Watch Cute Animals, Organize the Garage, Avoid Clickbait & Try New Recipes
Watch Cute Animals, Organize the Garage, Avoid Clickbait & Try New Recipes
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  March 2020  
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Cool Video 1 - Download Graphics to View  
Garden Variety Groundhog
Chunk the groundhog found his own personal food stash amid the plants of a home gardener – and then found internet fame.
Cool Video 2 - Download Graphics to View  
6-Year-Old Piano Prodigy
One of the youngest people ever to perform at Carnegie Hall, William began playing simple songs on the piano at age two!
Clever Garage Storage  
Clever Garage Storage
Use old paint cans, golf bags, file cabinets, food jars, and more to make more room for your car.
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Smart Food Choices  
Smart Food Choices
March is National Nutrition Month. Celebrate by learning how to eat right to better your health.
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Backup Basics  
Backup Basics
It's never too late to start a good habit. Plan now to make sure your data is always backed up.
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Cooking Demo 1 - Download Graphics to View  
Buffalo Chicken Dip
Looking for a snack to serve while watching TV or movies? This delicious dip is sure to be a hit with the whole family.
Cooking Demo 2 - Download Graphics to View  
Salted Caramel Brownies
Mmmm, brownies! This easy recipe takes an old favorite to a new level with swirled caramel and sprinkled salt.
Welcome Home Rooster  
"Welcome Home" Rooster
Like a typical dog, this rooster runs down the driveway to meet his favorite family member as she gets off the school bus.
High-Wire Biking  
High-Wire Biking
Like to see the beautiful natural world in a whole new way? Then you might want to try a whole new sport: high-wire biking.
Do-It-Yourself Demo 1 - Download Graphics to View  
Easter-Themed Décor
This video offers several great ideas for reusing common materials to make cute, easy decorations for your home this holiday.
Do-It-Yourself - Download Graphics to View  
Paver Walkway Install
In this home improvement project, the homeowner replaces the broken, sagging bricks in a walkway with pretty new pavers.
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