Call to Action | UN News | CT Area Event Recap | Or Ami Applications
Call to Action | UN News | CT Area Event Recap | Or Ami Applications
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News from the Northeast

May 7, 2019
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Message from Robin Krieger
Vice President of Area Management
WRJ Northeast District

I decided to begin a new tradition this year by wearing my mother’s PTA charm bracelet every Mother’s Day. In 1962, my mom was busy at home with four kids, a few dogs, cats, and a big house that wasn’t necessarily the most organized. PTAs, like sisterhoods, were filled with many stay-at-home moms, but no one stepped up to the plate, so my mother reluctantly took the helm. After my mother received the 18-karat gold bracelet, my two sisters, my brother, and I would add new charms as gifts for her birthday or Mother’s Day.

My mother gave me the bracelet when I became president of the Oak Hill Middle School PTA. The gift was especially significant because any one of my siblings could have easily been given this precious gift. I was surprised when she gave it to me, and assumed it was because I was following in her footsteps as a PTA president. In retrospect, I don’t think that was all there was to it.

As the middle sister, my relationship with my mom was a bit muddled. I wasn’t the first one to attempt new things, ultimately needing extra attention, nor was I the last who was able to spend special alone time with our mother. I was the typical middle child who stayed the course and never asked for additional time, since it really wasn’t there. But I think my mother saw leadership qualities in me that my sisters, though very accomplished, didn’t have. Neither sister would lead an organization but would always work within the system to create change.

True confession. Like my mother, I was not excited about becoming an officer of PTA or of sisterhood. Both organizations were in need of new leaders, and I had no intention of being one of them. As for PTA, I aged out once my kids did. But sisterhood was different; it became even more important to me after the kids left. Who knew that becoming temple sisterhood president would lead me to roles within both the Northeast District and WRJ, and expand my leadership skills beyond my expectations?

Sadly, my mom was not alive when I became involved with WRJ, but I believe that she knew what I was capable of accomplishing when she gave me the bracelet. It has meant so much more than just inheriting a beautiful piece of jewelry, and I feel my mom would have been so proud to know that her gift to me was not just a bracelet.

Happy Mother’s Day Mom! The bracelet looks lovely!

Robin Krieger
Temple Shalom, Newton, MA

Call to Action

Two bills need your senators' attention!

Please urge your senators to support them!

Paycheck Fairness Act

The House of Representatives passed this bill in March. Now it needs to be passed by the U.S. Senate.
Click the "Paycheck Fairness Act" image to urge your senators to support gender equity.

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

This bill was passed by the House of Representatives on April 4. It also needs to be passed by the U.S. Senate.
Click the "Support VAWA" image to urge your senators to end gender violence.

Mazel Tov to the Newest Member of the WRJ UN Team

Did you know that WRJ is represented at the United Nations? WRJ has a UN presence to ensure that our voices are heard when policy is being made, and to keep WRJ members abreast of social injustices.
Vivian Blumstein received UN credentials in April

Sisterhood News and Events

All WRJ members are welcome at these events

B'nai Israel Southbury Sisterhood Celebrates Its Bat Mitzvah!

Connecticut Area Event Recap

On Saturday, March 30, sisters from the Northeast District met in Stamford for our Connecticut Area Event. We heard guest speaker Andrée Aelion Brooks, author of The Woman Who Defied Kings, speak about Doña Gracia Nasi, a remarkable woman who helped Jews and conversos escape persecution in Western Europe in the 1500s. In addition, it was an opportunity for Connecticut-area sisters to get together and to schmooze with district board members who were in attendance. There was also an Executive Committee meeting the next day, to work on Northeast District business and planning. It was a rainy but lovely weekend.

Or Ami Applications

Has your sisterhood had an incredible program? WRJ’s Or Ami “Light of My People” Awards recognize exemplary social justice, community service, and educational programming that serve as a model for WRJ districts and sisterhoods.
Programs must take place between July 1, 2017, and June 30, 2019. Get all the details.


May is Mental Health Awareness Month
May 8 Yom HaZikaron (Israel Memorial Day)
May 9 Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel Independence Day)
May 12 Mother's Day
May 18-19 WRJ Social Justice Conference
May 19-21 RAC Consultation on Conscience
May 20 Victoria Day (Canada)
May 23 Lag BaOmer
May 27 Memorial Day (US)
June 2 Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day)

Save the Date

October 25-27 WRJ Northeast District Kallah

CCAR Press Discount

Until May15 – Last chance for substantial discounts for gift shops on small-quantity bulk orders from CCAR Press.

Moment Magazine Discount

Subscribe via this link, and one-half of the $18 subscription price will benefit WRJ initiatives.

Two RAC Alerts

Urge Congress to take action...

Request a Speaker

Your sisterhood is entitled to a district speaker once every two years, without expense to your sisterhood.
In alternate years, you may REQUEST A WRJ SPEAKER.
Confirm your subscription

Contacts for Elected Officials

The Religious Action Center has compiled a webpage with Resources for Contacting Elected Officials.
Together we can make a difference!


New Sisterhood Presidents and Leaders

Submit a LEADERSHIP CHANGE FORM so that WRJ and Northeast District can update their records and provide Yammer access.

...and please LIKE us!


Need access to Yammer?

Contact Heather Lorgeree at 212‑650‑4050 or email her at

Did You Know...

These events occurred in history during the month of May...

1894 Jewish women's advocate Esther Ruskay is featured speaker at NCJW New York launch May 9, 1894
1910 Political trailblazer Belle Moskowiz wins passage of bill regulating NY dance halls May 26, 1910
1943 Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead" is published May 6, 1943
1948 Rebecca Affachiner flies first Israeli flag May 14, 1948
1974 Sandy Sasso ordained as first female Reconstructionist rabbi May 19,1974
1985 Amy Eilberg ordained as first female Conservative rabbi May 12, 1985
1999 Angela Warnick Buchdahl is invested as first Asian-American cantor May 16, 1999 and ordained as a rabbi two years later
2004 Mayyim Hayim progressive community mikvah opened May 14, 2004
2008 Jane Eisner appointed first female editor of "The Forward" May 18, 2008
2010 Jennifer Gorovitz became first female CEO of a major Jewish federation May 14, 2010

The Board of the Northeast District Wishes You a Happy Mother's Day

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The next eblast will be sent on June 4, 2019.
Send program listings, photos, and articles to by May 30
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