Coming Back Safe & Strong

Coming Back Safe and Strong Update
What You Need to Know, When You Need to Know It
This Just In: Update for Students on NYS Vaccine Requirements
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced yesterday (Monday, May 10) that the SUNY and CUNY boards will require proof of vaccination for all students attending in-person classes this fall.
Jim Malatras said, “The State’s new vaccination requirement – contingent on full FDA approval – will be another step in restoring normal campus activity this fall.” See the rest of the SUNY Chancellor’s statement here.
Check out the first link above for more information and to sign up for appointments at State-run facilities, which are currently widely available. You can also walk in, without an appointment, to the Innovation and Discovery Center (IDC), located in the Research and Development (R&D) Park on campus, where we administered our 200,000th vaccine last week.
One more thing to note if you’ve received a first, but not second, vaccine: The federal government has directed pharmacies to offer second doses of vaccines to people who received their first dose elsewhere, in part to facilitate the full vaccination of college students returning home who may have gotten a first dose on their campus. 
Additional guidance from SUNY about how the new student vaccine requirement will be implemented is expected in the weeks to come. We will continue to update you, including details on Stony Brook’s specific vaccine plans in light of the latest developments, as this information becomes available. In the meantime, help us keep our campus safe by getting that shot in the arm.
Employees – Take the Vaccine Survey
Yesterday (May 10) Human Resource Services emailed all employees a Vaccine Survey. If you haven’t already, please take just a minute – literally – to fill in this short survey right here. The information we gather will help us better anticipate your needs and help ensure the safety of our campus community. And it’s completely anonymous.
Which Activities Are Safest Pre- and Post-Vaccines
See the CDC’s guidance for choosing the safest activities to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our local communities.
Research Moves Toward Phase 5
Starting July 2 – just about a year after beginning Phase 4 – Research is enthusiastically poised to move to Phase 5, or near-full in-person laboratory access and activities. Read more about this and other ‘Restarting Research’ and summer research news in the department’s Spring 2021 e-newsletter.
Help Us Welcome New Students
Student Affairs is looking for faculty and staff to help us make our newest Seawolves feel at home here at SBU. If you have a particular skill or interest … want to offer an in-person or virtual workshop on a topic that helps acclimate students to Stony Brook … or would like to lead a fun or social activity … let us know. Find out details on how you can participate in 2021 Welcome Week here.
Have an Idea? Need an Answer?
Visit our continuously updated return to the workplace FAQs on our Coming Back Safe and Strong website, or send your questions to

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