Nightly Rentals Study; 2018 meeting schedules approved
Nightly Rentals Study; 2018 meeting schedules approved
Short-term Rental Market Assessment: An expert in nightly rentals presented his research, which had been funded by Park City, Summit County, and PC Chamber. His findings indicate that one-third of advertised nightly rentals are not properly licensed with the city. A gap analysis will need to be conducted before recommendations can be presented to Council.
Treasure Hill Joint Discussion between Planning Commission & City Council: Minor updates were provided by the property owner and staff (technical work on road alignments, work with architects, etc.) More specificity of the parameters of a proposed settlement and amended development will be provided at the January 10 Planning Commission and January 11 City Council meeting. Staff anticipates the owner providing details about square footage, excavation, siting and location, etc.
Staff Communications
Reading to End Racism: On Saturday, January 6, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm, the library invited members of the community to read from selected pieces of literature that explore discrimination in all of its forms.
Council Approved
  • An agreement to add Summit County to the Everbridge emergency notification system. Subscribers are able to select a Spanish-language option. 
  • A $19,000 change-order to the contract with Neubrain Development for the City’s performance budgeting software maintenance, budgeting for outcomes.
  • A $65,000 agreement with AECOM for unidirectional flushing of the city's 120+ miles of water pipes (to flush out contaminants that accumulate on the walls of the pipes)
  • A $240,000 interlocal agreement with Summit County and Utah Transit Authority for additional PC/SLC Connect bus service (this item was previously approved by Council, yet required updated financial information).
  • A series of alcohol and convention sales licenses for the 2018 Sundance Film Festival
  • A Complete Streets resolution for planning, design, operations and maintenance of transportation facilities to consider all modes, ages, and abilities. It will also incorporate community values, including environmental stewardship, aesthetics, and historic preservation.
  • The Goldener Hirsch Condominiums Plat at 7520 Royal Street East
  • The Central Park Condominiums Plat at 1893 Prospector Avenue
  • A resolution declaring February Children's Dental Health Month
  • A $4.3-million addendum to the contract with New Star General Contractors for the Woodside Park Housing, Phase 1. Due to the strong economy, construction costs came in above original estimates. Council agreed to eliminate the carports and green roofs and move the solar panels from the carports to the flat roofs. This will reduce costs, while maintaining the affordability and sustainability goals.
The 2018 meeting schedules for the City Council, Redevelopment Agency, Municipal Building Authority, Water Service District & Housing Authority were each approved as amended. 
The next regular City Council meeting is January 11; download the agenda here. The public is always invited to attend both the study and work sessions: they are an important part of Council's decision-making process.
Tune in to KPCW at 8:30 am every Friday morning following the City Council meeting to hear a summary from one of the Council members. The interviews are usually posted by the following day, in case you miss it live. 
Like our Facebook page to stay apprised of city news, including upcoming City Council meetings. 
This is an unofficial summary of the meeting. To read the official minutes, please visit the meetings page on the city's website. Minutes are posted once they are approved.
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