Dear friends:
Since its founding, CACE has sought ways to broaden the Christian school network—to create greater connectivity for educators and leaders and to broaden our world.
The value of networking was punctuated in a recent podcast with Lynn Swaner, who shared insights on Why Schools Flourish when many don’t. Research suggests that connectivity of the school leader within their local and professional community makes a significant difference in a school’s flourishing. Swaner argues that the three-legged stool analogy of family, church, and school is limiting; a four-legged bench adds the critical support of community connection, allowing others to join in the work.
The following activities highlight the networking happening among Christian schools:
- CACE’s Teaching for Transformation Community. Over 50 schools have now adopted this biblical framework for teaching and learning. Wisdom from the crowd effect is being realized. Check out TfT’s website at to see some of the beautiful, authentic work being done by TfT students and teachers. If you would like to know more about this framework, register for the November virtual events on the TfT website.
- The CACE series Diversity in the Christian School. In the final post, series coordinator Jenny Brady writes about Motivation and Action:
Whatever your motive for exploring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts, I hope that the blog series of the past few months has helped you understand the need for and value of DEI work in our Christian school communities. Christian schools can take the lead in training our students, who can go on to make a real difference in the world. Yes, legitimate DEI efforts mean diving deep and wrestling with ideas that are uncomfortable, but it is in the difficulties that we come to a deeper knowledge of God.
- CACE’s upcoming blog series, Rising Leaders’ Guide to Change and Innovation. Matt Lambro introduces it this way:
This eight-part series of posts will provide a roadmap to leading change and cultivating innovation within Christian schools. In this series, research will be heavily referenced because the findings create such unique value within this field that they must be shared with others. John Kotter's eight-step model for leading change is the most cited and referenced of all change models. When it comes to change, Kotter calls leaders to create a sense of urgency, create and communicate a vision for change, possess a powerful coalition, remove obstacles, create short term wins, focus on the need for continuous improvement, and institutionalize the implemented changes. The forthcoming articles will illuminate these steps as foundational elements for effectively implementing change in Christian schools.
I don’t think the majority of our organizations are purposely excluding women from leadership roles, and at times I have seen institutions making some efforts to intentionally hire women for leadership positions. But the reality is, too often, culturally or structurally there is not enough room at the table within our Christian schools for women to meaningfully contribute, even when they do have a rare leadership role.
Develop. Innovate. Network. We at CACE encourage you to stay connected as you seek to flourish in your own setting.
Erik Ellefsen
Senior Fellow