earthquake. The author, adrienne marie brown, has crafted nine principles of emergent strategy (listed below) that have helped me immensely.
  1. Small is good, small is all. (The large is a reflection of the small.)
  2. Change is constant. (Be like water).
  3. There is always enough time for the right work.
  4. There is a conversation in the room that only these people at this moment can have. Find it.
  5. Never a failure, always a lesson.
  6. Trust the People. (If you trust the people, they become trustworthy).
  7. Move at the speed of trust. Focus on critical connections more than critical mass—build the resilience by building the relationships.
  8. Less prep, more presence.
  9. What you pay attention to grows.
While each of these principles offers valuable guidance, #6 and #7 have felt particularly resonant recently. I believe that trusting each other and establishing critical connections can help us grow a resilient community. As the dream of (finally) gathering in-person becomes a reality, I am REALLY looking forward to engaging as community again. This newsletter has good news about two such opportunities for us to create critical connections - the annual equity symposium and the summer institutes. I invite you to consider submitting a proposal for one or both of these events as a small act of community care.
In Community, 

Julia Metzker
Director, Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education

The Learning and Teaching Commons newsletter is delivered to your inbox on the first Friday of the month during the quarter. Click here to read past newsletters.

In this issue...

Visit the Learning and Teaching Commons Calendar for events, important dates, and more.

Campus Spotlight: Evergreen Equity Symposium

Evergreen geoduck mascot Speedy wears a green mask and holds their hands in the air.

Save the date: April 12-14

This year’s Equity Symposium offers a mix of in person and virtual experiences designed to help us respond to what our community needs most right now: connection and care. Visit the Equity Symposium website for details, including a tentative schedule of events.
Symposium organizers are seeking your proposals for presentations, activities, trainings, artistic expression, and more, that respond to the following generative questions:
  • What can we offer that will help us create and sustain relationships to aid in connecting and supporting our diverse community during challenging times?  
  • How can we create conditions that allow for community care, well-being, and belonging to emerge and be valued?
  • What can we learn from the life-codes of the natural world to cultivate connection and resilience? 
  • What possibilities can we envision together for a more equitable future? 
Please submit your proposal online by March 7th. 

Less than a week to submit your inspired

summer institute proposals

Pandemic as Portal: Collectively Reimagining Evergreen’s Future

The experience of teaching and learning through a pandemic for nearly two years has exacerbated the persistent inequities students experience in and out of the classroom. The 2022 Evergreen Summer Institutes provide an opportunity to contend with the simple yet formidable proposition of walking through the portal lightly with only what we need to build a more equitable enterprise. 
How will we, collectively, imagine our world anew?

Summer Institute Themes

Teaching at Evergreen: Culturally Affirming and Inclusive Pedagogical Practices
~pedagogical practices that engage and support Evergreen students equitably
Our Greener Community: Leadership and Organizational Change
~strategies and approaches to meeting the challenges of institutional change 
~developing equity-minded student, faculty and staff leaders
~building a warm, supportive, curious, and resilient Evergreen community where all of us want to come to learn and work.

Submission Guidelines

Please submit proposals using the online form no later than March 10th.  Notifications will be sent by email no later than April 15th.  Additional details available in the 2022 call for proposals.
Submit a proposal


2021-2022 Commons Seminar Series

Taking inspiration from this year’s common read, Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Shaping Worlds by adrienne maree brown, the 2021-2022 Commons Seminar series explores the strategies that faculty are developing and discovering to adapt their teaching practice to emerging contexts. These short seminars have been integrated into the New Faculty Academy and support Evergreen’s newest faculty in their first year. 

Spring Quarter Topics

Emergent Strategies for Inclusive Teaching

Facilitated by Robin Bond and Julia Heineccius
: Monday, April 4
Time: 3:15 - 4 pm PST
Location: Zoom (register for link)

Emergent Strategies for Students with Disabilities

Facilitated by Jess Tourtellotte-Palumbo, Kat Harmon and Emily Pieper 
Date: Monday, May 2
Time: 3:15 - 4 pm PST
Location: Zoom (register for link)

From Plan to Syllabus

Facilitated by Kathleen Eamon, Eric Stein and Anthony Zaragoza
Date: Monday, May 16
Time: 3:15 - 4 pm PST
Location: Zoom (register for link)

Washington Center’s virtual mini-workshop series

The Washington Center Collaborative hosts mini virtual workshops led by the dynamic and talented Washington Center Resource Faculty.

Applying an Equity Lens to Assessment: Practical Frameworks and Institution and Program-Level Examples

Facilitated by Jillian Kinzie (Center for Postsecondary Research), Aaron Moehlig (Highline College), and Shawna Freeman (Highline College)

Conducting assessment in ways that recognizes and centers our increasingly diverse student populations, improves equity in learning, and that helps close achievement gaps is critically important in higher education today. What does assessment look like when we attend to issues of equity? This collaborative workshop introduces equity-centered assessment and then highlights the efforts at Highline College to assess college-wide outcomes and implement program reviews and improvement with an equity lens.

Date: Friday, April 15, 2022 
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM PST 
Location: Zoom (register for link)

Faculty Resources

Online Learning Consortium

Don't forget to explore the resources available to you through the Online Learning Consortium! Evergreen holds an institutional membership to the Online Learning Consortium. As a member institution, faculty have access to free webinars, and other online teaching and learning resources. Members also receive special discounts on workshops, teaching certificate programs, conferences, and events. 
To access your member benefits, create your free user account here. Be sure to use your Evergreen email to create your account. 

Request a Teaching Consultation 

Do you have a teaching dilemma, issue or question? Is there an activity you are struggling to translate to remote teaching? Do you need some help designing asynchronous activities?
The Learning and Teaching Commons offers individual and small group remote teaching consultations. Consultations provide an opportunity to get direct feedback on your teaching puzzles. Click here for details.

Student Resources

These individuals and offices are eager to support students. Keep this list handy when advising students or reach out to schedule a visit to your program or course. 
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