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We hope your semester is off to a good start and we wish you the best on your first exams/assignments of the semester. 
If you need a study break, join us at the SOX Game on Wednesday. If you want a study buddy, join our weekly study sessions on Thursdays at the LCC. If you just need a space to study, visit our office in SSB!
We also invite you to join us as we say farewell to our amazing transition coach Sophia Silva. She will be embarking on a new adventure and we want to celebrate her and thank her for her contributions to L@s GANAS. 
As always, the L@S Ganas team is here to help you so also feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
- L@S Ganas Team
Leave Sophia a kind message HERE

Thursday 3-5 at LCC

(snacks provided)

Let us know you are joining us!

Get to know our Student Ambassadors!

 Karina is our most senior veteran ambassador! She is an amazing contribution to our work, and we are so happy to have her as a part of our team! :)

Research Faculty Mentor Spotlight

Learn about the fantastic work L@S Ganas Faculty Mentors are engaged in:
An Integrated Approach to Protein Discovery and Detection From Complex Biofluids by: Laura Sanchez, Joanna Burdette and Stephanie Cologna
New biomarker offers hope for earlier ovarian cancer detection.
Co-authors Laura Sanchez and Joanna Burdette (Photo: Jenny Fontaine)
Learn More HERE

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