February 20, 2018
Edition Topics

  1. Message from Dr. Silvertooth
  2. First 4-H Fab Lab Opens in Arizona
  3. 2017 Extension Climate Survey Results
  4. 2018 Promotion Workshops
  5. High Desert Gardening and Landscaping Conference

Photo of Dr. Silvertooth

Message from the Associate Dean and Extension Director

Hiring new personnel is one of most important functions that we provide for the Cooperative Extension System (CES).  We have the funds to hire a few new positions for the CES this year and each of them are very important to the organization. 

There are two basic approaches to a search and screen (S/S) process.  The first is a “passive” and the second is an “active” approach.  In a passive process, an advertisement for the position is posted and we then wait and see what happens.  An active search involves posting the advertisement and then making a concerted effort to seek good potential candidates and encourage their application.  We need strong pools of candidates and an active approach is more effective.  We should employ an active process in all S/S cases.

We have several S/S processes in various stages of development at this time in the CES.  I encourage everyone to get involved in the S/S procedures that are relevant to their own areas of operation and help secure a good pool of candidates.  A strong effort and commitment on recruitment and finding the best candidates will benefit the organization in many ways.

First 4-H Fab Lab Opens in Arizona

What organizers call the first 4-H Fab Lab in the country, and the first fabrication laboratory in an Arizona public school, is engaging students in STEM and fulfilling the mission of UA Cooperative Extension.

2017 Extension Climate Survey Results

As mentioned during the latest Live Q&A Webinar, here is a summary of the 2017 Extension Climate Survey results for your viewing.  We’re delighted to see progress in a positive direction year-over-year, but understand we still have areas of opportunity.  
Extension Administration will continue to strategize and solicit feedback and assistance to bring awareness to any issues which need to be addressed as well as celebrate our successes.

Thank you for your time in taking the Climate Survey this past Fall and we look forward to gauging our Workplace Climate again! 

2018 Promotion Workshops

The Spring 2018 Workshops for promotion schedule has been released.  The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs initiates the mandatory promotion process by conducting the following workshops each Spring.  

Going Up for Full

Friday, February 23, 8:30-10:00 am, Biological Sciences West Building, Room 301, RSVP here.

This workshop will include panel and table discussions of how to document your programs of work.  We will discuss how to document your leadership of administrative and service initiatives to demonstrate impact.  The discussion will take note of The Modern Language Association’s Standing Still survey of the career patterns of associate professors, including female faculty.  Female faculty sometimes face disproportionate service demands that can delay advancement to full professor, as discussed in The Ivory Ceiling of Service Work and in broader accounts of the challenges facing mid-career faculty such as “Why are associate professors so unhappy?” 

25th Annual High Desert Gardening & Landscaping Conference

The 25th Annual High Desert Gardening & Landscaping Conference is set for March 15, 16, & 17 in Sierra Vista with a pre-conference Gardeners' Gathering on Wednesday evening 5 to 7.  This conference, produced by the Cochise County Master Gardeners in conjunction with UA Cooperative Extension Cochise County, is the longest running gardening conference of its kind in the Southwest U.S. and features a wide variety of gardening topics presented by multiple speakers from academia and the horticulture industry.  To review the agenda and register, please visit cals.arizona.edu/cochise/mg/conference or call 520-458-8278, ext. 2141.
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TMN Submittal Process

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