OFFICE of the University Registrar

Alert: Immunization Compliance

North Carolina State Law (General Statutes §130A 152–157) requires all students entering college to present a certificate of immunization that documents that the student has received all immunizations required by law. While your state or country of origin may have different immunization requirements, you must comply with North Carolina laws and Duke requirements.
You are receiving this message because our records indicate you are out of compliance with state and University Immunization requirements.
If you fail to meet the requirements by September 26, 2023, you will be removed from all your classes, and your Duke card will be deactivated.
To comply: 
  • Send your immunization records to, or schedule an appointment with Student Health by calling 919.681.9355 (option 2).
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
To lear more about Immunization Compliance, please visit:

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