May 7, 2019 - Weekly Coach Newsletter
May 7, 2019 - Weekly Coach Newsletter

Dear Coach,

This is the final weekly Coach Newsletter of the year! If you are headed to Nationals, be sure to sign up for our Nationals Newsletter list to receive tournament updates, deadlines, and event details straight to your inbox.  

Preparing for Pride Month

Pride Month begins in June and we're excited to announce it as the third installment in our monthly diversity celebration series! Inspired by recommendations from the LGBT+ Coaches’ Caucus, we have created a new set of posters featuring NSDA coaches and alumni. Plus, check out a literature collection featuring LGBT+ stories and recommended texts for historical context. As your students think about scripts for the fall, this is a great resource to share! Visit to get started.   
Support Programs Through Coach Transitions » If you or a coach you know is departing from coaching, please fill out this form to give us more information. We'll work to help keep the program going! 

2019 Coach and Administrator Award Winners 

We're thrilled to announce the 2019 recipients of our coach and administrator awards. These individuals will be honored on stage at the National Tournament. To learn more about the awards and their recipients, click here.  

Webinar Recording: Imagining Latinidad for Speech and Debate

In last week's webinar Imagining Latinidad for Speech and Debate, Dr. Darrel Wanzer-Serrano introduced participants to terminology (Hispanic, Latina/o/x, Latinidad), demographic information and history, and some practical and easy-to-implement suggestions to aid in recruitment, retention, and post-secondary placement of Latina/o/x students. Watch the free recording »

Diamond Award and Service Citations Recognition Deadline 

Coaches who have earned Diamond Awards or Distinguished Service Awards between May 16, 2018, and May 15, 2019, will have their accomplishment listed in the 2019 Tournament Book. Diamond recipients will also be recognized on stage at the National Tournament. 
If you have points or service citations left to enter, please do so by May 15 to ensure you're recognized this year! 

District Leadership Election Results 

Thank you for your participation in our biennial district leadership election! The results are now available online here. Elected district committee chairs and members will be contacted by the national office directly and asked to accept their role. This may result in changes to the results before the 2019-2020 school year begins. Current district leaders will continue to serve until July 31, 2019. The term for newly elected and confirmed leaders begins August 1

Middle School Nationals Deadline 

If you are registered to attend the 2019 Middle School National Tournament, please remember that all fees and paperwork are due on Friday, May 10

Membership Pre-payment Available for 2019-2020

We appreciate having you as part of our community! Your current school membership is valid through July 2019. We hope you will choose to continue participating in our Honor Society again next school year.
If you're ready to renew now, or if you have funds remaining to pre-pay next year's Resource Package subscription or student memberships, log in and visit the School Finances tab in your NSDA Account. From there, you can generate invoices for the 2019-2020 school year, which you will be asked to activate after August 1, 2019.
Log in to Pre-pay

Confirm Pending Autoposted Points by June 15  

Make sure to confirm any pending autoposted points on your school's account! Any regular season points left unconfirmed by June 15 will be unavailable in the fall and would need to be entered manually. Log in to check for pending autposted points »
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