Welcome to Puget Sound's faculty-staff e-newsletter
Welcome to Puget Sound's faculty-staff e-newsletter
A Conversation With Rep. Derek Kilmer, Jan. 26 Registration is open for spring community music musical theater workshops Campuswide Evacuation Drill: Jan. 31
KNOW THIS campus news and announcements
Read all about it. Students, faculty, and staff now have free, full, and unlimited access to all content on The New York Times website, thanks to a pilot program coordinated by Collins Memorial Library. To take advantage you must register for a NYT account from within the university network (i.e., from an on-campus computer) at accessnyt.com. Be sure to use your @pugetsound.edu email address. Questions? Contact libref@pugetsound.edu.
Help your students win $250. Writing Excellence prizes are awarded annually by the Center for Writing, Learning, and Teaching (CWLT) to encourage and reward good writing in all disciplines. Encourage your students to submit any paper written for a single course taken in spring, summer, or fall of 2016. Ten prizes of $250 each will be awarded. Visit pugetsound.edu/writingawards for more info. Deadline: Friday, Jan. 27.
Free OT therapy services begin Jan. 30. Puget Sound's occupational therapy clinic is accepting applications for free therapy services for adults and children ages 2 to 16 years. Therapy will be provided by graduate-level OT students as part of their clinical education. For more information visit pugetsound.edu/otclinic.
Last call for coat drive. Through the end of the month, donate gently used and new coats to support the Puget Sound community. Drop off coats at CICE (the Yellow House) or to Jada Pelger in the library. Contact Jada at x3287 or jpelger@pugetsound.edu if you need your coats picked up.
Come play with us. As the students in our physical therapy program are learning about children and development, they need volunteers with whom to play. We need children with typical development to be part of our labs on Tuesday afternoons throughout the semester. If your kids would be interested in participating, learn more about specific dates, times, and descriptions of the labs.
Registration is open for community music classes. Musical theater workshops for kids ages 7–10 (Oliver) and 11–16 (West Side Story) begin soon. Registration deadline: Feb. 2. For more information or to download a registration form, visit pugetsound.edu/communitymusic.
Get out. We will conduct a campuswide evacuation drill for all campus buildings on Tuesday, Jan. 31, from 12:10 to 12:20 p.m. Before the drill brush up on university evacuation and emergency response plans.
Make sure we have your cell phone number. You will not receive a security alert about the drill—or future emergency notices—if we don't have your current cell phone number. Update your personal contact information at myPugetSound → HR → Self Service → Personal Information. 
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DO THIS featured events
Brown bag it: Campus Climate Brown Bag Conversation, Jan. 25, noon, Social Justice Center (sage house).
A Conversation With Rep. Derek Kilmer, Jan. 26, 4 p.m., Tahoma Room.
THSMS: Cooperation and the Origins of Life, Niles Lehman, Portland State University, Jan. 26, 4 p.m., Thompson 175.
Performance: Community Music Musical Theater Performances, Jan. 26, 5 p.m., Schneebeck Concert Hall.
Keynote Address: Masonry and Meaning at Machu Picchu and Beyond, Carolyn Dean ’80, Art History Alumni Colloquium, Jan. 28, 2 p.m., Rasmussen Rotunda.
LoggerUP. No home games this week.
More events
Save the date!
This March we'll celebrate the inauguration of Isiaah Crawford, Puget Sound's 14th president. The Installation Ceremony will be held Friday, March 24, at 2 p.m., in Memorial Fieldhouse, followed by a campus reception.
For a full schedule of events, visit pugetsound.edu/inauguration.
BE PROUD noteworthy and in the news
In December Andrew Gardner, sociology and anthropology, conducted two weeks of focused fieldwork in Nepal. In collaboration with Zahra Babar (Georgetown-Qatar), the project is exploring labor brokerage and migrant pathways to Arabia. Listen to Andrew discuss the project on the What We Do podcast.  
Eli Gandour-Rood, Collins Memorial Library, co-wrote the article "Team-based Data Management Instruction at Small Liberal Arts Colleges," published this month in IFLA Journal, the scholarly journal of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.
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