Parents, please join us for our first ever virtual Parent Open House! Head of School Aaron Schubach will kick off the event on Saturday, September 26, at 9am, after which you will have the opportunity to spend time in your children's shoes as a remote learner. We invite you to take part in short classes, meet your children's teachers and advisors, and have a chance to chat with other parents in our virtual parent lounge. The event will close at 12:15pm with remarks from our Heads of Upper School and Middle School, Suzie Matthews and Chris Chakeres. Details will be emailed to parents soon.


We are excited to announce that the Santa Fe Prep Directory is moving online! Student and family contact information is now easy to find and can be quickly updated. There are two ways to access the directory: 

1. Via My BackPack

When you log into My BackPack, go to the section labeled “Search.” Then go to “Student/Parent Directory.” You can search by first name, last name, grade, etc. 

2. Via the My BackPack Mobile App

You can find the “My BackPack Mobile” app in the Apple App Store or Google Play. The correct App is published by Senior Systems, Inc.

After installing and opening the App, you will be prompted for the school code: SFPREP.

When asked for a username and password, use the same username and password you use to log into My BackPack. Once you are in the App, you will find the option for our school directory on the bottom bar (see image above). You can search by student or parent for contact information, including phone numbers, email address, and physical address.  
We hope you find these platforms useful. We recommend the mobile app, as it includes additional features for convenience. 
Please Note: Some families opt not to have their contact information published. Additionally, all contact information is for use within the Prep community only. Please do not share student or parent contact information with anyone external. 


For their summer reading, Prep's 8th graders read Dread Nation by Justina Ireland. In the words of English teacher Breshaun Joyner, "This novel blends the history of the United States in the late 19th century with a modern day horror. Imagine a zombie apocalypse set during the Civil War. Zombies, or shamblers as they are called in the book, are an allegory for racism." On September 30, Ms. Ireland will do an hour-long Q&A with 8th graders over Zoom. She'll discuss the book, her biography, and her research for the book. What a treat for our 8th graders to have this special session with a renowned author! You can watch the book trailer for Dread Nation here; and for a taste of what the 8th graders may hear, take a look at these Author Facts


Tenzin Dawoe (top center in the image above) has a need for speed! This is most visibly evident in her love of roller skating. Tenzin prides herself on her mastery of such a fast-paced activity. Although it may be less visible, Tenzin also seeks out velocity in the classroom. An 8th grader at the Santa Fe Girls’ School, Tenzin has never been one to shy away from an academic challenge. Although she describes her first year at Breakthrough as a little “intimidating” because of the challenging coursework, she says that the welcoming community helped her see herself as someone who could tackle any obstacle in her path.

This is the can-do attitude Tenzin brought to her second year at Breakthrough. Of course, there was the possibility that virtual classes would lack the excitement that Tenzin had loved the previous summer. But between science experiments conducted at the kitchen table and live-streamed fort-building, she found that the Breakthrough tempo can be maintained even at a safe distance. What’s more, Tenzin’s enthusiasm for Breakthrough helped to ignite the excitement of her 7th grade peers. During designated “Marvin Monday” (a day when all students were encouraged to dress up like Student Support Coordinator Marvin Nogueda), Tenzin not only dressed up like Marvin (backwards baseball cap and all), but proceeded to rename herself Marvin in all of her classes for the day. It is with the guidance of dynamic students like Tenzin that Breakthrough continues to thrive, despite the obstacles of our current time.


Lockerside Pickup
You can now have books delivered to your locker! Use the online library catalog to find a book. Then email with your request. Wait for an email reply confirming your request. Then pick up your book from your locker.
Wagon Book Return
Please return all library books to the blue wagon. During remote learning, the wagon will be under the portal by the main school building (or in the lobby in inclement weather). During hybrid mode, the wagon will be under the library portal, near the main doors. Returned books will be quarantined for three days before being checked out again. 
In-Person Browsing
Starting September 10, the library will offer in-person book browsing/checkout. Students will be able to sign up for a 20-minute time slot. Two librarians will be present during these sessions, and there will be no more than two students per session. Students will be expected to wear masks, maintain physical distance, and wash/sanitize their hands before entering. Students received additional information about scheduling an appointment in an email from Ms. McKenzie. 


Tues, Sept. 15: 
New Parent Breakfast
9:30am, Zoom

Wed, Sept. 23:
SAT (Seniors)

Sat, Sept. 26:
Parent Open House
9am-12:15pm, Zoom

Mon, Sept. 28:
Yom Kippur
No School

Tues, Sept. 29:

Monday Schedule

Wed, Sept. 30:
Tuesday Schedule

Tues, Oct. 6:
ACT (Seniors)

Wed, Oct. 7
Aaron Schubach Welcome Ceremony, 9am

Tues, Oct. 13:
PA Meeting
9am, Zoom


Every year we welcome our Prep grandparents to a special day on campus. This year, this special day will be virtual! Join us on Tuesday, November 24, to meet your grandchildren's teachers and visit their classes. Please mark your calendars now. Details will be sent as the date approaches.


When the pandemic first started, Marcos Tapia '24 was getting bored being quarantined at home. His entrepreneurial spirit quickly led him to start printing masks for family and friends. Marcos's first big project came from a family friend in Arizona, asking Marcos to print 600 masks for his home healthcare company. At first, Marcos doubted whether he could handle such a tall order, but he took it on, staying up until 3am printing and packaging masks. 
To date,"Marcos's Graphic Design Store" has printed an estimated 2,000 masks; he uses a vinyl cutting machine and a heat press to turn his designs into mask art. Marcos was featured on local news in Arizona after printing for an immigration law firm. Profits are donated to the Animal Shelter. Thanks for your great work, Marcos!
English teacher Sarah Stark, her son Jack (age 10), and daughter Liza '17 present a new exhibition, Navigational Wonder, a collaborative installation of wood sculpture, painting, and verse. The show opened at El Zaguan last weekend, and appointments for safe viewing will be offered until September 25. Contact Sarah by email or phone/text (505-470-3210) to schedule a visit.


Biology students were each given a box of special items related to the course, including a bean plant, a cactus, a rock, and a corn seed. The items will be used in lessons throughout the year. For example, the concept of phototropism was introduced last week as students observed how their plants bent towards the light. Thank you, science teachers, for bringing the home classroom to life!
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