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Indiana State Building and Construction Trades Council | Value on Display. Every Day.
Indiana Unemployment Insurance and Contractor Call-Backs

If a person is laid-off or furloughed by a contractor, the person must return to work if/when called to do so by the contractor or--in most cases--forfeit unemployment insurance.  Refusal of work from the contractor is normally grounds for denial of an unemployment insurance claim.  See the COVID-19 childcare exception below.

Q7. If my employer temporarily shuts down or lays me off because of COVID-19, will I be eligible for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits?

A7. Yes, if an employer must lay off employees due to COVID-19, the employees will be eligible for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits if they have earned enough wages to set up a claim and meet the weekly eligibility criteria. Employees must stay in contact with your employer and be available to work when called back by your employer.

Q9. If I cannot continue to work because I am caring for my child (or children) while their school or daycare is closed due to COVID-19, am I still eligible for benefits?

A9. Yes, if you are otherwise eligible, are not receiving sick pay or other leave pay from your employer, meet the minimum amount of wages, and the reason you are out-of-work is because of the school or daycare closure, you will be eligible under Governor Holcomb’s Executive Order during this public health emergency.

Q12: If I decide to remain at home because of COVID-19 with no directive from a medical professional or from my employer to do so, will I be eligible for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits?

A12: In most cases, no. However, the facts of each circumstance are important. You can file and DWD will evaluate your claim.

Phone:(317) 636-0806 |
150 W. Market Street, Suite 805 | Indianapolis, IN 46204 US

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