November is Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month
November 1, 2023 Meeting
Board Members Present: Chair Kris Howatt, Shawn Farrens, Cathy Keathley, David Ligatich, Blake Petersen, Holly Riegelmann


Gresham-Barlow School District earns national school communications awards

The school board honored the GBSD Communications Team for the awards earned in the National School Public Relations Association’s Publications and Digital Media Excellence Awards. The District received awards for its school bond communications, employee newsletter, social media work, and videography. The GBSD Communications Team is made up of Communications Director Athena Vadnais and administrative assistant Kenya Osorio.

Native American Heritage Month

The school board approved a resolution recognizing November as Native American Heritage Month in the District. The month recognizes the profound contributions Native Americans have made and the advances they continue to make in education, medicine, art, culture, public service and much more.
Read the Resolution

American Education Week

The school board approved a resolution recognizing November 13-17, 2023 as American Education Week in the District. The week focuses on the important role education plays in our country and its future.
Read the Resolution

Superintendent and District Leadership Team Update

Superintendent Hiu expressed his appreciation to GBSD staff members for the work they are doing to support our students and families. Superintendent Hiu visited several schools including REY Academy, Hall Elementary, Powell Valley Elementary, East Orient Elementary Kelly Creek Elementary, and Clear Creek Middle School. Board member David Ligatich joined him on some of the visits. Superintendent Hiu also attended Gresham Rotary and Breakfast Lions Club meetings. He wished all participating in fall sports good luck as the athletic season concludes. 

Director of Student Engagement and Inclusion Dawn Joella Jackson shared information about the District’s “Grow Your Own Program.” The program is aimed at supporting current employees who would like to “grow” into other positions. Please email Ms. Joella Jackson ( for more information.

Board Chair Kris Howatt read a statement regarding the teachers strike in Portland Public Schools which, as a result, has closed schools to students and families. Negotiations are complicated with lots of layers. As an outsider looking in it can be confusing and frustrating at times trying to make sense of it all. We know from distance learning that students’ academics and emotional well-being can suffer when they are not in school with their teachers and classmates. We also know that in the classroom with children is where teachers want to be. Our thoughts are with the entire PPS community and we hope they will come to an agreement as soon as possible so staff can return to providing a positive learning environment for their students.
APPROVED, accepting the donation of a Polaris Ranger, valued at $12,500.00 for the use of the athletic and activity departments of Sam Barlow High School. Donated by the Barlow Bruins football boosters, The Touchdown Club, it will be used for health/safety responses at events, hauling heavy equipment, and monitoring the school campus. 

APPROVED, the acceptance of grant agreement number 33867 for the Child Nutrition Program from the state of Oregon. The Student Success Act Child Nutrition Initiatives were created to provide supplemental state funding to support meals at no charge for more students, and to increase access to those meals across the state. This grant will provide state funding to ensure that the expansion of service of meals at no charge to students is financially feasible and sustainable for schools and districts.

APPROVED, the District’s spend down plan for the excess operating balance in the nutrition services program. The Nutrition Services Department’s ending fund balance grew to $4.4 million during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Based on policy, the Nutrition Services Department should have a reserve in place equal to three months operating expenditures. The District has developed a plan to spend down the excess balance on approved kitchen equipment purchases and infrastructure upgrades.
APPROVED, accepting the Physical Restraint and Seclusion Review for the 2022-23 school year. State law requires the District to annually review, analyze, and make public the number of physical restraints and seclusions.

APPROVED,  bringing  back Policy IGAI-Human Sexuality, AIDS/HIV Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Health Education to the school board policy committee to clarify language.

Citizens' Requests of the Board

Gresham resident Doug Walker representing “Gresham Area Friends of Swimming,” encouraged the school district to reinstate swimming lessons into the elementary school curriculum. 
North Gresham Elementary School physical education (p.e.)  teacher Sarah Miller shared her knowledge and experience with large class sizes in p.e. at the elementary level.  She shared the safety and behavioral concerns and developmental challenges she sees in large elementary p.e. classes.

Information Items

Capital Improvement Projects Update

The school board received a brief update on current capital improvement projects. Projects in process include:

-Sam Barlow High School Pool Renovations

-Gresham and Sam Barlow High School Turf Fields Project

-GBSD School-Based Health Center

-REY Remodel Project

Finance Update as of 9/30/23

The September 2023 report reflects information that is still tentative. The report reflects revenues the district does not expect to receive from students, decreased returns on investments, and other miscellaneous revenue decreases.The State School Fund allocation may be impacted by enrollment as the first period enrollment data is finalized.Consistent with prior years, staff expect to see revenue projections increase and expenditure projections to decrease throughout the year, as a clearer understanding of tax collections and vacancy savings is gained, respectively.
View the Monthly Financial Statement
EPA Round 3-Electric Vehicle Grant Opportunity
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) just opened the Clean School Bus - Rebate Program on September 28, 2023 (Round 3). The District is eligible to be considered for this funding. Applications are due 1/31/23 for this opportunity to secure funding for fleet electrification from the EPA.

Upcoming Meetings

November 15
Board Work Session - 6 pm - Partnership Room - Center for Advanced Learning
December 13 
Regular Board Meeting - 7 pm - Council Chambers - Public Safety and Schools Building

Can't Attend Board Meetings?

GBSD Website: You can watch regular school board meetings LIVE on the the District Website. Look for the link on the homepage in the District News section!

 You can also watch regular school board meetings LIVE on Comcast cable channel 27 and Frontier cable channel 35. MetroEast Community Media replays the board meeting at the following times:

Second Showing-Monday at 7 p.m.
Third Showing-The following Thursday at 4 p.m.

If you live in Damascus-
Board meetings are shown on Willamette Falls TV for patrons in the Damascus area. They are scheduled for cablecast on channel 23 every Saturday at 1 p.m.
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