Dear Friend,

It was wonderful to be with you for our final retreat and to know we finished well together. Your testimonies about all the Lord has done in and through this journey mean more than we can say. 

A few members of this community were unable to virtually attend the large group sharing on Tuesday evening and we would like to make that audio recording available to them for a short time so they can hear all that God has done in and through TC16. If you spoke during the large group sharing and would prefer we did NOT include your testimony, please let us know and we will delete it from the recording.

As you enter into you final quarter, here are a few words of encouragement and some important information about how we can stay connected.  

First of all, know that we are praying for you as you continue to reflect on your rule of life/sacred rhythms and listen for how God is inviting you to arrange your life for what you say you really want. Our prayer is that you will be able to "trust in the slow work of God" as you spend this quarter reading, reflecting, and crafting a life-giving way of life in God.

We know endings are hard AND here are some great ways to stay connected...

Join TC18! If you would like to continue in your quarterly retreat rhythm in community with us, we'd be thrilled for you to be a part of TC18Click here to fill out and submit a short application for alumni with no application fee and a $100/month discount!

Attend the Becoming a Transforming Church retreat. Many of you indicated you are planning to attend the Becoming a Transforming Church retreat November 1-3, 2021. There are quantity discounts listed on the website for those of you who are planning to bring your team to our location or to host them virtually. 

Additionaly, there are many other opportunities for you to keep in touch with us and each other. Please take some time to see all that is offered to you through our Alumni Connection page listed below. It's been a wonderful journey with you and I'm hoping we continue!


Alumni Connection

The following can all be found on the Alumni Connection page.

Alumni Directory. Sign up to view and be listed in our directory. The purpose is to help our alumni around the country (and around the world!) connect with each other in their geographical location.

Single Retreat. As an alum, you are always welcome to join us for any single retreat--if you just need a retreat or if there is a topic you would like to revisit. Simply indicate you are an alumnus when you register to recieve the $100 discount.

Spiritual Direction. If you are seeking a spiritual director to meet with regularly, we provide a list of spiritual directors who are TC alumni and have also completed spiritual direction training. Additionally, if you are a trained spiritual director, with at least two year experience providing direction, please consider if you would like to be listed on our page.

Meet a Need in the Community. Join our financial needs list and receive occasional updates on the financial needs of those longing either to be in or stay in a community despite the financial realities they are facing. We have a small group of alumni who like to be made aware of these needs and often find great joy in meeting them!

Gentle Noticing Forms

Thank you to everyone who completed the A Time for Noticing form. If you were not able to complete it while on retreat or if you attended virtually, it is not too late. You can click here to fill out the form within the word document. 

Please note that the form is required if you are working toward the certificate. If you would like to mail it, please send to 400 W Roosevelt Rd, Suite 100, Wheaton, IL 60187.

Community Website

Don't forget to check out your TC16 webpage for important information (past emails, During the Quarter handout, required and recommended reading lists, link to the bookstore and much more). 
Subscribe to our email list.