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Walk & Ride 2015

Our Grand Prize winning teams are chosen by using the average number of steps each member has taken. That's each team member's total steps added up, and divided by the number of members on the team.

  • First Place: The Sky Walkers from HDR
    • The Sky Walkers walked an average of 326,702 steps over the 3-week period.
    • Each team member will receive a prize package that includes a $125 gift card to Amazon, gift certificates to Rockville Family Chiropratic, and gift certificates to &pizza!
  • Second Place: Team Walkin' Out from ASHP
    • The members of Team Walkin' Out walked an average of 288,958 steps over the 3-week period.
    • Each team member will receive a prize package that includes a $75 gift card to Amazon and a gift bag from Fitness First!
  • Third Place: Street Accred from ASHP!
    • The members of Street Accred walked an average of 262,570 steps over the 3-week period.
    • Each team member will receive a $50 gift card to Amazon and a gift card from Chipotle!
See your team's placement on the Final Standings list here!
Congratulations to our Top Three Winning Teams!

Walking Challenge Winners
Each week we award a prize to one person who walked between 25,000 and 49,000 steps and one person who walked 50,000 or more steps. Week 3 prizes: for the 25,000+ category, one lucky winner will receive a prize; for the 50,000+ category, a gift card for a brand new Kindle! 
Week 3 Walking Challenge winners, chosen randomly, are....!
  • Walking between 25,000 and 49,999 steps: Jeremy Farris of AOTA Team One.
  • Walking greater than 50,000 steps: Jennifer Tarr of Christopher Walkin.
Congrats Winners!

Please contact Jennifer Zucker at to find out how to collect your prizes. 
BTS is conducting a Post-Event survey to see what we can improve upon for next year. If you participated in the Challenge, please take the Post Event Survey.
The deadline for completing the survey is noon Monday, November 2.
Thanks again for participating!

2015 Annual Commuter Survey
Each year, the Montgomery County Annual Commuter Survey is conducted to help find ways to improve transportation services around the county. 
Company participation is required and organizations are chosen via a county-specific selection process. If you do you not see your company listed in the drop-down menu in the survey, your company was not selected to particiate, therefore you cannot participate in the survey
If your company was selected to participate, you may take the survey and, upon its completion, you will be entered into a drawing for great prizes!
Bethesda Circulator Challenge Winners

For our final Walk & Ride prize challenge, we asked you to grab your friends or teammates and hop on the FREE Bethesda Circulator and take a photo of your group on the bus. We received many creative entries! 
The winners are...!
  • The Active Quads of Dreyfuss Management
  • The Scrambled Legs of ASHP
  • The CDM Originals
  • The CDM Swaggers
Facebook Challenge Winner

Also in the final week of the Walk & Ride Challenge, we asked the participants to "like" us on Facebook and leave us a comment about your Walk & Ride experience. The names of folks entering comments were entered into a random drawing

And the winner of a gift card  is...Dani Greenwald of AJSS!
Bethesda Transportation Solutions
7700 Old Georgetown Road | Bethesda, MD 20814
Telephone: 301.656.0868 |
Bethseda Bethseda Transit

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