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Brendle Group. Engineering Sustainable Change. P 970.207.0058 F 970.207.0059. 212 West Mulberry Street, Fort Collins, CO 80521
Energy Climate Water Sustainability Management Sustainable Design Sustainable Design
The Human Dimensions of Sustainability
The Lens of Social Sustainability
The human and social dimensions of sustainability are critical components of a thriving and sustainable community. Yet, as compared with the environmental and economic dimensions, the human and social elements can be more difficult to define and quantify. In this newsletter we explore various human dimensions of sustainability, including optimism to tackle the world's challenges, diversity to spur innovations, and the linkages between the creative arts and sustainability. We also highlight a Brendle Group project underway in Santa Fe, and share some tools that we find helpful in addressing the human dimensions of sustainability. The social aspects of sustainability are important lenses and ones that Brendle Group considers for all of our projects and business development activities.    
Confidence to Change the World
Have hope that we can foster a sustainable future for the next generations. We have to face our problems head on in order to lay the groundwork for solutions - being optimistic is not a form of denial, but is an ethos that provides the confidence and determination to identify, catalyze, and lead innovations in sustainability. Read More
Diversity Fuels Innovation
In the 20 years that Brendle Group has been in sustainability, we've seen the concept change, evolve, and grow. Sustainability is a complex topic that effects and connects us all. We need all hands on deck with a full range of ideas to tackle these grand challenges. All hands on deck includes embracing cognitive diversity across gender, race, birthplace, background, and beyond. Read More.
Art Weaving Together the Triple Bottom Line
Whether it’s the whimsical Pianos About Town or the adorable Pedestrian Pavers, I  feel inspired by and grateful for the many artists and design teams who bring creativity, innovation, and unique perspectives to projects and places.  Read More
Client Spotlight: City of Santa Fe, New Mexico 
We're very excited about our work supporting the City of Santa Fe as they develop a 25-year Sustainability Plan.
The Sustainable Santa Fe Commission has several working groups to support its development — one of which is dedicated to Social Equity and Community Empowerment. This group is taking a proactive role in engaging with diverse stakeholders, providing recommendations on how to integrate social equity to all the other working groups, and working with Santa Fe Community College to leverage their sustainability efforts in order to ensure the entire community is included in the conversation about what sustainability should look like. 
Learn More about Brendle Group
What is Social Sustainability? 
  • Meeting basic human needs
  • Cohabitation of socially and culturally diverse groups 
  • Improvements in quality of life for all populations 
  • Fair distribution of benefits and burdens of current and future actions 
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Brendle Group
212 West Mulberry Street
Fort Collins, CO 80521

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