Melissa Maquilan Radic and Denise Rigli, as Financial Woman of the Year (FWOTY) Co-Chairs, are busy coordinating all the pieces that go into putting on an event of this size and caliber. (
Have you signed up for this inspiring event yet?) We thought we’d ask them a few questions about their experience, what they’ve learned and how others might get involved.
Why did you want to be a co-chair of this event?
Melissa Maquilan Radic (MMR): The first FWSF event I ever attended was for the 2015 FWOTY, Carrie Dolan. The luncheon was so inspiring and impactful that I was immediately impressed with the organization and wanted to be involved. I learned how important the FWOTY event is to support FWSF and the Scholarship program, and as I wanted to make a meaningful difference in my time and work for FWSF, I raised my hand at the first opportunity to work on this event.
Denise Rigli (DR): FWSF was recommended to me by a partner I worked closely with. She highly encouraged me to get involved in the board and I started in the Programs area. After that, I moved onto Sponsorship for two years which gave me a good look into how much effort the FWOTY puts into raising money for our organization. I was so inspired by their giving back that I wanted to be a co-chair of the event to see it all first hand.
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