Updates on Accountacy programs, student achievements, and faculty research
Updates on Accountacy programs, student achievements, and faculty research
Footnotes Summer 2021

In This Issue

  • Letter from the Department Chair
  • Climate Accounting and Engineering minor developed
  • Cybersecurity Management for Accountants certificate program launched with the ISA
  • Partnering with The Spencer Center for Gifted and Exceptional Students in Cincinnati
  • Forensic case competition winners announced
  • Accountancy student awarded $10,000 PCAOB Scholarship
  • MAcc graduation and awards
  • Faculty and staff updates
Photo of Drew Reffett
Andrew Reffett, Chair

Dear Alumni and Friends,

I hope this letter finds you and your families well and in good spirits! Over the last academic year, the Department of Accountancy at Miami University has embarked on multiple innovative initiatives that will ensure we continue to provide our students with an outstanding, cutting-edge educational experience. Some of the more impactful initiatives we are pursuing include the following:
  • Collaborating with the Department of Chemical, Paper, and Biomedical Engineering to develop a “Climate Accounting and Engineering” minor 
  • Collaborating with the Department of Information Systems and Analytics to develop a Cybersecurity Management for Accountants certificate program
  • Currently in early discussions with the Department of Finance to develop a Deals Advisory certificate program
  • Created the PwC Executive-in-Residence position (currently held by Mark Ross)
  • Collaborating with Cincinnati Public Schools to develop the Spencer Center Miami University Accountancy Pipeline Program 
  • Improved the educational experience provided in our Introductory Accountancy courses (ACC 221 and ACC 222) by hiring Tara McCullough to serve as the Deloitte Introductory Accountancy Course Coordinator. We also implemented EY TAs, who provide students with insights about the profession.
In addition to the initiatives noted above (and highlighted in the letter), I am also pleased to convey several additional items of great news, including Dr. Michele Frank’s pending promotion to Associate Professor with tenure, Dr. Dan Heitger receiving the FSB’s Smucker Teaching Excellence Award for Senior Professors, and the recent Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award given to Dr. Jon Grenier and Dr. Anne Farrell. I encourage you to take a few moments to read through this newsletter to learn more about our initiatives and recent successes.

Also, on behalf of all of our faculty, I want to gratefully recognize your generous multifaceted contributions to our students and programs. Your support is an absolutely critical component of our success and ability to remain a leader in Accountancy education. Thank you!

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you would like to learn more about our current activities and, if interested, how you can participate. You are always welcome to call (513-529-6212), email (reffeta@miamioh.edu) or simply stop by my office (FSB 3094) to talk.

Love and Honor,
Drew Reffett, Accountancy Chair
Andrew Reffett 

Climate Accounting and Engineering Minor Developed with CEC

Miami Sundial
The Department of Accountancy is partnering with the Department of Chemical, Paper, and Biomedical Engineering to offer a minor in Climate Accounting and Engineering. With increasing attention given to the challenges of climate change and corporate social responsibility, this minor will address the need for a new generation of professionals who have the knowledge and skills to reliably measure and credibly report on the environmental impact of organizations' activities and the efforts to reduce such impact. 

The program will feature both accountancy and engineering courses. Accountancy courses in financial accounting, managerial accounting, and auditing will teach students important concepts relating to the identification, measurement, and reporting of information for decision-making and the need for independent assurance. Engineering courses will introduce students to environmental engineering topics and concepts and closely examine more specific topics such as industrial, air, and water pollution.

Cybersecurity Management for Accountants Certificate Program Launched with ISA

Photo of Miami Seal
In cooperation with the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, we are offering a new certificate program. The Cybersecurity Management for Accountants certificate addresses the growing need for cybersecurity knowledge in the accounting discipline. Students will be introduced to cybersecurity management fundamentals across several domains, including accounting information systems, networking and security threats, IT governance, cyber risk management, and audits. Students will also be introduced to important technologies in the security space, such as Blockchain and the growing business use cases of these technologies.   

Collaboration with Spencer Center for Gifted and Exceptional Students

FSB Building and signage
We are excited to partner with the Spencer Center for Gifted and Exceptional Students to develop a pipeline program that promotes both Miami’s Accountancy programs and the accountancy profession to high school students. The Spencer Center is a majority-minority school for students who have demonstrated high academic aptitude and achievement within the Cincinnati Public School District.
The collaboration comprises three components: courses taught by Miami faculty, engagement opportunities between Spencer students and Miami University and accounting professionals, and academic scholarships for those entering Miami.
Two of the courses taught will qualify for college credit: an accounting career exploration course and a study skills course, while the third course is an introduction to financial accounting and may qualify for Ohio's high school graduation requirement for financial literacy skills. 
It is our hope that through this program, we will increase interest and ultimately enrollment in our programs among talented students in general, and particularly those from underrepresented groups. If you are interested in supporting this program by volunteering your time or making a financial donation, please email reffeta@miamioh.edu.  

Fourth Annual Douglas Millett Forensic Case Competition

Forensic Case Comppetition Participants
Last February, 20 junior and senior Accountancy majors participated in the Fourth Annual Douglas Millett Forensic Accounting Case Competition. All five teams delivered high-quality presentations in front of a panel of forensic accountants, including Jim Krause, Amanda Malusky Krauss of Axium Consulting, and Robert Vaccari of Ingardus; together with our donor, Michael Millett, and Professors Andrew Reffett and Jon Grenier. Congratulations to the two winning teams!

1st place: Catherine King, Ryan Pittore, Jennifer Schulze, Allyson Severance

2nd place: Ty Collins, Abby Koors, Lauren Weiler, Vathsa Yarramsetty

Accountancy Student Awarded $10,000 PCAOB Scholarship

Sophomore student Marissa Rodriguez has been awarded the 2022 PCAOB scholarship. Miami students have been selected for this distinction for the past five consecutive years. The $10,000 scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate interest and aptitude in accounting and auditing, as well as high ethical standards.
Marissa plans to pursue a master's degree in Accountancy through Miami's MAcc program, as well as a minor in Data Analytics. After college, she hopes to work in the healthcare and nonprofit industries. 

MAcc Graduation Features Student Speaker and MAcc Student Award

MAcc Graduation Photo
On May 15, 2022, 53 Master of Accountancy graduates were recognized at a ceremony held at the Wilks Theater in Armstrong Center. Cameron Hunter was selected by the MAcc students to give a message, along with keynote speaker T.J. LaMendola (CFO, Columbus Blue Jackets). Thank you to Cameron and T.J.they both gave inspirational and memorable messages to our graduates.
Will Gilfillen was awarded the Federated Schools of Accountancy's student award, which recognizes a student who embodies the values of the program: academic work, teamwork, and leadership.

Faculty and Staff Updates

Congratulations to the following faculty and staff:
  • Michele Frank was awarded tenure and promoted to associate professor.
  • Dan Heitger was awarded the Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Award for Outstanding Professor.
  • Tara McCullough was hired as the Deloitte Introductory Accountancy Course Coordinator.
  • Jon Grenier and Anne Farrell are co-authors on a study that was awarded the Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award. The article titled “Scoundrels or Stars? Theory and Evidence on the Quality of Workers in Online Labor Markets” was published in The Accounting Review (2017, Vol. 92(1), pp. 93-114).
  • Sydney Shu was awarded the PwC Assistant Professorship.
  • Jon Grenier was awarded the C. Rollin Niswonger Professorship.
  • Tim Eaton and Andrew Reffett were awarded Andersen Alumni Professorships. 
Congratulations banner

Contribute to the Accountancy General Fund

Our department's accomplishments would not be possible without support from our generous friends and donors. If you would like to make a contribution to the General Accountancy Fund, please use the button below.
Accountancy General Fund

We'd love to hear from you!

Have you recently started a new job? Retired from an old job? Gone to graduate school?
Are wedding bells soon to ring, or is a baby on the way? Let your fellow alumni know
through the Class Notes section of the next Department of Accountancy Annual Report. Simply send an e-mail with all pertinent information (including your graduation date and maiden name,
if applicable) to accdept@MiamiOH.edu. Alternatively, you may update your
information through our online form.
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