New York Times cited research from Genevieve Kanter for a story about FDA approval of artificial intelligence programs.
New York Times quoted Richard Green about the U.S. housing market and why it’s difficult for millennials to buy their first homes.
PBS Newshour interviewed Julie Marsh about school board election results and the increasing politicization of the local races.
NBC News featured Neeraj Sood about how long students should isolate when they contract COVID-19. KFF Health News mentioned a study from Sood estimating how many lives were saved by the COVID-19 vaccination campaign.
CBS News spoke to Paul Ginsburg in a story about the U.S. shortage of primary care doctors.
Newsweek talked to Mindy Romero about a poll showing Gen Z voters supporting presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. LAist quoted Romero in a story about how the post-pandemic economy is affecting Latino families.
Los Angeles Times interviewed Glenn Melnick about MLK Community Hospital in South L.A. facing financial challenges.
Bloomberg quoted Dana Goldman about state caps on insulin prices. Medpage Today published an op-ed from Goldman about how Medicare can help lower obesity drug costs.
ABC 10 in San Diego featured Julie Zissimopoulos about the financial impact of dementia on families.
This represents only a portion of recent USC Price faculty media.