March 2, 2020
Galatians 1:22-23
They only heard the report: “The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.”  And they praised God because of me.
New International Version (NIV)
                Not everything is a matter of life and death.  Sometimes our emotions go beyond what is necessary or helpful.  Fight or flight kicks into action in the amygdala of our brains and suddenly we go to war.  You see it in the twittersphere these days.  One person expresses an honest opinion and suddenly they are tweeted to death.  They never had a chance.  But the whole issue about which they wrote wasn’t really a matter of life and death.

                On the other hand, some things are a matter of life and death.  Paul is not being melodramatic when he goes to the mat to defend the gospel itself in this letter to the Galatians.  He begins the letter with a strong testimony to God’s calling in his life.  He tells the Galatians he is “astonished,” that they are deserting the one who called them to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel.  But it isn’t really gospel at all because it isn’t good news. 

                Some have entered the church of the Galatians and beguiled them into believing that their works earn their salvation.  Paul pushes back hard because he is trying to offer them the true gospel which will give them life.  How can he be sure that they can still be transformed by grace?  Because he was transformed by grace.  So he reminds them of his story.  “The man who formerly persecuted is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.”  It reminds me of the church in the Midwest which identified their calling as transforming atheists into missionaries for Christ.  Paul had been destroying Christians and wreaking havoc in the church.  “But God . . .” found Paul on the Damascus road, called him by grace and revealed his Son in him.

                Earlier today I learned a prayer through a friend and co-laborer.  She told of a man who prayed, “Lord, reveal to me what removes me from receiving and returning your love.”  God did that for Paul.  Paul wanted him to do it for the Galatians.  God could do it for us.  Let’s ask him to!

Pray with me:       
Lord, reveal to us what removes us from receiving and returning your love.  Transform us by the good news.  Help us to see and discern what really matters today.  Let us give our hearts completely to you, lest we give them away to an idol.  Love us all the way to life, we pray.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.      
Join us in memorizing the Word.  Scripture for this week:    
Matthew 5:19-20
Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Our 2020 Every Day with Jesus readings will follow the Foundations New Testament reading plan.  Copies of the reading plan are available at Tallowood Baptist Church, or download your copy at REPLICATE.ORG 
We would love for you to join us as we read the New Testament through this year, five chapters a week.  In addition I will continue my long-standing practice of reading one Psalm a day through the year.  Use Robby Gallaty’s H. E. A. R. plan to study each chapter (also found at REPLICATE.ORG). Highlight verses which speak to you, explain what they mean in your own words in a journal, apply them to your own life, then respond by doing what God tells you to do.  

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