Please feel free to send us any events or suggestions for activities to share with the STS community. Email us!
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Dr. Paul Edwards Named One of Nine AAAS Fellows from Stanford and SLAC
Nine researchers from Stanford University and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have been named Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). STS Director Dr. Paul Edwards was recognized "for distinguished contributions to history of science, particularly history of environmental security and information infrastructures, and for public contributions to the understanding of climate change." Read the full article here.
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STS 1 Course Title Change STS 1 now has a new course title! The course previously titled, "The Public Life of Science and Technology" is now titled, "Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society". Please note the course and the requirement have not changed, only the title. STS 1 will be offered this Spring and is the Gateway requirement for all STS majors. This course must be taken to graduate with a degree in STS. Please contact the SSO, Dominique Topps, know if you have any questions or concerns.
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STS Prospective Honors WorkshopWednesday, February 9, 202, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Lane History Corner, Building 200, Room 17
Brian Thomas, Senior Director of Undergraduate Research, and Dr. Kyoko Sato, STS Associate Director & Honors Program Director, will be discussing the essential components of a successful proposal and how to apply for research grants. RSVP here.
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STS Alumni PanelThursday, February 24, 202, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Mendenhall Library, Building 120, Room 101A
STS has many, very successful alums who are willing to share the skills and talents they honed as part of their STS education. This year we will be featuring an Alumni Panel to talk about how they used their STS critical thinking, problem-solving, and big picture thinking skills for their careers. RSVP here.
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Human Rights Summer Fellowships
The Center for Human Rights and International Justice is pleased to offer Human Rights Summer Fellowships for students to work in partnership with a relevant organization or through community-based research, with the guidance and supervision of Stanford faculty. Stipends of up to $6,000 are available to undergraduates who commit to working full-time (35 hours/week) for a minimum of nine weeks either in the United States or abroad during the summer quarter. Learn more and apply by February 8, 2022.
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Alteryx Social Media Intern
As a Social Media Intern on the Corporate Communications team, you will:
- Learn how to develop and execute against an integrated social media strategy that is rooted in cross-team environment
- Help manage social media editorial calendars for various platforms, working with cross-functional teams in Employer Brand, Corporate Social Responsibility, Product Marketing, Integrated Campaigns, Partner, and more
- Gain knowledge on how to translate corporate brand voice and messaging into compelling social media content
- Partner with public relations team on press releases and product launches, developing social media strategy and content that fits into an integrated communications strategy
- Assist in further developing our Instagram strategy
- Report on social media performance and make recommendations on how we can improve
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Community Impact Fellowship
Senior or Co-term looking for a job in public service? Apply for a Community Impact Fellowship Check out these amazing, year-long fellowship opportunities. These Stanford-exclusive opportunities include nonprofit and government positions in a variety of fields. All of the organizations are committed to solving many of our world’s greatest challenges.
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Resume Clinic for Humanities & Sciences Students
The H&S Resume Clinic is for Stanford undergraduate and master's students declared in the School of Humanities & Sciences. Sign up for a 20-minute resume review with a career coach during the first four weeks of winter quarter. Spots are limited!
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Drop-In Hours: Humanities and Sciences The H&S Coaches are offering weekly Zoom Drop-In Hours, February 9, 16 & 25 and March 2 & 8. Students can meet individually with a coach during a 15-minute time slot to discuss career related questions. Sign-up will be available the day of Drop-In. Offered 2/9, 2/15, and 2/25.
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Creative Opportunities Career Fair 2022
This career fair will feature a combination of companies from creative industries, such as media and entertainment, marketing and advertising, fashion and retail, and others who are seeking candidates for a wide range of creative roles. Participating companies will have internships or entry-level positions available, or will be able to share information about when to look for those opportunities in their organizations. Offered 2/8.
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Meaningful Work Insight Virtual Sessions
Are you considering different career paths, wondering what might be a good fit, or just want more information about yourself to help you make decisions? We will work together on an interactive hands-on assessment that helps you identify the values, skills, and elements of work culture most important to you, and you’ll leave with a tangible set of career priorities to bring clarity and shape your choices. Offered 2/9 and 3/3.
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Level Up LinkedIn: Tips & Tricks Beyond Your Profile
You’ve created a LinkedIn Profile - now what? Did you know that up to 85% of opportunities - jobs/internships/etc. - are found through connections? LinkedIn is an amazing online platform to build these connections and identify these opportunities! Join us in this interactive workshop to learn about our favorite LinkedIn strategies, features, tips & tricks! Offered 2/15 and 3/9.
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- STS Opportunities: Periodically review this spreadsheet for jobs and internships submitted by Stanford staff, Stanford affiliates, and companies/organizations looking for Stanford students. Opportunities are added and removed on a rolling basis.
- STS Website: Visit our Research Opportunities and Careers pages.
- H&S Career Toolkit on Canvas: A Career Toolkit on Canvas specifically for humanities, arts and sciences students! This new resource includes our most popular career resources and links all in one place and available 24/7 to students.
- Interstride is an interactive career platform that enhances the career exploration and job search process for international students and alum.
- Handshake: Updated listing for job search events.
- BEAM: prepares students and recent alumni to pursue and secure fulfilling careers.
- Idealist: Good ideas for taking action!
- Cardinal Careers Newsletter: Postings for public interest tech careers. Subscribe for a list of best opportunities: Undergraduate Fellowships, Graduate Student Fellowships, and Post Graduation Fellowships.
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