Your action needed now to keep SB 5850 alive
Your action needed now to keep SB 5850 alive
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Your Action Needed Now!

SB 5850 (Supporting Students Who Are Chronically Absent) will be DEAD if it does not make it out of Ways & Means Committee by Monday, February 5.
Email the Chair and Vice Chairs of Ways & Means to ask them to move this bill forward.  Email addresses and suggested messages are below.
1. Copy and paste email address.
2. Use subject line: Pass SB 5850 "Supporting students at risk for chronic absenteeism” out of committee please.

Chair Senator June Robinson,

Thank you for your Senate leadership. Please make sure SB 5850, "Supporting students at risk for chronic absenteeism" (Braun, Wellman) passes out of committee on Monday. This bill is on the AAUW-WA priority list for 2024 as part of our “girls at risk” program.

Vice Chair Senator Mark Mullet,

Thank you for co-sponsoring SB 5850, "Supporting students at risk for chronic absenteeism" (Braun, Wellman). Please make sure it is on Monday’s executive agenda and passes out of committee. This bill is on the AAUW-WA priority list for 2024 as part of our "girls at risk" program.

Vice Chair Senator Joe Nguyen,

Please make sure SB 5850, "Supporting students at risk for chronic absenteeism" (Braun, Wellman) passes out of committee by the Monday deadline.

If you have any questions, please contact Sandra Distelhorst, For more information about our legislative advocacy, visit our website.


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