In this issue
Research highlights | Innovation spotlight | New awards | Unsung heroes
Faculty kudos | Recognition roundup | Research development | Nuts & bolts
Navigating change,
celebrating success |
Watching, planning and advocating. That’s our posture as we navigate the shifting federal landscape, trying to understand potential impacts to KU.

As discussed in our most recent town hall,
immediate cuts to indirect cost rates have been
paused. In other good news, a number of KU
research projects have been given a green
light to proceed. Unfortunately, as anticipated,
we have received termination notices for a handful
of federally funded projects, and we are working
with these teams to manage impacts on work and personnel.
In the absence of clear definitions and guidelines,
we are assessing KU’s research portfolio using a range
of interpretations of executive orders so we can plan
for possible futures. We are hopeful that we will know
more in the next month as agency leadership solidifies,
Congress works through the budget process, and lawsuits
proceed. University leadership is collaborating closely
with national professional organizations and our government
relations team to stay informed and advocate for KU and
Kansas interests.
In the meantime, we have launched a
Federal Research Updates
webpage that includes an archive of KU messages and town hall recordings,
guidance for investigators, and resources to increase understanding
and advocacy for indirect costs. As noted in yesterday’s message
from KU leadership, you can submit questions through this
multi-campus form.
Your input will be used to inform future communications
and town halls.
Thank you for your persistence in the face of uncertainty.
Please continue to perform work on awarded federal projects
unless the sponsor has issued a stop-work order.
Please continue to submit proposals to open funding opportunities.
As you’ll read below, your unwavering commitment
to KU’s research mission resulted in record growth last year.
You are solving problems of global significance and delivering
solutions that benefit Kansans while bolstering our state’s economy.
We will learn what we need to do to comply with the law.
Then we will forge a path forward by investing
in our community and our mission. The world needs us,
and we will rise to the challenge.
Shelley Hooks
Vice Chancellor for Research
Research and development expenditures spanning all University of Kansas campuses increased to $546.1 million in fiscal year 2024, surpassing the half-billion-dollar mark for the first time in university history. The reverberations of that growth extend far beyond KU to benefit people throughout the Sunflower State and beyond.
Four faculty members at two Kansas universities were named recipients of the Higuchi-KU Endowment Research Achievement Awards, the state higher education system’s most prestigious recognition for scholarly excellence.
The Kansas Geological Survey, a state agency housed within the University of Kansas, measures the state's aquifers routinely to ensure Kansans have adequate water for drinking, agriculture, and other uses.
A team at the Life Span Institute received a 5-year, $1.875 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to develop a program to help students with disabilities improve their writing skills.
The 11-week treatment uses a mobile app co-created by Kelsie Forbush, professor of clinical child psychology, which helps students who face logistical barriers to care, such as not being able to drive to Kansas City clinics. Learn how federal research funding expands mental health care access for vulnerable populations and helps drive innovations that are missing from the market.
An engineer who started her career with a National Science Foundation-funded undergraduate research experience co-developed a way to recycle refrigerants that contribute to the climate crisis. Read about how research funding jump-starts careers, retains workers in Kansas, and helps solve problems of global importance.
KU researchers affiliated with the KU Cancer Center have uncovered the true structure of the CA125 protein, a discovery that could lead to more precise testing for ovarian cancer.
Shining a light on KU innovators for National Inventors' Day |
Each Feb. 11, the United States observes National Inventors' Day to honor the innovative spirit embodied by America’s past and present inventors. First declared in 1983, this date was chosen by the Reagan administration because it coincides with Thomas Edison’s birthday. Edison, recognized as one of our greatest inventors, held more than 1,000 patents throughout his lifetime.
At the University of Kansas, our own innovators are committed to finding creative solutions for the challenges facing our world. The KU Center for Technology Commercialization thanks the entire research community for their creativity and ingenuity. We especially appreciate the innovators who disclosed new inventions to the university in 2024, whose names are listed below. Please join us in celebrating the contributions of these and all KU inventors, for the tremendous value they bring to our institution.
2024 KU inventors
Michael Abraham
- Alan Allgeier
- Reza Barati
- Ronald Barrett
- Sandra Billinger
- Gustavo Blanco
- Steven Bloom
Stefan Bossmann
- Mark Buckman
- Andres Bur
- Merlin Butler
- Qi Chen
- Ana Colaco Morais
- Prasad Dandawate
Mohammad Dastmalchi
- Christopher Depcik
- Lisa Dieker
- Meg Folsom
- Marcus Forrest
- Elizabeth Friis
- Gregory Gan
Arun George
- Guenther Glatz
- Nelda Godfrey
- Mohammad Haeri
- Michael Hageman
- Jonathan Howerton
- Justin Hutchison
Chien-Ho Ko
- Gibum Kwon
- Kathleen Lynne Lane
- Emily Law
| - Jonathan Miller
- Karen Nordheden
- Berl Oakley
- Dinesh Pal Mudaranthakam
- Stephen Parnell
- Edward Peltier
- Lauren Ptomey
- Matthias Salathe
- Nima Sarani
- Neena Sharma
- Mark Shiflett
- Sumaiya Shomaji
- Margaret Sieger
- Rupal Soder
- Steven Soper
- Hinrich Staecker
- Bala Subramaniam
- Candan Tamerler
- Aaron Teator
- Sufi Thomas
- Pamela Tran
- Jinxi Wang
- Ning Wang
- Rebecca Whelan
- Sara Wilson
- Judy Wu
- Xiaoqing Wu
- Liang Xu
Xinmai Yang
- Jun Zhang
- Xiaoyu Zhang
KU researchers are improving classroom engagement for Native American and rural students; studying long-duration energy storage; planning crop conversion to address climate change; identifying novel drugs to treat bone cancer, and more — all with the aid of external funding awarded in January.
Behind every successful award are teams of KU research support staff who help investigators identify opportunities, prepare and submit complicated proposals under strict deadlines, help manage finances and compliance for funded projects, and more. They are the unsung heroes of KU research, greasing the wheels of innovation and discovery.
In each issue of KU Discoveries, we shine a spotlight on a research support staff member deemed particularly outstanding by colleagues. Click the button below this month's story to nominate a deserving candidate from any unit on campus.
‘Swiss Army knife’ of KU facilities creates welcoming environments for the research community |
Suzanne Kerich | Facilities Manager | Office of Research
An often-overlooked component of research is where it takes place. Dedicated facilities managers like Suzanne Kerich maintain buildings and workplace cultures to ensure that researchers and support staff can focus on discoveries.
Kerich has worked at KU since 2018. She currently serves as the facilities manager for several buildings, including the Wakarusa Research Facility and St. Andrew’s Research Facility, where social science and behavioral research is conducted. She also stepped in to share oversight of KU’s Life Sciences Research Laboratories after the death of a colleague last year.
“Suzanne has been the Swiss Army knife of KU research facilities,” said Erik Lundquist, associate vice chancellor for research and professor of molecular biosciences. “She is considerate, prompt and conscientious about facilities and their occupants, and she always tries to help.”
Another building Kerich manages is Youngberg Hall in KU’s West District. Until recently, the building housed the Office of Research, which oversees research administration, development and integrity, among other areas. She collaborated with numerous colleagues to support a smooth transition to the office’s new spaces in Strong Hall and Carruth-O’Leary Hall.
During KU Research’s time in Youngberg, Kerich played an integral role in onboarding staff. She coordinated with IT to ensure computer equipment was ready for incoming employees and introduced them to new colleagues during a tour of the building. Aside from hiring committee members, Kerich was often the first person a KU Research staff member would meet.
“Suzanne does her job in a kind and friendly manner, always with a smile,” Lundquist said. “She is truly a joy to work with.”
Kerich’s role in cultivating a welcoming environment continues beyond a colleague’s first day. As an active member of the KU Research Social Committee, she helps plan events that sustain connections among office staff, most of whom are hybrid or remote workers.
“For social events, Suzanne acquires space, coordinates catering, and gets us all free event parking,” said Brad Banks, grant coordinator and chair of the social committee. “She is the champion of Youngberg Hall and goes out of her way to get KU research employees anything they need to make their jobs or lives easier.”
Kerich has dealt with her fair share of unexpected facilities challenges. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, she helped distribute IT and other office equipment to staff as they transitioned to remote work. Colleagues say her efforts allowed them to focus on adapting their support at a time when research was especially needed to help solve a problem of global importance.
“During the pandemic, she did a wonderful job of getting new computers and supplies to people who needed them. I remember she had a few standing desks available, and I went to pick one up during the height of lockdown without any trouble at all,” Banks said. “Suzanne is a generous person who really cares about us all and making KU research thrive.”
Terry Koenig, professor of social welfare, received the 2025 KU International Affairs Advisory Board International Research Award.
- Jennifer Kurth, chair and professor of special education, received the 2025 Distinguished Researcher Award from the American Educational Research Association’s Special & Inclusive Education Research Special Interest Group.
Keith McMahon, professor in the Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures, received the 2024 Geiss Hsu Book Prize from the Society for Ming Studies for his book "Saying All That Can Be Said: The Art of Describing Sex in ‘Jin Ping Mei’” (Harvard University Press).
Nikia Robert, assistant professor of ethics & social justice in the Department of Religious Studies, was elected treasurer of the American Academy of Religion's Board of Directors.
- Katie Siengsukon, professor in the Department of Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science & Athletic Training, received the Women in Rehabilitation Sciences Award during the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine.
- Jake Sosnoff, associate dean for research in the School of Health Professions, was conferred as a new fellow of the Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions.
Honorific awards are an exciting and meaningful way to provide validation to researchers for their hard work and cutting-edge research that impacts society. University and external awards not only enhance researchers’ visibility and ability to garner grant funding, but they also raise awareness about research accomplishments that can lead to collaboration with colleagues at KU and other institutions.
As a faculty researcher, how can you improve your chances of being nominated for an award?
Adopt an awards mindset. What awards do you aspire to at the university level and in your discipline at the national/international level? Seek out award ladders that align with your career goals.
Maintain an updated CV. Some highly prestigious awards require total confidentiality during the nomination process, so candidates are not aware of submissions on their behalf. The first step in being considered for such a nomination, without the specific award being identified, is having an updated curriculum vitae. All award nominations, with or without the confidentiality requirement, begin with a long-form CV that can be shared with potential nominators.
- Establish mutually beneficial relationships with external collaborators. Most nominations are strengthened by having external nominators rather than colleagues from your own institution. Make a ranked list of your collaborators who may be willing to nominate you. Be willing to serve as a nominator and write letters of support for others.
Be a self-advocate. If you are interested in being considered for honorifics, alert your department chair. They can provide important feedback about the potential strength of your candidacy and the most advantageous timing to pursue various awards.
Being “award ready” expedites preparation of nomination packets, multiplying submissions and ultimately leading to a greater number of KU researchers being honored for their work. Both the scholar and the institution reap the benefits of faculty excellence.
Questions? Contact Robin Lehman, director of faculty recognition & awards.
Faculty receive seed funding for national security research |
- Michael Amlung, Applied Behavioral Science
- Nazli Avdan, Political Science
- Jack Zhang, Political Science
- Hui Zhao, Physics & Astronomy
The awards are managed by KU’s Office of National Defense Initiatives.
Frontiers virtual roadshow coming in March |
Learn how Frontiers Clinical & Translational Science Institute — a partnership between local health care systems and academic institutions, including the University of Kansas — can assist you in your research. Frontiers offers education and training programs, access to resources, opportunities to collaborate with other institutions across the country, funding and more.
Frontiers Virtual Roadshow
Tuesday, March 11 | 1 – 2 p.m.
Register on Zoom
Keep pace with federal research updates |
The Federal Research Updates webpage contains information and guidance for the KU Lawrence/Edwards research community about potential impacts of recent federal actions. Find an archive of KU messages and town hall recordings, evolving guidance for investigators, and resources to increase understanding and advocacy for indirect costs.
Seeking pre-approval for Airbnb/Vrbo lodging rentals |
KU has a duty of care for all employees traveling for business and must ensure that lodging is not only cost-effective but allows for flexible cancellation, regardless of which funding source pays for the travel.
Travelers may seek approval for an Airbnb/Vrbo booking exception by contacting:
KU funding: Katrina Yoakum, KU controller,
KURES funding: Karen Schaller, associate director of cash management & audit,
For assistance determining whether Airbnb/VRBO will meet the financial and safety requirements to grant the approval, please consult KU’s Travel Policies & Procedures FAQs.
IRB Back to Basics | Respect for Persons: Consent |
The February Final Friday Ethics session will continue the Back to Basics series and focus on the principle of respect for persons, including voluntariness of research participation and obtaining informed consent. Different types and methods of consent will be discussed, as well as requirements and regulations for consent materials.
IRB Back to Basics
Respect for Persons: Consent
Friday, Feb. 28 | 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Register on Zoom
The Belmont Report, which is a set of ethical principles for research involving human subjects — Respect for Persons, Beneficence, Justice — is the foundation of the regulations designed to protect human subjects. This series will consider each principle, reviewing the regulations and requirements in place to ensure the principle is followed.
Researchers who are new to human subjects research would benefit from this in-depth review of human subjects protections. This series could also benefit seasoned researchers due to continuing changes and updates to federal and institutional requirements. The monthly series will run through May; anyone who attends all 5 sessions will receive a completion certificate.
Questions? Comments? Content suggestions?
Mindie Paget | Office of Research |
KU Office of Research
Strong Hall | 1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
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