Weekly News and Programs 3.5.20
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Riyaaz Qawwali Concert at Cannon Chapel
Saturday, March 21, 7:30 p.m., Cannon Chapel, Emory University
Join Emory University Spiritual and Religious Life as we welcome the music ensemble Riyaaz Qawwali. Riyaaz performs the gripping musical style called Qawwali as they spread the power of devotional song in South Asia from Islam and a diversity of religions.
Riyaaz shares Qawwali with new audiences while paying homage to this music tradition that has been refined over 700 years and includes sonic elements that are unique to South Asian music. Riyaaz sings poetry from famous South Asian authors from various religious and linguistic backgrounds to convey a universal message of love and surrender. Riyaaz weaves together multiple languages, including Gujarati, Hindi, Persian, Punjabi, and Urdu.
All are welcome. No tickets necessary. For more information, please contact Associate Dean of the Chapel and Religious Life The Rev. Lisa Garvin at lisa.garvin@emory.edu.
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Seniors, Participate in Multifaith Baccalaureate Ceremony 2020
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Call for Baccalaureate Service Speakers and Performers
Graduating seniors are invited to contribute to this year’s Multifaith Baccalaureate Ceremony by offering your personal reflections, music, dance, art, or other expressions of growth and celebration.
Please notify us of your interest in contributing to the ceremony using the form below by Tuesday, March 31.
Personal Reflections: Three to four graduates will offer brief remarks reflecting on their Emory experience – moments of transformation and ways they have grown academically and personally. To be considered for one of these reflections, please submit your written reflections (max. 750 words) using the form.
Artistic Reflections: The ceremony will include music, dance, spoken word, and other artistic expressions. Individuals and groups are encouraged to participate. Please submit a brief video of your work using the form.
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Scenes from Interfaith Dinner Coalition Series
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Seeking to build interreligious community and solidarity this spring, Emory alumna Zoe Robbin and senior Mariam Hassoun applied for grants and coordinated an Interfaith Coalition Dinner Series, in cooperation with the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life and campus religious and philosophical organizations. Five dinners were planned by several of Emory's campus spiritual organizations and open to all.
On Monday, March 2, Bread Coffeehouse hosted a fifth Interfaith Solidarity Dinner Series about faith, values, and economics through Christian teachings, in conversation with Jewish, Muslim, and Hindu perspectives.
Learn more about the Interfaith Dinner Coalition Series here.
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Upcoming Spiritual Life Programs
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Hillel Hamentashen Bake
Thursday, March 5, 5:30-7:00 p.m., Few Demo Kitchen
Its almost Purim--and that means delicious Hamentashen and fun times. Join Emory Hillel on the evening of March 5 for a good old fashioned Hamentashen Bake. We will have all the classic flavors, and zip lock bags so you can take some home for later. See the Facebook event here.
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Buddhist Club Guided Meditation and Discussion
Thursday, March 5, 6:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel Sanctuary (top floor)
Emory Buddhist Club welcomes Geshe Ngawang Phende from the Drepung Loseling Monastery this Thursday. He will be leading a Buddhist meditation and reflection. Anyone is welcome to join. Snacks and tea social follows in the basement room 106.
Some updates from our meeting last Thursday: The 2020-21 EBC executive board has been elected. The position of Secretary will be filled by Jasmine Mahadumrongkul (C/O '23), Treasurer will be Jacob Fine (C/O '21), and President will be Meha Srivastava (C/O '22). Thank you for your participation in our election process. Join the Facebook event here.
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March First Friday Dinner - Emory Graduate Christian Fellowship
Friday, March 6, 7:00 p.m., Brooks Commons, Cannon Chapel
Join the Emory Graduate Christian Fellowship this Friday for a delicious meal, catered by Ike's Cafe and Grill (West African cuisine) and to connect with other graduate students at Emory, as we discuss cultural expressions of Christianity.
Emory Graduate Christian Fellowship is a graduate student community experiencing God’s grace through Jesus and inviting people from all programs and cultures at Emory to join us in following Him. Everyone is welcome at our events, whatever your background, religious beliefs or program of study. GCF is an affiliate chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA.
If you have any events or information you would like to share with other GCFers, please send those to gcfemory@gmail.com.
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Meor Emory X Challah for Hunger
Wednesday, March 18, 6:00-8:00 p.m., Emory Hillel
Meor Emory and Challah for Hunger are joining together to host a Challah Bake benefitting Swipe Out Hunger. Stop by any time from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Challah will be sold for $3 each the next day at a table during Israel Fest. See the Facebook event here. We hope you join us.
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Mitzvah Day
Sunday, March 22, 2:00-5:00 p.m., Oxford College of Emory University
This year Oxford College is coming together to create a new campus initiative called Mitzvah Day (Good Deed Day). Mitzvah Day will be a huge, fun, and exciting event held on Sunday, March 22. Throughout the day there will be events on the quad hosted by different clubs, volunteer opportunities, and food trucks - yummy. Sponsored by the Emory Oxford College Jewish Student Union. Join the Facebook event here.
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Veritas Forum
Wednesday, April 1, Time and location TBD
How can we mend a broken world? How should we seek justice? What is the good life? The Veritas Forum helps students and faculty ask life's hardest questions. Many of the world's leading universities were founded to answer the big "why" questions. Our mission is to help universities confront these questions anew. Over 200 universities in North America and Europe have hosted over 2,000 Veritas Forums.
The Veritas Forum is committed to courageous conversations. We place the historic Christian faith in dialogue with other beliefs and invite participants from all backgrounds to pursue Truth together. Save the date for this year's Veritas Forum on April 1. More details to come. Sponsored by Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.
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Multifaith Baccalaureate Ceremony for the Class of 2020
Friday, May 8, 2020, 4:30 p.m., Cannon Chapel
Baccalaureate is a unique Emory Commencement tradition for celebrating the academic and personal growth of the graduating class and for sending your class into the world with the blessings of music, prayers, and inspiring reflections.
This year’s Multifaith Baccalaureate Ceremony will be led by the Class of 2020 and will celebrate the extraordinary gifts you have contributed to Emory. This multifaith and multicultural celebration is a time of thanksgiving for those who have imparted wisdom, nurtured creativity, and fostered personal discovery and growth here. Following the ceremony, there will be a reception in Brooks Commons. Please click here to RSVP for the ceremony and reception.
As Commencement approaches, we look forward to celebrating each of you and with the whole Class of 2020. If you have any questions, please email the Associate Dean of the Chapel and Religious Life The Reverend Lisa Garvin at lisa.garvin@emory.edu or religiouslife@emory.edu.
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The Student Staff Program provides the opportunity to learn about the multifaith work of the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life and to assist our chaplains and staff in fulfilling essential functions that support our programs and services. Responsibilities include hospitality and communications, data and record management, web and publications work, and special event staffing and support.
For more information, please click here.
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Nivi Nimmagadda
Class Year: First Year Undergraduate
Major/Minor: Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology BS, Psychology BA
Interests/Extracurricular Activities: Poetry, Writing, Volunteering, Hiking
What do you like best about working at the OSRL? The office does a great job of making everyone feel welcome and acts as an open space for people from all walks of life. Everyone is extremely helpful and supportive. The staff is very friendly and always willing to give you a hand.
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The day will bring together leaders from Atlanta’s diverse faith and civic communities to connect on our shared values and ethics, seek unique perspectives, and engage in conversations over a Civic Dinner to spark change for a stronger Atlanta.
As part of this event, we are looking to display artwork that centers around this year’s theme: Our Shared Planet. This includes art that speaks to the value of pluralism, sustainability, centers around the earth and its ecosystems, and/or art that is created with sustainable materials. Selected works will be put on display in the Kendeda Building on the day of the event. For more information, please click here. Co-sponsored by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life.
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Spring Break Tupperware Party
Emory Black Mental Health Ambassadors and the Office for RACE are hosting a Spring Break Tupperware Party on Friday, March 6 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the EBSU. To make sure we have enough food, please fill out this form if you will be on campus during spring break and will not have access to food. Tupperware and food will be provided.
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Women's History Month
March 2020
Join us in celebrating the contributions and achievements of women around the world by attending one or more of the events highlighted in our Women's History Month Calendar. Sponsored by the Center for Women at Emory.
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Peace, Love Vote: Movement Improvisation Workshop
Saturday, March 7, 12:30-3:30 p.m
., Tharp Rehearsal Hall, Schwartz Center for Performing Arts
This workshop is deisgned for women who want to express their desire for peace and transformation through the exhilaration of dance. You can adapt any movement for your body. No dance experience is necessary.
This event is sponsored by the Emoy Dance Program and is part of Emory University's Embodied: a celebration of human health and the arts. Email Lori Teague at lteague@emory.edu to register.
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About Qawwali: Sufi Music of India and Pakistan
Tuesday, March 17, 4:30 p.m
, Pitts Theology Library, Candler School of Theology, Room 360
Qawwali is a popular musical genre in India and Pakistan which is increasingly global in scope. This musical tradition, over 800 years old, offers a poetic interpretation of Islam as a religion of love, ecstasy and deep reverence in lyrics that leap from Hindi and Urdu to Persian and Arabic. Even as Qawwali is appropriated by Bollywood film and global fusion, it remains important as a ritual music for meditation and ethical training. The music's rhythm grabs the ears and its style bridges the gap between courtly classical music and earthy folk music but its lyrics, saturated with mystical symbolism, can be difficult for modern audiences to follow. This lecture explains Qawwali to audiences so that they can better enjoy the RIYAAZ performance on March 21 at 7:30 p.m. in Cannon Chapel. Join the Facebook event here.
Kugle’s book, "When Sun Meets Moon: Eros, Gender and Ecstasy in Urdu Poetry," deals with Qawwali lyrics and he organizes Qawwali performances for university students in India and America.
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Chat and Chow with CAPS
Thursday, March 19, 6:00 p.m., Emory Student Center Plaza (Rain location: Math and Science Center Lobby)
On March 19, Active Minds and Black Mental Health Ambassadors are hosting Chat and Chow with staff from CAPS. This event will serve as an opportunity for students to connect with Counseling and Psychological Services professionals in a space outside therapy rooms. Dinner will be provided. Please RSVP here.
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CAPS Intro to Mindfulness
Tuesdays, 12:30-1:30 p.m., AMUC 237
CAPS is hosting a drop-in group focused on mindfulness. Initial screening at CAPS is not required. The group is held on Tuesdays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. in the Office of Health Promotion (AMUC 237). Weather permitting, the facilitators also plan to move the group outdoors. For more information, please contact Ellis Bernstein or Elizabeth Neri.
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Opportunities and Resources
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Not by Bread Alone: A Young Adult Lenten Retreat
March 13-15, Ignatius House Jesuit Retreat Center, 6700 Riverside Dr, Atlanta, Georgia 30328
Lent can tend to focus a great deal on the practice of physical sacrifice (giving up something like a food or sweet). While this can be a helpful practice, a reminder of God’s gifts, we must also be reminded of the many other ways we need the love of God. A few years ago Stephen Colbert half-joked about giving up Catholicism for Lent, something that would be difficult for him to give up. It would likely remind him how important his faith practice is important to his spiritual life. So instead of giving up chocolate (we do not live on chocolate alone), what other gifts from God are truly integral to your faith?
This is a silent retreat with an optional time for group sharing. Retreatants are expected to maintain a sacred silence throughout the retreat, including at meals, unless otherwise noted. Learn more about the retreat and register at this link.
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Call for Volunteers: MIST Event: April 10-12, Georgia State University
Application deadline: March 14
MIST (Muslim Interscholastic Tournament of Atlanta) is recruiting volunteers from various backgrounds to assist in co-leading a 3-day weekend tournament in the Metro Atlanta area. The program’s goal is to bring high school students together from around the nation to develop skills such as leadership, communication, and creativity in order to develop a strong, confident personal identity. MIST volunteers will work with the social media teams, assist with running competitions, work with the experience team in creating a fun environment, organizing logistics, and more. Volunteers will gain leadership skills that they may add to their own resumes as well. Representatives from various universities can spread their school spirit and encourage high school students to apply. For more information, MIST Atlanta is hosting a social at Chipotle in Midtown on March 2 from 4:00-8:00 p.m. Apply to volunteer by March 14 at: www.tinyurl.com/atlmistmaker2020.
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See below for weekly religious and philosophical gatherings that take place in Cannon Chapel. All are welcome. With questions, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu. On our website, we also feature the gatherings of Emory's many religious and philosophical student organizations. More information is available here.
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Spring Religious Holidays: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim
The Spring 2020 semester contains a number of religious holidays, which many Emory students, staff, and faculty will be observing in different ways. Below are some helpful dates to be aware of if you are scheduling coursework, meetings, etc.:
- Sunday, April 5 through Saturday, April 11 is Holy Week for Western Christians, who may partake of additional liturgies during that week.
- Sundown Wednesday, April 8 through sundown Saturday, April 11 and sundown Tuesday, April 14 through sundown Thursday, April 16 is Passover. Observing Jews may choose to refrain from usual daily activities, the use of electricity. If they have assignments or exams during these days, they may seek to reschedule them.
- Friday, April 10 is Good Friday for Western Christians, who may practice fasting and attend special liturgies.
- Sunday, April 12 is Western Christian Easter
- Sunday, April 19 is Orthodox Christian Easter
- This year the Muslim holy month of Ramadan will be observed from April 23 to May 23. During Ramadan, observing Muslims fast from all food and drink from sunrise to sunset. The Office of Spiritual and Religious Life (OSRL) encourages the Emory community to be aware of students, faculty, staff, and other community members who will be observing Ramadan. This year, Ramadan will overlap with the last days of classes, with final exams, and commencement day.
Students are asked to notify their faculty members if they will need academic accommodations for religious observance, and faculty are asked to develop reasonable accommodations for students to observe. If support is needed, students and faculty may contact their academic deans or the OSRL.
More information about Jewish and Christian observances will be shared as they approach. In addition, there will be campus Ramadan Iftar Prayers and Dinners each night from April 23 until commencement.
With questions or for additional support, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.
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Upcoming Religious Holidays and Festivals
These events are drawn from the multifaith calendar maintained by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Harvard Divinity School. To see more upcoming religious holidays and festivals, please click here.
Nineteen Day Fast Ongoing through Thursday, 3.19.2020
Tradition: Baha'i
A designated 19-day period of fasting each year immediately before the Bahá’í New Year. The fasting is seen as a period of spiritual preparation and regeneration for the new year ahead.
Great Lent Ongoing through Saturday, 4.18.2020 Tradition: Christianity-Orthodox In Orthodox churches, the first day of Lent marks the beginning of the Great Fast, the final six weeks of a 10-week period leading up to Holy Week and Easter (Pascha). In the churches that follow the Gregorian calendar, Lent is a six-week observance (40 days excluding Sundays) beginning with Ash Wednesday and culminating in Holy Week. It is a time of repentance and sacrifice in preparation for Easter.
Holi Monday, 3.9.2020
Tradition: Hinduism
A joyous spring Hindu festival that is dedicated to Krishna in some parts of India; in other parts of India, it is dedicated to Kama, the God of Pleasure. People throw colored water or colored powder in celebration.
Purim (Feast of Lots)
Monday, 3.9.2020
Tradition: Judaism
Celebrates the rescue of the Jews of ancient Persia from a plot to destroy them as related in the Book of Esther, which is read at this time. Purim is a joyous holiday, celebrated by wearing of costumes, giving gifts to friends, giving to the poor, and socializing. Preceded by the Fast of Esther, Purim is a day of feasting. Begins at sundown.
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Emory OSRL Enews is published weekly during term by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life covering Atlanta-campus programs. For Oxford College spiritual life, please click here. To submit information or to update your preferences, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.
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