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Upcoming Deadlines for Convention September 7, 2016
Grant Applications Due
September 9, 2016
Convention Sponsorship Opportunities Form Due
September 18, 2016
Early Bird Registration Deadline
September 21, 2016 Grant-Recipient Sisterhoods must identify beneficiaries
October 10, 2016 Regular Registration Due
October 13, 2016 Deadline for Convention hotel reservations at the WRJ rate
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Constitutional Revisions and Slate The District Board meets during our Convention at our plenary sessions to complete the business of the district. Our Constitution mandates that our slate of officers and area directors be approved at our plenary sessions, as well as any revisions to our Constitution. The slate and revisions must be sent out sixty days prior to convention and can be reviewed HERE.
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Save the Date! November 3-6, 2016
Northeast Distict Convention
Albany, New York March 3-5, 2017
WRJ Fried Leadership Conference
Charleston, S.C. May 21-29, 2017
WRJ Mission to Israel
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Vote for your favorite vintage YES Fund note card design to be reprinted. VOTE NOW for your favorite. Deadline is Sept 15.
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WRJ Calendar is online The WRJ printable and digital Calendars are here...
in free online versions. For those who prefer paper, a single-page monthly version is available for printing.
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Need help planning your 2016‑2017 calendar?
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Engage a speaker!
Each Sisterhood in the Northeast District is entitled to a District Speaker once every two years without expense to the Sisterhood – as well as a speaker from the Board of WRJ in alternate years Learn more about...
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We want photos and highlights from your sisterhood programs!
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The Sacred Calling: Then and Now Celebrating Four Decades of Women in the Rabbinate.
Thursday September 8, 2016, 11:00 AM
Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion
One West Fourth Street, NYC
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The next e-blast will be sent on October 5, 2016
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Message from Paulette Black
Northeast District VP of Area Management
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This is a very special time of our year. The transition from sun soaked days of beaches and hikes in the mountains, replenishing our spirit and energy, to September- a time of returning to school, work and to our synagogues and sisterhoods. According to our Jewish scholars, it is the time we prepare ourselves for Rosh Hashanah, which literally means “the head of the year”. Arthur Waskow in Seasons of our Joy explains that Rosh Hashanah is our time for renewal. “Like Shabbat, it is the time to focus our attention on ultimate spiritual truth. This is the new year for learning how a human being can turn toward God.” The time leading up to Rosh Hashanah is a very special time to prepare ourselves for our renewal, reflection and return to our best selves.
We are also preparing ourselves to lead our sisterhoods into the new year of 5777 (which sounds like an auspicious and lucky year- we hope). As you heard this summer at The Democratic National Convention, we are all Stronger Together (WRJ had the tagline first) and your WRJ Northeast Board is here to help you launch and execute your most successful year ever. Here are several ways our team can help you: -
Invite us to be a speaker for an event, and also to work with your team to share ideas and learn from each other through our SPEAKERS BUREAU. -
Join us at our fifth convention on November 3-6th in Albany. Our theme is Kol Isha - Voices in Harmony. Connect with friends to learn, share, listen, pray and celebrate together. For more information please go to our WEBSITE. To register, please click HERE. -
WRJ offers many resources. Visit the WRJ WEBSITE often to be inspired and to learn about many programs and resources and how these can benefit your sisterhoods. Many resources are on Yammer and available to sisterhood presidents. Please contact HEATHER LORGEREE for assistance with Yammer. -
Please reach out to us anytime. Visit our WEBSITE often. Like us and visit WRJ Northeast on FACEBOOK. Share our eblasts. Please send news about your sisterhood to for us to post on Facebook and to add to eblasts. Reach out to your area directors and district officers anytime. We love to hear from you as we continue to be Stronger Together.
On behalf of our WRJ Northeast Board, we wish you all the best in launching your new sisterhood year and preparing yourselves for the Jewish New Year of 5777. An early L’Shanah Tovah to you and your families.
Paulette Black,
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Convention is Coming!
Registration Time is Here!
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November 3-6, 2016
in Albany, NY
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Our Scholar-In-Residence is Cantor Claire Franco from The Community Synagogue in Port Washington, NY. You can read Cantor Franco's biography HERE.
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WRJ Vice President of Affiliate Services, Sherri Feuer from Temple Israel in Minneapolis, MN will join us as our WRJ representative. You can read Sherri's biography HERE.
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Register for Convention HERE. Early bird registration ends September 18, 2016. Read the workshop descriptions HERE before beginning the registration process. Hotel Reservations can be made HERE. Sisterhood Grant Application is due September 7, 2016... available for those sisterhoods that did not send a representative to our 2014 District Biennial. Click HERE.
Become a Convention Sponsor - Forms are due September 9, 2016... Sisterhoods, companies, and individuals can sponsor a portion of the convention to recognize board members or sisterhoods. LEARN MORE.. Support the YES Fund... Congratulate members of the District Board or your Sisterhood by purchasing leaves for our YES Fund tree. Reserve your leaves HERE.
Follow our Facebook Event Page... Keep up to date on all the latest news on our Convention by RSVPing and FOLLOWING our Biennial Event page. Check it out HERE.
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Top Five Reasons to Attend the Northeast District Biennial Convention 5) Meeting Northeast District and WRJ leaders
4) Late night schmoozing and pajama party
3) Learning through fabulous workshops and plenaries
2) Shabbat services that renew the soul
1) Connecting with women - sharing, caring, and bonding
Join us November 3-6, 2016 in Albany, NY. For more information, and to register, go to
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News From Our Sisterhoods... The Women's Connection of The Reform Temple of Forest Hills, Forest Hills, NY
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The Women's Connection of The Reform Temple of Forest Hills, started and ended the summer the same way. On June 19, and September 4, we prepared meals for our local Ronald McDonald House. Ronald McDonald House is a home away from home for families of seriously ill children. Residents are offered dinner every day of the year, prepared by volunteers. If they prefer, there are kitchens for them to prepare their own food. There is even a separate kosher kitchen.
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June 17: Kathy Francos, Bobbie Enis, Micky Josephs, Corinne Bernstein, Suzanne Rosenberg, Lois Silverman and Linda Freitag | | |
September 4: Stephan Blackman, Bill Collins, Kathy Francos, Micky Josephs, Mildred Friedman and Marjorie Blackman | |
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Send your event pictures, or advertise open sisterhood events here. Send all information to by the last Tuesday of the month to be included in the next month's eblast or on our Facebook page.
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Programming Opportunity for your SisterhoodArrange to view the upcoming new film "Denial" about Deborah Lipstadt's famous trial against Holocaust denier David Irving. Based on the acclaimed book Denial: Holocaust History on Trial, DENIAL recounts Deborah E. Lipstadt’s (Academy Award® winner Rachel Weisz) legal battle for historical truth against David Irving (BAFTA nominee Timothy Spall), who accused her of libel when she declared him a Holocaust denier. In the English legal system, in cases of libel, the burden of proof is on the defendant, therefore it was up to Lipstadt and her legal team, led by Richard Rampton (Academy Award® nominee Tom Wilkinson), to prove the essential truth that the Holocaust occurred. For more information about the film, please visit For group sales, please visit
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Join WRJ on a trip to Israel in May 2017
The trip is appropriate for both first-time and experienced Israel travelers. Check our the special
Israel Trip Blog
by our own District President, Denise Levine.
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- Honey is a Hebrew word meaning enchant.
- An average worker bee makes only about 1/12 teaspon of honey in its lifetime.
- A typical beehive can produce between 30 to 100 pounds of honey a year.
- Two million flowers must be visited to produce one pound of honey.
- Honey stored in air tight containers never spoils.
- Bees have been making honey for millions of years.
- Honey is the only food that includes all the substances necessary to sustain life.
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The Northeast District board wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Sweet New Year!
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