Normal Park Families,
We had a great first full week with our students! We are thrilled for the opportunity to serve our school community and love having your students here to get to know them. We look forward to visiting with parents at Lemonade on the Lawn and Open House so you can get to know us better too.
I am sure by now you have seen the facilities proposal that Superintendent Robertson and Mayor Wamp presented on Thursday. In this proposal, it mentions a new facility for Normal Park. At this time, this is a proposal that acknowledges that our facilities are aging. There is nothing in the proposal that suggests the new location, although a previous MGT report proposed we have a new k-12 facility on the current CCA campus. I am sure there are mixed feelings about this from our community. We have beautiful historic buildings that lie in the heart of our school zone. Over the years, there have been several efforts to improve our facilities such as the new gym at the lower school, the new field and windows at the upper school, new playgrounds, new gardens, and new paint on both campuses. However, we continue to lack new technology, handicap accessibility, new plumbing and electrical wiring, parking, safe entrances, facilities for special classes, etc. And of course being located on two campuses comes with its own set of challenges.
As discussions move forward, I encourage our families to be involved and advocate for the best facilities for our students. My hope is that our advocacy will also instill a K-12 school that our community has desired for so long. County Commissioner David Sharpe and School Board Member Ben Connor are scheduling feedback sessions in the coming weeks to hear from you. When we learn of those, we will advertise them. As an administrator and a Normal Park parent, I plan to also attend those and hear your voices.
We are all in this together! Let’s make it a great week.
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Aug 28 - 5:00 Lemonade on the lawn
6:00 Lower School Open House (adult event preferred)
Aug 29 - 5:00 Lemonade on the lawn
6:00 Upper School Open House (adult event preferred)
Aug 28-Sept 1- SPARK WEEK
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HEALTH SCREENINGSEvery year students are screened for specific health problems depending on their grade level. Parents/Guardians who do not want their children screened have the right to decline their screenings for their children. K, 2, 4, 6, 8 students will be screened for vision, hearing, and body mass index. This is scheduled for September 7th at the lower school and September 8th at the upper school. If you would like your student to opt out you can fill out the form here and return it to the nurse’s office. We assume opt in unless the form is completed.
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Nurse Dawn and Nurse Jennifer are here for your students needs and have a letter they would like to share with you for this school year. Notes from the School Nurse
**If your child is sick and needs to be absent from school, please notify only 3 people:
1) Nurse Dawn OR Nurse Jennifer
Lower school: morrow_dawn@HCDE.org
Upper school: defoor_jennifer@HCDE.org
2) student’s teacher
3) attendance office
Attendance for lower is Mrs. Buttrum; buttrum_heather@HCDE.org Attendance for upper is Mrs. Bowes; bowes_billie@HCDE.org
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NOTES FROM BOOKKEEPER As you have probably heard by now, there is an exciting new online payment system for Hamilton County Schools. If you have not already done so, please set up an account for future payments. https://hcde.schoolcashonline.com/ We will post all Learning Expedition fees, school fees, sports fees, etc, through this site. While you can still pay via check or cash, this is very convenient and easy for you. Once you set up your account and opt in for emails, when a new fee is attached to your student(s), you will receive notification. Once paid, they are removed from your profile. There is a fee for the company built in the cost, so for instance, the $50 sports fee will actually be $52.25.
This past week you may have noticed that the $105 Magnet Programming fee and the $25 Arts, Science and Technology fee were added to your student. Somehow, the system removed it from about 500 of you, but I have manually added you back in as of Friday afternoon. If you have not paid for this fee, and wish to do so online, it is now open for you. If you run into any issues, or you see it attached more than once, please feel free to contact me via email at killough_amy@hcde.org and I will be happy to correct it for you. If you have sent in cash or check, I have removed it from your account, but if for some reason you still see it, feel free to reach out. As with anything new, there will be some hiccups, but I assure you I am trying to correct those as quickly as possible for all of our families. We appreciate all of your support to make this a successful school year!
Normal Park Bookkeeper
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Please take time to load money on your child's account in our new system, Linq, send lunch money, or fill in the free/reduced lunch form.
If you are having trouble with your Linq lunch account, please contact Ben Rhodes at rhodes_ben@hcde.org or 423.498.7277.
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Meet our School Security Officers
Have you noticed our School Security Officers on each campus? Officer Hannah Knupp is back at the lower school and Deputy Ian Morow is our new officer at the upper. We appreciate them being visible on campus and building relationships with our students!
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| Volunteer Opportunities (Click Links)
Happy Cart (Upper and Lower): Signup
Click here to log hours: Normal Park Parent Volunteer Form. You may email Tiffany Phillips phillips_tiffany@hcde.org at the Lower School or Sonia August august_sonia@hcde.org at the Upper School with questions regarding your volunteer hours.
Volunteers Needed at Spark Week
We need volunteers to help make this year’s Spark Week a great success! Sign-up today!
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Fork and Gavel
We are so excited that Fork & Gavel is back at the Hunter Art Museum this year. This is our largest fundraiser for SPARK!
⭐If you or your business are able to donate items or experiences for the auction, please reach out to Alison Poole alisonholby@gmail.com or Marian King marianj42@gmail.com.
⭐We are also looking for volunteers to help reach out to businesses for donations for the auction. If you are interested in helping with donations or want more information about the event, email npmmforkandgavel@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
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Grade Level Memos and Updates
Click here to make School, Learning Expedition, Athletic, or Pre-K payments. Pre-K payments are due at the first of month and can be paid at the link above.
Dropoff and Dismissal Reminders:
All: Unless you are utilizing the handicapped parking spaces at the rear of the building, no one should drive up the ramp/drive for drop off or aftercare pick up.
Car Riders: All students must be dismissed into a vehicle with a car tag. If you park your vehicle, you must pick up your student from walkers.
Bike Riders: To the parents of Lower School Bike riders, please review bike rider safety procedures such as stopping at stop signs and using the bike lane.
Walkers: For the safety of our students, please DO NOT walk thur the car rider line. Use the sidewalks and crosswalks to safety get to your car.
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| Normal Park Museum Magnet
Fall 2023 After School Activities
Check out some of the options for Afterschool activites your child can particpate in. All after school dismissal locations and pick up details and information will be provided to parents and guardians from each program once rosters have been completed. All programs are on a first come first basis and fill up quickly. If you have questions about the programs, please contact the organization, not the school.
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Grade Level Memos and Updates
Click here to make School, Learning Expedition, Athletic, or Pre-K payments. Pre-K payments are due at the first of month and can be paid at the link above.
Morning Drop off Reminder: Parents CANNOT turn left in the morning coming out of car line.
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COACHES NEEDED!!Do you enjoy coaching or know someone who does. They do not have to be a parent of Normal Park. Please contact Joli Brown: brown_joli@hcde.org
We are in need of the following coaches:Middle School Girls BasketballMiddle School Girls TrackMiddle School Baseball
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Aug 21- Volleyball @ Brown Middle 5pm
Aug 21- Soccer vs East Ridge 5pm
Aug 24- Soccer @ CSAS 5:30pm
Aug 24- Volleyball @ Red Bank 5pm
Aug 24- Football @ Sale Creek 6pm
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6th-8th Grade Cross Country is being held thru CSAS this year and has already started
Elementary Cross Country 3rd-5th Grade: Coach: Kevin Venza
Click here for more information and Registration Information
Who can run: Any Normal Park student in grades 3-5 can be a part of our Cross Country team.
Practices: We will practice on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 4:15-5:15 at Renaissance Park until meets start.
Meets: Woodland Park Baptist Church 8/28, 9/5, 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2
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Soccer Team Spirit StorePlease support our soccer team and shop their spirit store online
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2022-23 Lightning Athletic Club Board Members
Emily Goolsby: Director
Tiffany and Matt Phillips, Alison and John Dorough, Caroline and Blake Kaylor, Yasmine Key, Brittany Griffin, Jimmy Gaines, Paul Hoeswicher.
Please contact Tiffany Phillips to join the LAC Board at phillips_tiffany@hcde.org . Any parent/guardian of a student althlete is welcome to join this team!
Join Lightning Athletic Club via Facebook or contact lightningathelticclub@gmail.com.
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