Board of Visitors Transitions and Thanks
Thanks to these eight members of the Sanford Board of Visitors whose terms ended this summer: John Baker PPS ’85, Alan Bernstein PPS ’86, Michele Farquhar PPS ’79, Anjali Kataria PPS ’93, David Leitch PPS ‘1982; Andy Rosen PPS ’82; Marcelle Rosen B.S. ‘85 and Jim Woldenberg PPS ‘86.
On July 1, Sanford welcomed six new board members: Ginny Badanes A.B. ’03, Husein Cumber A.B. ’97, Caitlin Durkovich PPS ’94, Carl Ghattas A.B. ’90, Tiffany McConnell King PPS ’00, and Tonya Robinson PPS ’92, as well as recent graduate representatives: Vanessa Agudelo PPS ’19, Sierra Smucker AM ’15, PhD ’18, and Jackson Tufts MPP ’19.