News and Programs 8.26.20
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Spiritual and Religious Life at Emory - Fall 2020
Check out our OSRL Spiritual Life Weclome Video for the Fall 2020 semester. We’re delighted to have you back, both virtually and on campus. For new students, check out more welcome videos from our spiritual and religious communities below.
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Sign Up to Receive OSRL Wall Calendar 2020-21
Deadline: Sign up by Wednesday, September 2, 2020
The Office of Spiritual and Religious Life is pleased to share our 2020-2021 spiritual life calendar. The calendar contains religious holiday information, contact information for our staff and affiliates, and highlights of some of our signature programs, many of which will be virtual this year. We want you to know, you are precious to us in the Emory community, and we want to support you however we can. To request a calendar, please click the link here. We wish you blessings and an exciting start to the new academic year! Staff, faculty, students, and alumni are welcome to request a calendar.
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Rabbi Jordan Braunig Joins OSRL Team as Jewish Chaplain
The Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life (OSRL) is pleased to announce the appointment of Rabbi Jordan Braunig as Jewish Chaplain in OSRL effective September 1, 2020. Rabbi Jordan will help to support innovative community building and online spiritual presence for the Jewish and interfaith communities at Emory this fall and beyond, working in partnership with Emory’s existing Jewish resources and organizations. He has served at Tufts, Brandeis, and Yale and is a graduate of Hebrew College and NYU. This position is one of several multifaith positions in OSRL serving the whole Emory community. We look forward to welcoming Rabbi Jordan to our multifaith team this fall! Read his letter to the community:
"I am delighted to be joining the team in the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life at Emory, and to be stepping into the role of Jewish Chaplain. Even in my time on campus in early March, it was apparent to me that Emory is a place where students come to learn within the classroom and beyond, to develop as students and, simultaneously, to grow as human beings. In these anxious times, I look forward to being a resource, a field guide and a rabbi to students exploring their Jewish identity at Emory."
Read the full message below or here.
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Emory College of Arts and Sciences: Spiritual Life at Emory Webinar Video
Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life is a resource for all students that supports the religious, spiritual, ethical, and cultural life of the Emory community. Whether you are deeply rooted in a faith tradition, seeking a spiritual practice or intellectually curious about religion and ethics in human life and our world, review this recorded session to learn more. View the full webinar here.
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International Coffee Hour - Fall 2020
Thursdays, 9:00-10:00 a.m. Eastern, via Zoom
Fridays, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Eastern, via Zoom
Looking to connect with other students and scholars from around the world? Need a coffee/tea break with other people? Want to learn about campus and community resources?
The OSRL and ISSS invite you to join us for International Coffee Hour! This is a longstanding community-building tradition at Emory where international students and scholars can meet each other over a meal or drink, learn about resources, and network. Coffee hour will be virtual this year, and we are excited to still offer this as a time to pause and relax as a community, connect with one another, and learn about the many resources available for internationals at Emory. Each week a different campus office or community organization will host, and there will also be time to break out into smaller groups to chat and meet new people.
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Emory School of Medicine Anatomical Gift Service of Gratitude Video
This service is an opportunity for Emory School of Medicine students to express gratitude for their “first patient” and for what they learned about life, about death, about one another, and about themselves in the anatomy course. Students express gratitude through music, poetry, art, or other reflections. Learn more about the Body Donor Program here. Sponsored by the Office of Spiritual and Religioius Life and the School of Medicine.
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Eid Al-Adha Lunch and Learn Video
Hosted by the Emory Graduate Student Government Association and the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life, Dr. Isam Vaid, Muslim Religious Life Scholar, and The Rev. Kevin Crawford, Assistant Chaplain, held a lunch and learn session on Tuesday, August 18 around Eid al-Adha in order to promote a better understanding of the Muslim holiday for graduate and professional students.
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Graduate Interfaith Council
The Graduate Interfaith Council is a community of Emory graduate students united in the project of integrating spiritual and religious inquiry with the demands of contemporary life to help guide the ways we interpret and act in the world.
Join with a diverse group of religious and non-religious graduates every (dates and time) for encouragement, support, and opportunities to converse with other cultures.
Aspects of the meetings include group conversations around various themes, the sharing of spiritual practices with one another, and working to discover how different traditions can uniquely contribute to issues facing communities and cultures.
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Beloved Community Protestant Worship - Fall 2020 Sundays, 11:00 a.m. Eastern, Via Zoom – Register here:
Beloved Community gathers each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Eastern during the academic year. Worship is ecumenical and planned especially for the campus setting, providing a variety of worship experiences for the Emory community. Preachers include Emory chaplains, Emory faculty, and distinguished guests from the U.S. and abroad. For more information, or to get involved, please contact Assistant Chaplain The Rev. Kevin Crawford at kevin.crawford@emory.edu. Join us here.
You can also view last weeks service below and here.
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8.23.20 Beloved Community Preacher - Dr. Dianne Stewart, Associate Professor in Religion and in African American Studies
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Compassion Meditation Group Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 p.m. Eastern, via Zoom
The Compassion Meditation Group includes undergraduates, graduates, faculty, and staff, as well as friends in the local community.
Join us each Wednesday for meditation for daily living, that uses focus on breathing, relaxation,self-and-other compassion practices, and a range of mindfulness meditation practices. All are welcome; new and experienced meditators, and no commitment is required.
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The format: Brief introductions, then a 30-minute guided practice, often led by Dr. Bobbi Patterson, Professor of Pedagogy in the Department of Religion at Emory University, as well as other trained teachers. After the practice, there is sharing and questions, which draw from diverse traditions.
For more information, and to receive login information, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.
To learn more about Bobbi Patterson and her work, please go to her Building Resilience Through Contemplative Practice website.
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Upcoming Programs for Students
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Emory Buddhist Club - Guided Meditation and Discussion Thursdays, 6:00 p.m., via Zoom
Hi everyone, welcome back to a brand new school year. To start off the Fall '20 semester, Emory Buddhist Club welcomes Guo Gu (Dr. Jimmy Yu), founder and teacher of the Tallahassee Chan Center this Thursday. He will be leading a Chan Buddhism meditation, as well as giving a talk and facilitating discussion within the club meeting. This meeting is one of a 3-part series titled "Three Dimensions of Chan Buddhism: The View, The Principle, The Path" led by Guo Gu. Please see the flyer attached for details, and join us on 8/27, 9/3, and 9/10.
This semester, EBC will continue to host weekly meditation sessions through Zoom. To participate in our meetings, simply click the link included above, or paste https://emory.zoom.us/j/515025945 in your URL bar. Anyone is welcome to join.
The EBC is a student-led effort. Our primary mission is to provide a free, weekly opportunity for anyone with any interest in Buddhism or meditation to meet, practice, and learn with qualified Buddhist teachers from the Atlanta area. Our meetings are always free and open to the public. We welcome anyone, regardless of meditation experience or point of view.
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DBS (Dinner-Band-Stories) at Emory Bread Coffeehouse Thursday, August 27, 7:30 p.m. EST
We are starting virtual DBS this week. If you are local, stop by the bread house where we will be serving quinoa and black bean tacos, Brand (our Bread Band) will be playing a song, and Kyle Marshall will be sharing stories. Zoom link for DBS. Sign-up sheet for food orders. Please fill this out by Wednesday evening so we can plan accordingly. If you’re outside Atlanta and want to cook along with us at home, here are two recipes for Thursday's dinner: #1 and #2. We will be sharing step-by-step instructions on our Instagram starting at 5:00 p.m. EST.
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Emory Hindu Students Association
Learn more about the Hindu Students Association at Emory on Facebook. Updates on the first GBM and the Freshman Representative Application will be coming soon.
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Emory Muslim Students Association - First-Year Welcome Social Friday, August 28, 3:00 p.m. EDT, Zoom
As first year students a sense of community is integral to your success on campus. That's why MSA would love the freshman to join us for our first ever "First Year Welcome Social" in which you guys will be able to meet other freshman, play games and get to know each other. Be ready to laugh, smile and have fun in shaa Allah! For login information, please go to the MSA Instagram page.
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Emory Hillel Shabbat Fridays, via Facebook Live
Hillel at Emory is providing Live Dvar Torah, Shabbat, and food pickup every Friday. We are thrilled to announce that many of our amazing Hillel staff will provide Shabbat to-go packages for students this semester. Students can sign up to receive SHABBAT2GO and celebrate with a Kosher meal in their dorm rooms or apartments after virtual Shabbat services. To learn more please click here.
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JEGS: Jewish Emory Graduate Students
Jewish Emory Graduate Students (JEGS) is a welcoming network of Jewish students across all of Emory's graduate programs. We will be planning virtual events to network, celebrate, and learn together. To subscribe to our email list, please fill out this form.
If you are interested in a weekly Jewish Graduate Student Virtual Fellowship with students across the US, click here.
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Emory JBiz Kick Off 2020 Thursday, August 27, 7:00 p.m., via Zoom
ATTN: All Business majors and Business interests. We are so excited to officially bring back JBiz (or Jewish Business Association). Join JBiz for networking opportunities, career workshops, and interesting guest speakers. We will be having our first general body meeting on Thursday, August 27. Hope to see you there.
To stay updated, please fill out our interest form here.
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Emory University Catholic Center Programs
Hot Takes Happy Hour
Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 p.m., via Zoom Welcome to Hot Takes Happy Hour. Grab your beverage of choice, pull up a chair, and prepare yourself for a potentially controversial topic discussion. Some people like to avoid talking about politics and religion - we welcome these topics and more with civility and open arms.
Fellowship and Adoration Night
Fridays, 6:00 p.m., University Catholic Center or via Zoom The Fellowship and Adoration Night is a student-led Bible study focused on growing in faith and experiencing Christ's presence in our lives. Join us on the University Catholic Center back deck or on Zoom every Friday at 6:00 p.m. during the school year. While our primary attendance is composed of students, everyone is welcome.
Switching from pre-recorded to live-streamed Mass
Beginning Saturday, August 29, 4:00 p.m., via YouTube Live The University Catholic Center will be making the switch from pre-recording Mass to live streaming Mass on Saturdays at 4:00 PM on our YouTube channel for the foreseeable future. A recording of the live stream will be made available to view immediately afterward for anyone who wishes to participate at another time. Please bear with us as we make this switch.
Confession & Communion
Beginning Saturday, August 29, 5:00 p.m. We will begin offering confession and communion for anyone who desires to receive the sacraments immediately follow our Saturday, 4:00 p.m. live-streamed Mass at the University Catholic Center. Details will be shared next week.
Music Ministry Orientation
Sunday, August 30,10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., via Zoom Want to sing or play at Mass? Whether you are a long-time musician or are just getting your feet wet, our music ministry team would love to have you. Join us for our first meeting of the year where we'll be sharing details about the team and what serving with us looks like.
In-Person Outdoor Mass
Beginning Sunday, August 30, 11:00 a.m., University Catholic Center In-person outdoor mass starts this week. To ensure the safety of our community, we ask that you carefully read the precautions at this link ahead of time. Please sign up if you intend on attending Mass with us in-person at the same link. This will help us accurately plan for and communicate the number of people who will be present. Seating is limited, and we will prioritize seating for those who sign up if necessary.
Join a First-Year Small Group
Are you a returning student interested in leading a small group? Sign up here. Joining a small group is an easy way to connect with like-minded students who have a desire for community and prayer and are designed to provide a place of welcome and belonging for students at Emory University.
Game Night
Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00 p.m., via Zoom Looking for something fun to do or need a break from your studies? Come hang out and play games with us. Jackbox and other video games, card games and board games, and trivia - you name it, we'll play it.
Submit a Prayer Request
Have something you would like us to pray for? Submit it here. Your requests will be included in our Sunday Mass intentions.
Fall Retreat
Mid-Semester Fall 2020 It's important to periodically step away from the hustle of your daily life to immerse yourself in prayer and reflection. Join us this Fall for a unique retreat-from-home experience.
Quaero: Theology for Non-Theologians Beginning in October 2020, a 4-week theology discussion group that meets for about one hour to explore major questions about the Catholic Faith in a communal setting. No formal theology background is required or expected and all are invited to join.
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Emory InterVarsity Small Groups Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays throughout the semester
One unique characteristic of Emory InterVarsity is that we are an interdenominational Christian group. Because people come from all different backgrounds, whether that’s from different churches or if they’re just checking out Christianity for the first time, our Small Groups are full of opportunities to learn something from Scripture that we might’ve not seen before. We have three main SGs this semester, each representing one of our three chapters of IV:
“Encountering Jesus” -- ECF Mondays, 8:00 p.m., EDT “Flourishing Communities” -- BASIC Wednesdays, 8:00 p.m, EDT “Losing Face, Finding Grace: 12 Bible Studies for Asian Americans” -- ACF Fridays, 9:00 p.m., EDT
Each SG has its own topic and general vibe, but you are welcome to join any of the small group times regardless of your ethnic background. Hope to see you there. Additionally, we have biweekly inter-chapter gatherings on Thursdays, 8:00 p.m., EDT starting on August 27. Called “IV3D.” This is where all three chapters come together for worship, fellowship, and teaching from guest speakers. Topics include things like peace, prayer, Scripture, community, motivation, mental health, Kingdom/culture, and more.
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Glenn Memorial Church Weekly Programs
All of us at Glenn invite you to join our weekly virtual programs in worship. We would love to see you on Zoom. Please contact those below for the login credentials and more information.
Online Bible Study with the Pastors Thursdays, 11:30 a.m., via Zoom
Join with the Glenn pastors to be a part of the North Georgia United Methodists 2020 study of the Gospel of Luke, followed by the Book of Acts. Catch up with the weekly readings, download the reading schedule, and be sure to subscribe to receive weekly reading prompts and reflections here. To participate in the Glenn study via Zoom on computer or phone, contact Communications Director, Jessica Bradford at jbradford@glennumc.org for the information. Weekly “attendance” not required – join us anytime your shelter-at-home schedule allows.
Young Adults eTwain's Thursdays, 8:00 p.m., via Zoom
The young adults will continue to meet on Thursdays for eTwains on Zoom. Joins us at 8:00 p.m. for a virtual drink and at-home chicken nachos. Contact Rev. Brent Huckaby at bhuckaby@glennumc.org for the info or check the Young Adult GroupMe.
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Reformed University Fellowship Small Groups Monday-Friday throughout the semester
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Bread Coffeehouse Weekly Gatherings
Bread Coffeehouse is a place unlike any other on campus…a place where good coffee flows freely, delicious treats are served daily, where residents and staff know your name, where you will be treated with love no matter what you believe, a place that never pushes Jesus on you but a place where the staff believes in serving Jesus by serving you and loving you. Learn more here.
Cafe Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. EST, Zoom
Join us for a time of teaching, reflection, and small group discussion. We're offering coffee and dessert for those that are local and recipes for you to try your hand at the dessert from home. Contact alicia@breadcoffeehouse.org for more information.
Fresh Party Wednesdays (bi-weekly), 7:30 p.m. EST, Zoom
First year students are invited to this special event where they can meet other first year students, play games, and get connected to the Bread community. Contact kierra@breadcoffeehouse.org for more information.
DBS Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. EST, Zoom
Join us for virtual dinner (D), band (B) and a storytelling about Jesus (S). We're offering meal pick-ups for local students and recipes if you want to try your hand at the dinner from home. Contact kyle@breadcoffeehouse.org.
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International InterVarsity Fellowship: Virtual Community
The International InterVarsity Fellowship (IIF) is hosting weekly events in the fall to foster virtual community with real-life friends. Join us for any or all of the following. For more information, please email us at intl.intervarsity.iif@gmail.com.
Virtual Game & Bible Study Fridays. 6:30 p.m. Eastern
Book Reading Online Sundays, 6:00 p.m. Eastern
Online Tea-talk (Free!) Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. Eastern
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Tea Talk with International InterVarsity Fellowship Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m., via Zoom
Prepare your favorite cup of tea and snack to join our virtual Tea Talks on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. You and your international friends are welcome and always invited. Our zoom link is https://emory.zoom.us/j/4426635614.
Sponsored by International InterVarsity Fellowship.
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Welcome Session for New Students Friday, August 28, 7:00 p.m. Eastern, via Zoom
Welcome back to all returning students, and a big welcome to all incoming students. Emory Graduate Christian Fellowship (GCF) will be hosting an info session for new students, and we hope you can join us. We hope to see you on Friday, August 28, on Zoom. Best of luck with this first week of classes.
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UKIRK Welcome Week: Opening Worship Sunday, August 30, 7:00-8:00 p.m., online
UKirk Atlanta invites you to our watch party with our prerecorded worship service, led by UKirk Students. We hope to see you there. To join our Facebook event, please click here.
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Weekly Worship at Grace House (ELCA Lutheran Episcopal) Thursdays, 6:15 p.m., Zoom, Email Andrew@greacepeople.org for link and more information.
Our worship this year will engage in recognizing racism and white supremacy in our faith communities and world while discussing how we can dismantle those systems.
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Our mission is to display a healthy example of what it means to be a gospel-centered believer, a responsible sibling, a generous steward, and an indigenous disciple-maker, as outlined here: https://www.blueprintchurch.org/our-dna. Join us each week and engage in worship with other Christian college students from several Atlanta-area universities. Contact: Taylor Dover, Andrew Dugan, or Justin Brew for more information.
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Bible Study/Discussion - Emory Adventist Christian Fellowship Fridays, 8:00-9:30 p.m., Zoom
Wind down from the week through faith-centered conversation and bible study. All are welcome. Contact Danielle Campbell Lloyd at dlcamp3@emory.edu for details.
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High Holidays with Hillel September 2020, via Zoom
Hillels of Georgia invites you to celebrate the High Holidays with us. Services will be streamed via Zoom and will include a virtual prayer book for following along at home. We will be holding Reform and Conservative services for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. To register, simply visit this link and click on the service(s) you would like to attend.
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Virtual Book Club
Join in the conversation and read "The Privileged Poor" by Anthony Abrahman Jack with the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion virtual book club. Share your thoughts.
To get more information and complete the ODEI book club sign up form here.
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Center for Civic and Community Engagement Zoom Office Hours August 20-27, via Zoom
Through changes and challenges, we continue to serve our communities and engage students. Emory's Center for Civic and Community Engagement (CCE) supports members of the Emory community in developing and applying their skills to foster a kinder and more socially just world. We offer programs vital to the communities around us, programs that channel passions for social justice, education, health care, and more into purposeful impact in metro Atlanta and beyond.
We are excited to continue programming and serving our communities virtually in the fall. Join our office for office hours to learn more about our office, programs, and how to get involved.
- Thursday, August 27 - Learn more here.
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2020 Carter Center Weekend Goes Virtual August 26-29, online
Despite the challenges we are all facing because of the coronavirus, The Carter Center is committed to maintaining the vibrancy and connectedness of our Carter Center Weekend community. This year, in lieu of gathering in person, we have planned two very special virtual events for you to enjoy from the comfort and safety of your home: an online auction and a live broadcast show.
From your couch or kitchen table, you can bid on fine art, presidential memorabilia, autographed books, and original artwork by Jimmy Carter. All proceeds of the auction will benefit the Center’s ongoing efforts to wage peace, fight disease, and build hope in the world's poorest and most forgotten countries. Bidding opens Wednesday, August 26 at 9:00 a.m. and closes Saturday, August 29 at 11:00 p.m. Eastern.
Our live broadcast show will also be virtual. Join us August 29 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern for a live show hosted by Jason Carter, chair of the Center’s Board of Trustees, and Paige Alexander, the Carter Center’s new CEO. The broadcast will feature a personal message from President and Mrs. Carter, a town hall discussion, presentations on Carter Center health and peace programs, and much more.
For more information, please click here.
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Office of Racial and Cultural Engagement, Centro Latinx, Grad & Professional Student, and Emory Black Student Union Open Houses August and September 2020
All of us at Campus Life are eager to work with all of you again this year, virtually! Come to one or all of our open houses. The following times are in Eastern time:
Office for RACE Wednesday, August 26, 5 p.m., Zoom ID 920 6343 9838
Centro Latinx Saturday, August 29, 1:00 p.m., Zoom ID 993 4234 4034
Grad & Professional Students Thursday, September 3, 6:00 p.m., Zoom ID 940 5722 7858
Emory Black Student Union Saturday, September 5, 1:00 p.m., Zoom ID 936 1817 9087
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COVID-19 in the Latinx Community Thursday, August 27, 5:30-6:30 p.m., via Zoom
Latinx faculty across the School of Medicine will gather to discuss the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Latinx community and effective responses within the Emory network and beyond. Register here for our webinar on Thursday, August 27 to participate in the dialogue.
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Disease Healing and Pastoral Care Wednesday, September 2, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Eastern, online
We are excited to launch the Kessler Conversations at Pitts Theology Library. This is a series of online interviews with leading church historians and theologians, asking this question, “What relevance do the events, personalities, and texts of the Protestant Reformation hold for contemporary communities?” On the first Wednesday of each month this Fall, these online, 30-45 minute conversations will offer opportunities for the general public to learn about the events in Europe the 16th century and to consider what they tell us about the issues facing our communities. Conversations each semester will focus on a single contemporary theme and trace it back to the Reformers. This Fall, the Kessler Conversations focus on disease, healing, and pastoral care in the 16th century.
Our September conversation will be with Professor Anna M. Johnson, Associate Professor of Reformation Church History at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. Professor Johnson’s research explores religious practice in the German Reformation. She is the author of Beyond Indulgences: Luther’s Reform of Late Medieval Piety, 1518-1520 (Truman State University Press, 2017), and she recently wrote the introduction and annotations to Luther’s “Whether One Should Flee the Deadly Plague” for The Annotated Luther (Fortress Press, 2016). The Kessler Conversation with Professor Johnson, entitled “Christian Ethics in Times of Plague,” will be live-streamed at noon Eastern on Wednesday, September 2. Stay up-to-date by joining our Facebook event here.
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AJC Decatur Book Festival September 4-October 4, 2020
Launched in 2006, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Decatur Book Festival (DBF) presented by Emory University brings nationally and internationally known authors, children’s and young adult writers and illustrators, and tens of thousands of readers together for a weekend of fun and discovery.
This year, the global Coronavirus pandemic has prompted the Festival staff and board to depart from tradition. “In the interest of public health, we have determined that holding a large-scale physical festival this Labor Day weekend is not feasible,” said Joy Pope, the festival’s Interim Executive Director. “Instead, we are planning a virtual festival that will celebrate the DBF’s 15th anniversary in a way that is unique to our community. We want to bring content, candor, and civic engagement into our lives in meaningful ways.”
The festival will present 15 virtual events that will represent the best of what the DBF does: ignite conversations inspired by diverse books and authors that engage our hearts and minds. To learn more, visit the festival website at decaturbookfestival.com and on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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AntiquiTEA @theCarlos Tuesday, September 1, 4:00 p.m. EST, Zoom
Vishnu, the preserver, comes to earth in times of distress in order to maintain the cosmic order. Dr. Harshita Kamath, Koppaka Assistant Professor in Telugu Culture, Literature, and History at Emory, will discuss the conception of Vishnu in the Hindu pantheon illustrated by works in the exhibition Transcendent Deities: The Everyday Occurrence of the Divine and the Carlos's permanent collection.
Proof Bakeshop, whose sour cherry scones are a beloved feature of AntiquiTEA programs at the Carlos, has provided a recipe from pastry chef Mike Carmody, so you can make them at home, and have them warm from the oven when the program begins.
Register for this program through Zoom or watch on Facebook Live or YouTube.
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Opportunities and Resources
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IFYC Interfaith Leadership Institute 2020 Thursday, September 17, online. Registration deadline: August 27
The Interfaith Leadership Institute (ILI), held by the Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC), is the largest gathering of students and educators with a commitment to American religious pluralism. As campuses have taken important measures to curtail the spread of Covid-19 for the health and safety of their communities, we are following their lead and canceling the in-person 2020 ILI for this year. Amid so much uncertainty right now, IFYC felt it was important that the ILI continue in some form, even if we cannot bring people together in person this year. We will instead hold a one-day virtual ILI experience.
Join us virtually with the passion to bring people together and leave equipped with the knowledge, skills to bring the movement for interfaith cooperation back to your campuses and communities. Any undergraduate student, graduate student, or educator at an undergraduate college or university within the United States is eligible to attend the ILI.
To learn more about ILI and this year's offerings or to register, click here.
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Racial Justice and Interfaith Cooperation in the age of Black Lifes Matter August 27, 2:00-3:30 p.m. CST, via Zoom
Racial Justice and Interfaith Cooperation in the Age of Black Lives Matter seeks to explore the intersections of Black and Womanist Theology, Black/African-American Religions and Interfaith Studies. Led by Laurie Patton and Noah Silverman, and in conversation with Steed Davidson, this webinar explores the role of Black Religions and Theology in the movement for racial justice and equity in the 21st century, and the role of the Academy in facilitating racial equity. This conversation will go from 2-3:30 CST.
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Muslim Student National Convention September 12-13
The MSA National Convention is coming. Our first day will be focused on navigating student life, and our second day will be focused on officer development. Please sign up at msanational.org/convention.
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Health is Everything™ Podcast
Join Michelle Lampl and members of Emory University's groundbreaking Center for the Study of Human Health as they discuss how our health impacts every facet of our lives. From world-renowned scholars covering timely topics to student leaders exploring the cause and effect of health on society at large. Health truly is everything. To learn more, click here.
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Emory University Ombuds Newsletter
One of the things that gives us hope during this time is the fact that we are all learning to practice placing our immediate comfort below the greater good. Wearing a mask to the grocery store—especially in the heat of an Atlanta summer!—may be temporarily uncomfortable, but we do it for the long-term goal of bending the coronavirus curve. We usually think of an embrace as protective and comforting, but now we protect our vulnerable family and friends by staying apart. We skip the vacation to a crowded beach, miss the annual family barbeque, and self-quarantine for weeks before the long-awaited wedding all so that we can avoid the possibility of spreading the disease to others we may never meet.
For the full newsletter, please click here.
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Tikkun Olam Racial Justice Initiative
At Hillels of Georigia, our students want to make a difference. Not just talk about change, but be a part of making change happen. As such, a multi-campus student group formed to create a student led campaign, the Tikkun Olam Racial Justice Initiative in order to show solidarity, mobilize Jewish students to partake in anti-racist work, and to offer tangible change to the Black communities here in Georgia. To kick things off, the students are launching the first step of this initiative which is a fundraiser for three Black-led racial justice organizations based in Atlanta. Donations will go to the following orgniztions:
- 100 Black Men of Atlanta
- SisterLove
- Solutions Not Punishment
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Bread Coffeehouse SMOOPS Sign up for SMOOPS (small groups) through the link in our bio. We have a group for everyone. Want to dig deeper in your faith? We got you. Or maybe have a time for arts & crafts? We got you. Is yoga your thing? Once again, come through. Sign up and get connected. Learn more here.
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Emory Votes Notes
With fall upon us and just a few precious weeks until voter registration deadlines and the November 3 election, EVI communications are back—new and improved!—to smooth the path to the polls.
Our newsletter shall henceforth be known as Emory Votes Notes. It will live online, easy to link to and share. We've also got a new look and, more importantly, a freshly launched website. Read more about these upgrades and the Emory Votes Initiative's essential fall voting info in the first issue of Emory Votes Notes.
Thank you for helping realize full civic participation across the Emory community, wherever we all find ourselves, and best wishes for the start of the semester. Let's hit the ground running.
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Upcoming Religious Holidays and Festivals
These events are drawn from the multifaith calendar maintained by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Harvard Divinity School. To see more upcoming religious holidays and festivals, please click here.
Das Laxana Festival Ongoing through September 1 Tradition: Jainism (The Paryusana Festival of Jain Digumbar Sect): A 10-day festival that is considered to be a holy convocation. During these days, Jains impose some restraints on their daily activities by fasting, meditation, and prayer. The last day of Paryusana is the most solemn occasion of forgiveness and the examination of one's own thoughts and feelings. On this day, Jains ask for forgiveness from their relatives and friends for any offense they may have committed by deed, word, or thought.
Ashurah ('Ashurah) Friday, August 28 Tradition: Islam For Sunni Muslims, it is a voluntary fast day. Many important events are believed to have occurred on this day, such as Noah's leaving the Ark and the freedom and departure of the Children of Israel from Egypt. For Shi'i Muslims, it is a time of mourning commemorating the martyrdom of Husain (the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad) on the 10th day of the lunar month of Muharram.
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