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Northeast District
Virtual Shabbat:
November 6, 2021
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Presenters will include:
  • Psychologist Dr. Robert Brooks
  • Rabbi Julie Bressler
  • Cantor Melanie Cooperman
  • WRJ President Sara Charney
  • WRJ Northeast District President Sharon Sobel
  • WRJ Northeast District Board Member Suzy Gelman
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We look forward to seeing you on November 6

Registration fee: $18 minimum donation to the YES Fund


Also please note. . .

WRJ Northeast District
Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday, November 7, 2021

An invitation, agenda, and Zoom link will be sent soon
to Northeast District Board members

The Board of Directors includes the Executive Committee, Northeast District committee chairs, past Northeast District presidents, WRJ Board members residing in the Northeast District, and the president of each affiliated sisterhood or women's group in good standing, or her duly appointed representative.

NOTE: Eastern Daylight Savings time ends on Sunday, November 7.

Please upgrade your Zoom

As on November 1, 2021, Zoom will be enforcing a 9-month release window. This means from that point on, users will be prompted to update their software if their version falls behind this 9-month window. This change is in line with industry practices and designed to help ensure that Zoom users receive the latest Zoom features, as well as any privacy and security enhancements we make to the platform.

Get the details HERE.

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