Week 3: You got this, ponte las pilas!
Week 3: You got this, ponte las pilas!
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We hope you had a good start to your semester and are all settled in for fall 2021. Now that the first two weeks of classes are over we wanted to share some tips for a successful semester!
-L@s GANAS Staff
Taking inspiration from @latinasociologist, we asked our Mentoring Con GANAS Mentors to share Consejos (advice) for our new students.
What is an essential for your backpack/school bag? 
What is your best study tip/s? 
This is what they have to say:
Q1: "A snack, a notebook, a pencil/pen, and bandaids."
Q2: "Do as many practice problems as you can."
. -Dayane Padilla, McG Mentor
Q1: "What is essential for my backpack/school bag is my computer. My computer has been my workspace, personal space and tool have utilized to keep myself organized and informed of what I need to get done on a daily a weekly basis. As a student and regular person I see my computer as an essential competent of my life and something that I would have trouble living without."
Q2: "I strongly suggest that you create flash cards or utilize space repetition strategies like with Anki cards or Quizlet. Also, try to get into the habit of teaching material to yourself and others to help ensure comprehension before an exam/assessment and it might not be a bad idea if you started or joined a study group for a particular class too!"
-Sebas Gonzalo Cortes, McG Mentor
Q1: "My planner is an essential in my backpack! I use my planner to organize which classes I have for that day to write down any random questions I had for a class. It also helps me prepare for any upcoming homework assignments, quizzes, and exams." - McG Mentor
Q2: "Water bottle, charger (phone/laptop), hand sanitizer, $20 cash."- Citlali from Instagram
L@s GANAS team Consejo-
Q1: Always have a granola bar or a snack, in case you get hungry or you have to stay on campus longer than expected. Pick up a snack from our office! 
Q2: Sign-up for our Time Management workshop next week, for more tips!
Want to participate in next week's Community Consejo?
Submit your advice here or follow us on Instagram and share your advice through our stories! 
Thank you for joining us at
"In the Heights Movie Night"
Follow us on social media to find out the latest on L@s GANAS Events!
Meet some of our mentor/mentee pairs from our Mentoring con GANAS program!
Mentor/Mentee pairs meet weekly to discuss their semester and Mentors share tips to help support their mentees as they transition to UIC.
Top Left: Giselle Medina and Elizabeth Rivera
Bottom Left: Dayane Padilla and Omar Loya
Bottom Right: Sebastian Cortes and Monica Padilla 

U & I Emergency Fund 

The U and I Care Fund provides temporary, short-term financial assistance to currently enrolled students who are unable to meet essential expenses due to a temporary or unexpected hardship. This emergency funding program is designed to offer financial assistance to students in the form of one-time awards (typically not exceeding $1000). Please be prepared to show documentation supporting claims. 
Examples of expenses typically covered: overdue rent, eviction, medical emergencies, safety needs. For more information click here
The application can be found here
Talk to your transition coach, advisor, or program coordinator for additional aid opportunities.
Learn about Illinois' new health coverage program for undocumented and low-income seniors here

Apply for the Goldwater Scholarship (STEM)

The Goldwater Scholarship application for 2022 is now open!
You can learn more about the Goldwater Scholarship and soon access applications at their website here: https://goldwater.scholarsapply.org/  
Contact the Office of External Fellowships for assistance with your application!
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