Normal Park Costume Guidelines
Students on both campuses will be given the option to wear costumes to school on Monday, October 31. We ask that students use the following guidelines when selecting a costume:
1. No head coverings. NO costume masks or face paint. Staff members must be able to identify students.
2. Costumes that depict violence as well as fake weapons are not allowed.
3. Costumes that could be offensive or perpetuate a stereotype of someone’s culture, gender, heritage, or religion are not permitted.
4. Costumes should not hinder students’ ability to participate in classes including P.E.
5. Costumes may not disrupt or impede traffic, or present issues of safety in the hallway.
6. No accessories or props to the costume may be brought to school. Only the costume itself can be worn.
7. Costumes must meet dress code requirements as stated in the student handbook:
- Skirts, shorts and dresses must be at least mid-thigh in length on all sides of the leg. Shorts must be the same length all around the leg.
- Leggings may be worn with a garment that covers the backside and is equal length all the way around. Leggings should not have any see-through portions which are above mid-thigh length.
- Shirts and dresses must have fabric covering the front chest area, sides and back. Clothing must cover undergarments and the layer covering undergarments must be opaque (not see-through).
- Shoes must have a back to properly secure the shoe.
- Clothing may not depict, advertise or advocate the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other controlled substances.
- Clothing may not use or depict hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation or any other protected groups.
- Clothing that could be perceived as gang identifiers may not be worn.
8. The school will not be responsible for any costumes that may become damaged at school.
If a student wears a costume that distracts from their own or other students’ learning, the student will be asked to change into normal school attire.