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Joy and Heartbreak
Joy and Heartbreak
View online. June 08, 2017
Finger Prints of Faith
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Praise and Prayers
Please pray for Enrique. His cancer has come back and he is now undergoing radical chemotherapy and will soon have bone marrow extracted to be grown and then reinserted once he finishes the treatment and the cancer is gone. Also pray for wisdom and strength for his foster family.
Please pray for the CdF Missionaries, Staff and Workers. It is always draining when we have to bid farewell to a precious child let alone 2 in one week.
Praise the Lord for providing the needed money for the purchase of the new van. Please pray for wisdom in choosing a new vehicle for CdF and the Lord’s guidance. 
Please pray for the children as they are finishing up classes for the school year and starting final exams.
Linet and Mahely Together Forever
Joy and Heartbreak
These last few weeks have been such a  mixture of Joy and Heartbreak. It all runs together like raging rapids. We had 2 amazing events for the children. Taking the teenage girls out for a special night, dressing up, going out and having a special dinner served. Then a few hours of just letting them be girls away from CdF. The next night was time for the others to feel special. Dinner was catered at CdF for the rest of the children and there was a special crowning ceremony making them all feel like princes and princess. We all dressed up and even had a knighting ceremony with crowns and capes. 
The next group that came had a great time with the children at the river with swimming and a cook out. They also got to take the little ones to the zoo. It is impossible to express in words the joy this brings to them just having someone to give them one on one time. Then came the Heartbreak when we had to say good by to our precious Linet and a short 5 days later Mahely also went home to be with Jesus. Two sisters in one week was almost too much loss. I am so proud to see how the CdF family, Staff, Missionaries, Workers and Children come together to mourn as a family the loss of these special girls.  
Then the Joy to see how in 70 short days you all came together to raise enough money to buy a new and very much needed van for Casa de Fe. Thank you so much for exceeding even my expectations in reaching the goal so quickly. But yet again to know Casa de Fe is still struggling to meet our monthly needs for the most basic of care for the children here. 
Would you please dig deep and give to the general fund. Would you consider doing a fundraiser for Casa de Fe. Coming up in the middle of August we are required to pay double payroll to the employees of Casa de Fe. Please help us by sharing this need with your Sunday School classes, your friends and local businesses. Set up a fundraiser every little bit and big bit helps. The need in August is $60,000, yes it sounds overwhelming but God’s people coming together rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem. Take a minute to reread Nehemiah 3. The walls weren't rebuilt by one or even two families the entire city came together from the beginning of Nehemiah 3:1 the priests starting at the Sheep Gate to Nehemiah 3:32 when the merchants and goldsmiths completed the circle back to the Sheep Gate. Please step out your door and help rebuild Casa de Fe. These children are worth our effort. 
Del Director
Doy gracias al Creador de los Cielos y la tierra, por todo las bendiciones, pero sabemos que nuestro Padre nos ayudado y nunca se ha separado de nuestro lado, la cual es todas las cosas son para bien ya que nuestro Padre tiene el control de todo y estamos en los  planes de Él. 
Este tiempo ha sido muy precioso ya que hemos compartido con los niños nuevas experiencias y se han sentido muy amados y dichosos con unas fiestas maravillosas.   Con las niñas grandes una fiesta de gala realizada en un lugar muy hermoso preparada especialmente para ellas. y con los niños pequeños  una fiesta en casa realmente encantadora fueron momentos muy gratos y ellos fueron proclamados Reyes y Reinas de nuestro Castillo Casa de Fe. A pesar de todos aquellos momento no se quedan atrás nuestras necesidades una de ellas es realizar una área de tarea para nuestro niños ya muchos de ellos están estudiando fuera de la Fundación y es otra manera de trabajar en aquellas escuelas es por ello que anhelamos  tener nuestra librería en Casa y necesitamos puertas y ventanas en el área a realizar es una de nuestras  prioridades  en nuestra oraciones. Ya que existe muchos más proyectos pendientes a realizarse 
Seguimos trabajando con el mismo ánimo y gozo con cada uno de los niños niñas adolescentes y discapacidades especiales que se encuentran aquí. Y a Ustedes gracias por las ayudas que realizan para nuestra casa y Que El Padre de los Cielos los bendiga mucho tanto en su familia, en su trabajo y en sus congregaciones.
Instruye al niño en su camino en su camino y aun cuando fuere viejo no se aparte de El.            Prov. 22:6  
From the Director
I give thanks to the Creator of heaven and earth, for all of his many blessings; we know that our Father is the one that has helped us and never separated from our side, and that He has control over everything and that in His plans everything works out for good.
This has been a very precious time with the children, sharing new experiences and party times that has made them feel loved and accepted. With the older girls we had a special dress up party in a beautiful place decorated just for them. With the younger children, we had a party here at Casa that was wonderful, in which they were proclaimed Kings and Queens of the Castle Casa de Fe. 
Even with all of these beautiful moments, we also continue working towards meeting our needs… one of which is a proper homework area for studying, since the number of students that go to school outside of Casa de Fe is growing, and they send a lot of homework back with them! We have a small area dedicated to a library and study-room, but we need to put doors and security in order to use it adequately. There are several other projects to be done, but this is the first priority in our prayers.
We continue to work to share, love and joy with each of the boys, girls, young people and special needs children here. And to each of you, thank you for your support of Casa de Fe and may the heavenly Father bless your families, your works and your congregations.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.         Proverbs 22:6
From the Chaplain
Greetings all! 
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God; that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.”    1 John 5:14
I have been thinking a lot about our life, the example that we give to others, the power of our testimony and prayers, and how to have a purpose driven, fulfilling and yet at the same time balanced christian life. I would like to share what God has been speaking to me about this, and at the same time ask for your prayers. 
Amidst the happy times and parties that we have had, there has also been several sad times. A young boy who studies with a few of the girls from Casa de Fe took his own life a week ago, and that was a little hard on some of the children. We were able to talk to them about it, and do some counseling. Also, one of the tias brother passed away this week, whom I also knew apart from Casa de Fe, and we were able to go visit her and the family and share God's love. Death has also struck close to home here at Casa de Fe, taking two of our young and very special girls within a week's time. It has definitely been a time to reflect on what our lives mean and the work we do while we still have breath. Please continue to pray for everyone affected by these sad times, and that God's comfort can shine through our lives.
How to have a balanced life?
How can we live for God in a way that makes a difference and still get through my our own personal problems? Let's face it, we all at times make mistakes, bad choices, even decisions that we later regret. Not only that, but we all face at times burnout and depression, even just plain comes in many forms and ways, the worst of which is getting a headache by just thinking about all you have to do. 
There are two important things that I have learned serving as a missionary in many different capacities and at times juggling different responsibilities: 
First; Do what you do because God wants you to. Others can give you advice, but you need to find out from God what his will is for you...people will tell you many things, from how to live your life, to doctrine, to what you should do, what your actions should be. Many will tell you how best to serve, or where to serve... but in the end, you will be the one that has to live with the consequences of any and all decisions. And the only way to vistory is to make sure that you know that you have heard from God, not anyone else..because he is the only one that will stay with you and help you through the hard times 
Second; Do what you do because You want to. This may sound cheesy or even selfish, but it's the truth: the key is a balanced life. A balance in everything, your life, in work, in spiritual. The reason why is that you can serve and serve, or you can work and work...but in order to be useful to God and to others you need to make sure that you are ok, healthy, happy, that you are at 100% and you are doing it wholeheartedly. The Word lets us see how Jesus did it, he had a time of rest, a time of recuperation, time with family, time to minister, time alone with God, time to work and time to serve. A well balanced life. 
I believe that this is God's plan for our lives...balance and divine direction, the perfect duo to a well-lived life that is beneficial to the kingdom and to those around you.